I would need a little more proof that what you say is the case. Have there been court cases in the UK and EU?
Make no mistake, there are a lot of tossers out there who love private companies as platforms for communications, etc, until said-private company decides it doesn't want to host THEIR messages. Then these idiots bleat on about "freedom of speech" like they actually understand what that really means.
You and I have the right to call each other various names, but ultimately -whether I like it or not- you have the right to boot me from here because this is your site. It is -whether I like it or not- not a "state protected platform." If we were to call each other something, perhaps slander comes into play, but beyond that, this is your house.
Trump was in Dorsey's house, Bezoses house, Cook's house, etc. The fact they kicked the rude guest out too late is not part of the main equation. Those are their houses and they can invite/kick out who they want as private buildings!