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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Correct me If I'm wrong, a few weeks ago I said it's vital that we keep our best players, but you said you didn't mind if we sold them? This is what happens when you have to rebuild so to speak. Every season is a transitional season at Spurs it seems. Look at Liverpool, keeping Suarez has done much more for them than any of their signings has.

To be fair, KD is right about us not playing the killer ball often enough. No wonder our possession stats are so dominant.

Until we have a 50k plus stadium, I don't think that we have any option but to sell players, if we receive a massively inflated bid.

I don't think this is incompatible with recognising that losing your best players will have an impact on the team or that replacements may take time to settle.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

The physical presence thing is correct though. Watch Lambert for Southampton this weekend just gone, there were many times where they fired it in to him and he won the header or caused the defence some problems. With us, we have to keep it on the deck. Still I see how if we get it right, we will score goals, but definately we need more players around Soldado at times just like with Paulinho and Eriksens point blank chances
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

The physical presence thing is correct though. Watch Lambert for Southampton this weekend just gone, there were many times where they fired it in to him and he won the header or caused the defence some problems. With us, we have to keep it on the deck. Still I see how if we get it right, we will score goals, but definately we need more players around Soldado at times just like with Paulinho and Eriksens point blank chances

We could really do with Ade upfront. He's the only forward who has a chance of working in the current system and our attacking play would benefit from having him
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

We could really do with Ade upfront. He's the only forward who has a chance of working in the current system and our attacking play would benefit from having him

The thing with our current system is there is a lack of through balls being played. If Ade was in the team he'd run the channels and there would be no-one in the box to get on the end of a cross. Unless the current system was changed and players rotated in to take the space Ade vacated to get the ball. And given how long it is taking this side to adapt to our new tactics would take even more time.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

The thing with our current system is there is a lack of through balls being played. If Ade was in the team he'd run the channels and there would be no-one in the box to get on the end of a cross. Unless the current system was changed and players rotated in to take the space Ade vacated to get the ball. And given how long it is taking this side to adapt to our new tactics would take even more time.

I think the current system may start to look like it did for the first half of the second half. Soldado had way more support and we worked Krul more. I worry more because other than Soldado and Sig I don't see many in our team chipping in with more than 10 league goals which is frightening and also why I advocate Sig as part of the midfield 3.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I think the stubbornness of AVB gets massively overstated. He had that reputation after his Chelsea days, imo largely a media created reputation. He's been willing to try quite a few different formations and players at Spurs. He' so stubborn about his high line, we'll concede loads. We'll never play two strikers. We'll always play a 4-3-3. These things haven't been true, but his reputation remains.

I also don't quite get the idea that we only commit men forward "when we see an opening". Doesn't seem like the case for me at all and I don't quite get how this criticism is aimed at him at the same time as the high line criticism? Isn't part of the high line criticism that we're compressing teams too much in their third, surely we're doing this by committing men forward?

I'm also not convinced that the slow paced football is by choice and design.

People mistake stubbornness for relative inexperience IMHO…he is a young manager. If we measure how much MORE flexible he has become since he was thrust unceremoniously in (and out!) of Chelski, I think we can clearly see that he is also developing in terms of everything, from man-management to tactical flexibility…if there's any criticism I could level at him right now it is that he needs to place a little more trust in the players. Some of them seem on edge, and some of them seem like they're trying as hard not to make mistakes as they are to play expressively. That, too, will come IMO…

But there is no doubt he is a manager who works with safety first and take caution over cavellier…it is my opinion that in time, he will develop into an excellent manager for us if given the time.

p.s. I still further believe people need to recognize the following with him

a) he lost Modric and Bale in successive seasons, two players who carried our team

b) he never got moutinho or willian in successive seasons, each of which were very important, integral ingredients for him

He never complains about it incidentally. That's me LOL! ;-)
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

i really hate excuses. call a spade a spade for once

we arent attacking well and its alot more than to do with losing one major piece. especially when we bought a squad thats really good

i'm still waiting for someone to tell me how long we give lamela. its as big a question as the location of Jimmy Hoffa

No, NOT excuses…reasons. But I suppose it comes down to what you want from a situation eh?

As for Lamela, stop looking at the price tag and expecting instant results. It doesn't always happen that way. the question is, have YOU seen enough to believe the boy will come good/is coming good? I personally believe he is ready but that's just me.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I didn't say we only commit men forward "when we see an opening", i'm saying we'll only try a dangerous penetrative 'killer' pass if there's a clear opening otherwise we'll keep possession and pass it around for a while until that opportunity arises.

Yes, it's an issue but one I think this rest solely on issues of confidence and (in some case) speed of movement. The amount of times Soldado is ready for an early killer pass only to have to check his run is frustrating. We also need to have Rose/a full-back with pace at LB…inverted wingers can only work properly with both full-backs bombing on. I mean, if you have that, then suddenly Soldado has massive support!
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

One of my main gripes from the Saudi Sportswashing Machine game was the fact that AVB didn't switch Towsend to the left, especially after Saudi Sportswashing Machine's two right sided players were on yellow cards to put them under pressure.

Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Until we have a 50k plus stadium, I don't think that we have any option but to sell players, if we receive a massively inflated bid.

I don't think this is incompatible with recognising that losing your best players will have an impact on the team or that replacements may take time to settle.

Get used to us looking sluggish for the first 10-15 games of every season then.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

correct me if im mistaken here Jurgen but i seem to remember being quite surprised at how upbeat and positive you were sounding about AVB/Spurs/and the general vibe about 4 or 5 games back - has it really only taken a few poor results/performances for you to abandon that outlook or was i thinking of someone else?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Yes, it's an issue but one I think this rest solely on issues of confidence and (in some case) speed of movement. The amount of times Soldado is ready for an early killer pass only to have to check his run is frustrating. We also need to have Rose/a full-back with pace at LB…inverted wingers can only work properly with both full-backs bombing on. I mean, if you have that, then suddenly Soldado has massive support!

But surely Steff that is an area that should have been looked at when we had all of this money from Bale? It's clear that by letting BAE go that we were going to be extremely short at LB in terms of cover.

If an ideal player couldn't be identified, then don't let BAE out. Simple.

That is a huge ****-up in my opinion.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

No, NOT excuses…reasons. But I suppose it comes down to what you want from a situation eh?

As for Lamela, stop looking at the price tag and expecting instant results. It doesn't always happen that way.

the question is, have YOU seen enough to believe the boy will come good/is coming good? I personally believe he is ready but that's just me.

explain yourself with this please
"No, NOT excuses…reasons. But I suppose it comes down to what you want from a situation eh?"

the price tag is not a problem for me from the boys perspective, but more a a club issue as to the reasons for the purchase at that price and what the development curve is..was supposed to be

to answer your question, i knew the kid would come good from the first game. shock bloody horror isnt it??!!! but people like you and NAIJA dont actually read or remember anything. what i havent seen yet is enough that he will come amazing beyond comparison/out of this world or world class.

thank you for answering the question, i can put you down in the camp of he is ready NOW. no more time to give him with 'reasons' for bad peroformances

we're running out of time for solly to get those 20 league goals arent we. what was the wager?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

But surely Steff that is an area that should have been looked at when we had all of this money from Bale? It's clear that by letting BAE go that we were going to be extremely short at LB in terms of cover.

If an ideal player couldn't be identified, then don't let BAE out. Simple.

That is a huge ****-up in my opinion.

pace at full back isnt the issue. it helps but it isnt the problem

are people really tying to convince you that danny rose is the key to success? or even walker?

inverted wiingers works even with average pace as long as people take up positions quickly
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

pace at full back isnt the issue. it helps but it isnt the problem

are people really tying to convince you that danny rose is the key to success? or even walker?

inverted wiingers works even with average pace as long as people take up positions quickly

Nope. It's more a response to the people claiming that is the key to success. So if it is critical to AVB's plans, then letting BAE go etc etc makes no sense.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own


Given that I am not the biggest fan of Danny Rose, trust me, he ain't MY idea of 'the answer'…THAT would be Leighton Baines!!!!!! And Mulletperm, earlier you would have seen (hopefully) that I also questioned the wisdom of letting BAE go if he wanted pace and delivery...
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Responses in bold below...

explain yourself with this please
"No, NOT excuses…reasons. But I suppose it comes down to what you want from a situation eh?"

OK. It appears to me, such is the 'style' of your posting these days, that you bring old agendas to current situations. And that as such, Lamela is a player you feel is getting much more of chance than others you feel were slighted.

the price tag is not a problem for me from the boys perspective, but more a a club issue as to the reasons for the purchase at that price and what the development curve is..was supposed to be

Well in that case I'd suggest opening your eyes and seeing the evidence week in, week out. He was bought for the future, the boy's 21 years old and I suspect that the hope was he would be ready for regular selection by Christmas. The reasons for purchase 'at that price'? Because, err, that was the price and we wanted him?!

to answer your question, i knew the kid would come good from the first game. shock bloody horror isnt it??!!! but people like you and NAIJA dont actually read or remember anything. what i havent seen yet is enough that he will come amazing beyond comparison/out of this world or world class.

Don't remember ANYTHING? Nah, that's you. Often actually. But anyway…I'll remember the last half of your comment one year from now. Here's my prediction; in one year's time the boy will be a major major talent. You'll get an admission from me if he isn't. One year's time. Check back. I know you will, you couldn't pass up the chance ;)

thank you for answering the question, i can put you down in the camp of he is ready NOW. no more time to give him with 'reasons' for bad performances

I don't care what camp you want to put me down in. Have fun. I would personally start including the lad for some games, absolutely, but I would be selective and judicious about WHERE and WHEN for the next two to three months, again expecting that he'd be ready to take over around Xmas/New Year. But here's the thing. I am NOT the manager/coaching staff and I do NOT have all the information. I choose to trust those men to get it right. But I do think he was a great signing and will prove to be one. No more 'time' for 'reasons for bad performances' yeah mate, you really sound like someone who believes in him!

we're running out of time for solly to get those 20 league goals arent we. what was the wager?

I don't remember the wager. I also don't remember how many goals or whether it was specific to league or wherever. I will say I absolutely stand by him to hit 25 goals in all competitions this season despite the service to him having been (largely) ****-poor, there again, i'm sure you've saved all the wagers somewhere, you know, in that notebook where you keep records of all the things like this that are said by people you like to disagree with so as you can return later…good times…I mean, which would you rather; Soldado get the goals or you be vindicated for not 'believing he was worth it'?!!!
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

People mistake stubbornness for relative inexperience IMHO…he is a young manager. If we measure how much MORE flexible he has become since he was thrust unceremoniously in (and out!) of Chelski, I think we can clearly see that he is also developing in terms of everything, from man-management to tactical flexibility…if there's any criticism I could level at him right now it is that he needs to place a little more trust in the players. Some of them seem on edge, and some of them seem like they're trying as hard not to make mistakes as they are to play expressively. That, too, will come IMO…

But there is no doubt he is a manager who works with safety first and take caution over cavellier…it is my opinion that in time, he will develop into an excellent manager for us if given the time.

p.s. I still further believe people need to recognize the following with him

a) he lost Modric and Bale in successive seasons, two players who carried our team

b) he never got moutinho or willian in successive seasons, each of which were very important, integral ingredients for him

He never complains about it incidentally. That's me LOL! ;-)

he is young and inexperienced and I accept that

however, how do you think he has handled the Lloris issue. Not so much what happened at Goodison park, but the aftermath. The questioning of Lukaku, the attack on medical specialists who rightly voiced concerns in the media. Even on Sunday he was asked about having to leave Lloris out and he was ultra defensive about the whole situation and there seemed to be some kind of tension between him and the medical department.

can he handle criticism, how does he respond when his actions are questioned?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own


Given that I am not the biggest fan of Danny Rose, trust me, he ain't MY idea of 'the answer'…THAT would be Leighton Baines!!!!!! And Mulletperm, earlier you would have seen (hopefully) that I also questioned the wisdom of letting BAE go if he wanted pace and delivery...

Steff, my comments aren't a judgement of you mate. They're a judgement of the decision to let the LB position go unresolved.