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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I think people have a somewhat rose-tinted recollection of BAE. He is a good FB, but he doesn't get forward nearly enough to provide any width on the left. For the second half of last season he was well below par, which will no doubt have influenced the decision to let him go, but it's also about his attitude IMO. I also think AVB prefers to give Naughton and even Fryers a few games when possible and in our current situation would still have played Vertonghen there in the bigger games.

Whether we're holding out for a new first choice LB or not I don't know, but there's just no way we're going to go for Baines or he will even consider coming here. I'm hoping Baldini has put together a list of up and coming talents for us to pursue in January.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Get used to us looking sluggish for the first 10-15 games of every season then.

Quite possibly.

Arsenal's transfer policy was clearly impacted by them needing to pay off the money they owed on the Emirates. We haven't even got that far.

It's like someone complaining that they cannot afford Caribbean holidays and a sports car whilst saving up for a deposit on a house.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Responses in bold below...

you know what the post i had here was loooong but it was quite frankly filled with needless bickering now...me responding to yours etc.

i am taking a new attutude to this.

if it wasnt obvious that i havent responded to your posts before then thats fine. if you could do me the favour of steering clear..or putting me on the ignore function that would be great.

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Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

you know what the post i had here was loooong but it was quite frankly filled with needless bickering now...me responding to yours etc.

i am taking a new attutude to this.

if it wasnt obvious that i havent responded to your posts before then thats fine. if you could do me the favour of steering clear..or putting me on the ignore function that would be great.


Fair enough.

As ever, it is a great shame it has come to this.

I offer you peace and goodwill in return mate.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own


Given that I am not the biggest fan of Danny Rose, trust me, he ain't MY idea of 'the answer'…THAT would be Leighton Baines!!!!!! And Mulletperm, earlier you would have seen (hopefully) that I also questioned the wisdom of letting BAE go if he wanted pace and delivery...

Baines will end up at United.

Two words… Luke Shaw.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

If we don't even make an attempt to sign Luke Shaw, I'd be very disappointed. He ticks every single damn box possible.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

correct me if im mistaken here Jurgen but i seem to remember being quite surprised at how upbeat and positive you were sounding about AVB/Spurs/and the general vibe about 4 or 5 games back - has it really only taken a few poor results/performances for you to abandon that outlook or was i thinking of someone else?

I was pleased with the results despite the performances, results and the final league position are what count.

People were asking questions when we were winning but not playing well, understandable in a sense. We played really well in the 2nd half on Sunday, but lost so people can't have it both ways. We lost the game, so the questions are fair.

I'm worried and I don't try to hide it. I'm worried that NONE of our new signings are playing consistently well. I mean I know it's early, but we signed 7 players and not one of them has pulled up any trees. I'm concerned about our attacking play in general. Various posters have cited Southampton and Liverpool as teams with new managers that implemented a system which is paying dividends already, they both put teams to the sword in home games. I had similar concerns last season, but we were lucky we had Bale to get us out of trouble time and time again, we don't have a world class player like him anymore.

Now of course last season we got off to a slow ish start but managed to come good in the end. Do I think we can do the same again this season? I'm 50-50 tbh and less confident than I was 3 months ago.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I suspect that it would take a fair bid. SCBC are not short of money and he has a decent amount of Premier League experience for a player of his age.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I was pleased with the results despite the performances, results and the final league position are what count.

People were asking questions when we were winning but not playing well, understandable in a sense. We played really well in the 2nd half on Sunday, but lost so people can't have it both ways. We lost the game, so the questions are fair.

I'm worried and I don't try to hide it. I'm worried that NONE of our new signings are playing consistently well. I mean I know it's early, but we signed 7 players and not one of them has pulled up any trees. I'm concerned about our attacking play in general. Various posters have cited Southampton and Liverpool as teams with new managers that implemented a system which is paying dividends already, they both put teams to the sword in home games. I had similar concerns last season, but we were lucky we had Bale to get us out of trouble time and time again, we don't have a world class player like him anymore.

Both Soton and 'Pool had to endure some pretty shoddy performances and results with their managers - 'Pool a whole season and Soton most of their new manager's time last season. Patience anyone?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Both Soton and 'Pool had to endure some pretty shoddy performances and results with their managers - 'Pool a whole season and Soton most of their new manager's time last season. Patience anyone?

How much longer do we have to wait until AVB becomes a top manager though? Would you accept it if we finished 6th this season despite all the money we've spent? Anyway the point was it's been over a season and we're still dire at home. I said it in another thread, he's a goner if we don't get top 4. I personally think 5th would be decent again this season, provided we keep our best players going into next season and build from there.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

How much longer do we have to wait until AVB becomes a top manager though? Would you accept it if we finished 6th this season despite all the money we've spent? Anyway the point was it's been over a season and we're still dire at home. I said it in another thread, he's a goner if we don't get top 4. I personally think 5th would be decent again this season, provided we keep our best players going into next season and build from there.

do you not think that by signing so many players in one hit that it's effectively like starting over again this summer? it adds to the frustration, i understand that - but can you not see that saying "well we gave him last season to prove his worth but now it's time to start seeing results" doesn't really take in to account the turnover?

id be a lot more demanding if say for example we had kept Bale and added only 2 or 3 players to the squad - in that instance we would be looking to carry on where we left off and could get a better idea of what we have/where we're going. as it stands the team as well as several individuals are looking far from settled - so is now a fair point to be drawing conclusions - do we think this squad/team without really seeing much of Eriksen/Lamela/Chadli or Rose for that matter aren't going to improve once they're all in contention for a starting position?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Agree on that. Eriksen even said playing the VdV role was a change for him, so he is going to take time to get used to things and of our inverted wingers this weekend gone; Townsend has been doing it for less that a year in the top flight (QPR loan) and Gylfi will never be. I accept it will take time but at the same time like all fans the lack of goals is frustrating, we all want to see this team become clinical in front of goal and open teams up, which is why having a better passer of the ball in midfield with Eriksen is a must for me. I worry more about where Lloris and Jan will be next September if we don't push on soon.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

we cant afford luke shaw with southampton right now. this kid isnt a project despite his age, he is ready made and he is local / english...and right now southampton owners are amongst the richest around. they can afford to hold on to him for stupid amounts of money
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

yeah no chance of Shaw

unless the player wanted to move so bad he forced the issue - but then how likely is that to happen atm?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

yeah no chance of Shaw

unless the player wanted to move so bad he forced the issue - but then how likely is that to happen atm?

depends. If he thinks we would be a step up in the summer, then he could quite easily want to move.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

How much longer do we have to wait until AVB becomes a top manager though? Would you accept it if we finished 6th this season despite all the money we've spent? Anyway the point was it's been over a season and we're still dire at home. I said it in another thread, he's a goner if we don't get top 4. I personally think 5th would be decent again this season, provided we keep our best players going into next season and build from there.

agree with this, not that he is a goner though, but i do agree with pretty much everything here.

I get why people have an exit strategy every year for their favourites, but as much as i think he has done a good job overall with out team since he has arrived.....he isnt a favourite of mine. I dont want him sacked cause that would be another transition and losing another good manager unecessarily...but the lack of emotional attachement for me gives me a certain degree of clarity

the fact is that this is a billion pound industry...multi infact.
You had your first year..under the banner of your first year you are given some space to operate without much judgement....very regularly you got bailed out by the local superstar...no problem with that, you played him in a position that he had shown in the past that he was flourishing in.....but you still live under the banner that its your first season and this is why the kinks havent been ironed out

fast forward a year...you have a spent **** load of money on top international players and a youth project....but because you have upgraded your squad sooooo much you reckon you get another pass for a year under the banner of having a new squad.

errrrr.....no. you better start giving back in your second season , a season where you have spend what could well be a record for the amount actually spent on players in one off season..not net spend.....just money spent

its almost like saying that its a bad idea to improve your team cause then you can throw that year in the trash due to chemistry issues

and something else about chemistry issues...the following players were part of this club last season and have played premier league games last season and a currently playing a good amount of games this year in our starting 11


yes we bought a lot of players, but not enough playing time overall to destabilise the work we did last year with our personell i dont think

AVB just need to take more risk during games. commit more players to attacking
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

depends. If he thinks we would be a step up in the summer, then he could quite easily want to move.

but are we? saints look just as solid as us defensively and play better football, could quite easily be top 4 contenders.

if we made CL an dthey didnt then we stand a much better chance