Can't quite believe that Fox sacked this nut bag. Cause well, they are full of them.
Saying the quiet part out loud again.Donald Trump on Monday offered insight into why Republican lawmakers opposed a Democratic proposal in the coronavirus relief package that would've allowed states to shift their 2020 elections to all-mail ballots.
"If you look at before and after, the things they had in [the bill] were crazy," Trump told "Fox & Friends" on Monday morning. "They had things, levels of voting that if you ever agreed to it you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again."
When people refer to race constantly in discussion, when they promote inter racial hate, I will call out the clams for what they are. This maggot has long running form.
I don't think there are any quiet parts anymore. They are just doing everything in the open now and they don't care who knows.Saying the quiet part out loud again.
Between the Spring Break partygoers and the Church fanatics, I believe that nothing short of thoughts & prayers can save Florida from a biblical death toll.I don't think there are any quiet parts anymore. They are just doing everything in the open now and they don't care who knows.
I saw projections of 100-250k dead in the US. Absolutely horrific. And who knows (WHO doesn't know actuallyBetween the Spring Break partygoers and the Church fanatics, I believe that nothing short of thoughts & prayers can save Florida from a biblical death toll.
Present your evidence... If need be, ask the mod Steffy to help you out..
Err white flight and the great replacement, as someone else has already pointed out. You also love the conspiracy theories, which is another feature of extreme right wing belief. I'm intrigued by possible reasons for being attracted to extreme right wing ideology. There has been some speculation that there is a link between it and social inadequacy. So what was your back story Wiziwig? Were you bullied at school? Perform poorly academically? Had difficulty in forming relationships with women? A chronic bed wetter? Or a combination of all of the above that drove you into the arms of the far right? Maybe it is that you are addicted to dress up and marching bands.
Randomly I watched this conference live last night.
That's not evidence , that's your opinions of me ....Show me my posts....