Barry Daines
On this site we have many calling for allowing fans to return without any thought of the logistic of such action and the risks, just for a sporting pastime. Many people complaining about their kids education were more concerned with get them off their hands and the bloody stupidity of allowing pubs to open to appease the feckless is beyond belief and that's the opinion of a dedicated boozer.
I am slightly myth-ed on here with alot of the flip flopping on this, I use it as an example all the time.
People that are righteous about Covid and lockdowns are on the game thread and football threads championing a return to stadiums, ignoring outbreaks of Covid in squads and players breaking bubbles and then on the Covid thread, its all lockdown. I dont see how you can be so conflicted about it to that level personally. Surely if your telling me all people from all walks of life of all ages are dying of covid you dont want to risk infections in the game? its odd. Conversely I see more people talking about the pub opening times than how they can get to and from work safely and keep their its clear what charges people up