What did I say about he right wing nut jobs? The world's economy is going to be in serious trouble, but you want to de couple from the biggest economy on the planet. Your aversion to communism isn't a motivator though is it? How about you crawl back under that rock, there you go, be a good boy.
You clearly hate your own people and that's why you open border Globalist Leftist's are at last being rejected at the ballot box ...
You continuously lose and you're in denial or clueless as to why ...Either way, a bit thick really...
No, I just hate Nazis, such as yourself. My grandfather spent the whole of 1940 - 1945 putting bullets into fascists like you. fudge off back under that rock!
We should really call it the CCP virus... We had all this regarding Sars nearly 20 years ago... These Chinese Wet Markets need to be banned but the CCP won't do it ...I think it's time all nations look at decoupling their economic ties with China until this is done.
Is HIV a Congolese virus?
We should really call it the CCP virus... We had all this regarding Sars nearly 20 years ago... These Chinese Wet Markets need to be banned but the CCP won't do it ...I think it's time all nations look at decoupling their economic ties with China until this is done.
No, I just hate Nazis, such as yourself. My grandfather spent the whole of 1940 - 1945 putting bullets into fascists like you. fudge off back under that rock!
I'm not sure how viable or desirable that specific course of action is, but I certainly agree with your more general sentiment that China need calling out on this. Trump'll get no criticism from me for doing that, especially for as long as no one else is doing it.
I agree about the wet markets. But can bet the would be an underground trade in it out there.
I'm conflicted on China. They managed to reset my Parkinson's by a few years but they also just gave me the flu that nearly killed me.
A funny country.
I agree we cannot just tear it all up and have no dealings with them, but like the USA under Trump, I can foresee many democratic nations having to re-evaluate their economic ties with China..
Putting on my tin foil hat... Maybe the CCP hatched a plan to knobble the US economy in the hope they wouldn't have to endure another 4 years of Trump ...An agreeable Democrat in the White House being their preferred choice...
CCP / Democrat Party collusion... I'm just Putin it out there
I'm sure your wife was delighted to hear you say that.Said exactly the same thing myself to the wife earlier. Would not be the first time someone has burned down their own house knowing they would be in a stronger position moving forward.
I'm sure your wife was delighted to hear you say that.
You’re a Communist after all, they do have a thing for genocide.
You come running to the defense of the Chinese Communist Party , a regime that locks people up into re-education camps for wrong think . A regime that silenced its Wuhan doctors for daring to release warnings of the virus when in its infancy. A regime that sent in its Special Forces to whisk away Hong Kong protest leaders. A regime that does not tolerate freedom of thought ..A regime that is running an Orwellian social credit policy to silence all dissent …A regime that has been responsible for millions of deaths of its own people, due to failed policies that caused famine.. Said regime is responsible for the global pandemic and yet you come rushing to it’s defense and want to have a pop at me for daring to say we should re-evaluate our dealings with it until they change their ways with regards to Wet Markets!
You think, that after this pandemic has run its course and killed GHod knows how many people around the globe, never mind the misery it has and will cause, we should all just go back to business as usual with the CCP like nothing has happened.
You're an idiot...
<Insert tired old Sixth Sense meme with dead people replaced by fascists>I am proud of that award, as fascists need to be called out. Give me as many as you like. No I take that back, all this Godwin's nonsense trivializes the fact that these creeps are making a come back!