Cecil Poynton
Randomly I watched this conference live last night.
It was actually unbelievable. It was meant to be his Covid19 update briefing.
He barely mentioned it! Instead he bought in some military experts and spent an hour talking about drugs coming in from Mexico, how he was effectively starting a war on the cartels, and what a devastating impact these ‘bad men’ were having on the US people! (Distraction klaxon goes off!)
He repeatedly had the gall / lack of self awareness to talk about all the deaths these “bad drugs” caused to poor US families. Without even touching on the killer virus running unchecked through the population right now, doing exactly what these bad drugs’ are allegedly doing, but in far greater numbers!
Him and his military pals spent a lot of time ‘taking this opportunity to thank’ each other and ‘congratulate each other on the great great work, really great work’ that they had apparently done.
He spent the entire time swerving coronavirus altogether, and incredibly the media seemed to lap it up and barely touched their questions onto Covid.
Americans must be thick as pig brick if they lap this crap up and don’t see he’s inventing a war to distract them and start his next election campaign.
Didn't CNN refuse to air Trump's press conference the other day, instead starting the broadcast when Anthony Fauci took the stage? I can't believe they haven't denied him air time before, because from what I've seen of Trump's press conferences they're mostly pointless - he's just rambling about issues completely irrelevant to whatever topic he's supposed to talk about in the first place.