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American politics

In truth, there is no comparison on left or right when it comes to ignorance. There is no shortage of stupidity no matter what side you're on. However, Globalist Liberal/Leftists are something else.

I think it's all to easily forgotten that there was only a choice between Trump and Clinton. The choice as always, was manipulated. However, I think the best option was to go with Trump rather than four more years of Democrat rule.

The national debt had doubled in the eight years under Obama, from $10,000,000,000,000 to $20,000,000,000,000...These numbers are not billions but trillions!

The policy of ever expanding big government to deal with it's own messes had to be stopped in it's tracks.

To much Democrat hogwash, creating their welfare plantations. Telling people that they're not worthy of a future but not to worry, the good old Democrat Party will look after them with the tax monies of the hard working.

Capitol Hill socialising Wall Streets losses, whilst increasing food stamps and other welfare benefits for the poorer people. Aided by the complicity of the main streeeam news outlets and their "expert contributors," keeping the dumbing down of the masses policy running at optimum levels.

The hard working 20's and 30's , are working harder but making no financial improvement in their lives, faced with education debts, living at home with their parents.

Obama's "Change" right?

And what of academia.

A voice speaks out offering a different way, and it's immediately branded racist, anti semitic, islamophobic, homophobic, anti woman and just about any other slur imagined.

The education system has been taken over by cultural marxists hell bent on pushing their agenda, turning their pupils into entitlement cultists.

It's so sad that the current generation of young people were allowed to grow up in a world where the globalist control every word they hear in the schools. They control the music industry. They control Hollywood. They control the mainstream news networks. They control TV. They control the radio. They control the politicians. This is why nearly every college age kid in the UK, USA and in the EU is utterly devoted to furthering the globalist agenda. To see so many kids so utterly and fanatically driven to further the establishment agenda, you'd have to look back all the way to the Hitler Youth to find an accurate parallel.

The only hope for future generations is for us to continue the good fight against Globalism and slowly claw back control of the media outlets and educational establishments so that maybe, just maybe, the 10 year olds of today can grow up in a West free from Leftist political brainwashing.

Why haven't you given a URL link to show where you copied and pasted that from?
Because they're Muslims.

If we accept (and I think I've established it on various threads fairly clearly here) that Islam = bad, then reducing the number of people immigrating from countries that are majority Muslims will reduce the number of muslamic infidels in the US. Reduce the number, reduce the spread, reduce the chance of nutjobs. All the better for the US.

Good tactical trolling. Keep it up:)
Sorry if this has been asked before, but are there any political/financial/corporate links between Bannon, Pence and some of those ol' Neocons from the turn of the century such as dingdong Cheney, Donald Bumsfelt, Kristol, The Bushes etc?
In truth, there is no comparison on left or right when it comes to ignorance. There is no shortage of stupidity no matter what side you're on. However, Globalist Liberal/Leftists are something else.

I think it's all to easily forgotten that there was only a choice between Trump and Clinton. The choice as always, was manipulated. However, I think the best option was to go with Trump rather than four more years of Democrat rule.

The national debt had doubled in the eight years under Obama, from $10,000,000,000,000 to $20,000,000,000,000...These numbers are not billions but trillions!

The policy of ever expanding big government to deal with it's own messes had to be stopped in it's tracks.

To much Democrat hogwash, creating their welfare plantations. Telling people that they're not worthy of a future but not to worry, the good old Democrat Party will look after them with the tax monies of the hard working.

Capitol Hill socialising Wall Streets losses, whilst increasing food stamps and other welfare benefits for the poorer people. Aided by the complicity of the main streeeam news outlets and their "expert contributors," keeping the dumbing down of the masses policy running at optimum levels.

The hard working 20's and 30's , are working harder but making no financial improvement in their lives, faced with education debts, living at home with their parents.

Obama's "Change" right?

And what of academia.

A voice speaks out offering a different way, and it's immediately branded racist, anti semitic, islamophobic, homophobic, anti woman and just about any other slur imagined.

The education system has been taken over by cultural marxists hell bent on pushing their agenda, turning their pupils into entitlement cultists.

It's so sad that the current generation of young people were allowed to grow up in a world where the globalist control every word they hear in the schools. They control the music industry. They control Hollywood. They control the mainstream news networks. They control TV. They control the radio. They control the politicians. This is why nearly every college age kid in the UK, USA and in the EU is utterly devoted to furthering the globalist agenda. To see so many kids so utterly and fanatically driven to further the establishment agenda, you'd have to look back all the way to the Hitler Youth to find an accurate parallel.

The only hope for future generations is for us to continue the good fight against Globalism and slowly claw back control of the media outlets and educational establishments so that maybe, just maybe, the 10 year olds of today can grow up in a West free from Leftist political brainwashing.

You tell me the republicans are better for the US economy.

But how about looking at some more facts. How about the national deficit or surplus? What happened the last time a republican took over? Clinton had the US running a surplus, Bush managed to turn that into solid deficits year in year out. Obama took over that, and the two wars and a world wide economic depression. And yet he managed to turn record breaking deficits in 2009 into deficits smaller than some of the Bush jr. deficits by the end of his term. Source: http://www.davemanuel.com/history-of-deficits-and-surpluses-in-the-united-states.php

You talk about the cost of food stamps and welfare benefits. But what are the socioeconomic consequences of not having a safety net? Of having children grow up in poverty and without opportunity? What's the long term cost in terms of crime, incarceration, drug culture etc. The republican tough on the poor to make them pull themselves up by their bootstraps philosophy has failed the poor and societies year after year.

Trump will continue helping the 1% gain more at the expense of the middle class and poor American imo. What was needed was more socialism (Sanders), not the polar opposite. Clinton was always a mediocre option, but that doesn't make Trump a good option.
What in that post don't you agree with?

Oh this sounds like fun; ok i'll humour you.

The part stating "Islam = Bad"...almost as though no other religions cause strife (wont even mention Christendom and it's warfare tactics to capture America in the first place or the crazy Christianity-related wars in Europe, such as Northern Ireland).
Like others have said: do you think the USA should ban immigrants from Catholic countries seeing the Terrorist outrages caused by the likes of the IRA and ETA?
Oh this sounds like fun; ok i'll humour you.

The part stating "Islam = Bad"...almost as though no other religions cause strife (wont even mention Christendom and it's warfare tactics to capture America in the first place or the crazy Christianity-related wars in Europe, such as Northern Ireland).
Did I say other religions weren't bad?

Like others have said: do you think the USA should ban immigrants from Catholic countries seeing the Terrorist outrages caused by the likes of the IRA and ETA?
Yes I do.

They've got to start somewhere, so it makes sense to start with the religions least compatible with the modern world and go from there.

I'd start with Islam as the clear leader of that group. I'd probably follow it up with Catholicism.
Did I say other religions weren't bad?

Yes I do.

They've got to start somewhere, so it makes sense to start with the religions least compatible with the modern world and go from there.

I'd start with Islam as the clear leader of that group. I'd probably follow it up with Catholicism.

Hmm, so it was a general anti-religious rant; ok some consistency at least (though interesting that you think Christianity is 'more compatible with the modern world', which i find totally HILARIOUS!)

But can i ask:
1) would you then start forcibly repatriating those already in the country who don't renounce their religion?
2) would you also institute a ban on immigrants who state their religion is Judaism?
Psssst guys, I reckon wiziwig is a fan of Trump... just a hunch.

Just contributing to help make the thread more honest :)

And no, not a fan of the Trump but I recognised him as the lesser of two evils. Am I to assume that you and most of the others here are Hillary Clinton fans?

Also the body count attributed to the Clintons. There's the murder of Seth Rich, that all bothers me and just a hunch but I don't think it were the Russians that did it.
Ever considered the possibility that Bannon is behind paid agitators? You know, so as people think it is , err, 'leftist fascism'? And before you start requesting I wear a tin-hat, look at the modern history of regime change in Central America and the Middle East...

Yes I have considered that. A a ploy used from the earliest times by those that rule.

But the militancy amongst students has been ongoing long before Steve Bannon. Saul Alinsky's book, "Rules For Radicals" is the Bible for many a Leftist on Campus.

May I ask if you've watched the videos I posted, Yvette Felarca , the student leader?

And where did that start? Which leaders are responsible for it? Go on. I dare you. Or can you not say their names? Blaming Obama for everything is absolutely laughable, laughable, because it is so utterly wrong (I am not, BTW, particularly a fan - he was OK).

As for the line in bold above, do you know why he is immediately branded that way? Because every single thing he says appears to embrace one of those angles of thought and then some. Seriously. Look back. Hell look at today's comments, whatever they are.

Finally, here's a thought. You complain about 'globalism' yet tell me, are you prepared to spend a fiver more per t-shirt, a grand or two more per car if British made and developed? Do you shop at local shops or do it all at supermarkets? Newsagents or Smiths? Will you pay more for your services and ensure a higher working wage for the average person? The problem with people who bang on about 'globalism' is that they are usually not willing to spend a penny more to support local goods!!!!

Economically, I think the 28th President Woodrow Wilson's hand over of the money supply in 1913, from government and local state banking, to the international bankers was probably the beginning of where America lost it. The Federal Reserve is anything but Federal, but an International Banking organization.

The International Private Banker creates the boom and bust cycles for their profit. The International Banker that controls the money supply can devalue the currency by introducing Fiat Money out of thin air into the system, thus devaluing the savings of hard working citizens. Fiat money is not commodity based therefore it can be forever used to enslave you and me, and put future generations into debt slavery.

I did not lay all the blame on Obama, I merely stated that a win for the Democrats and Clinton, IMO would see a continuation of his failed policies, failed policies that has seen the national debt double in the past eight years.

Regarding the bolded bit and your reply. Again you misunderstood me. It was not about Trump or any other individual for that matter. It were about, we the people and the indoctrination we are bombarded with through academia and the ownership of the media by the few. How the Leftists and 'Centrist' parties and our peers, have been marginalising and shutting down with slurs those who voice an opinion contrary to theirs. Just look at this thread and you will find examples of this.

Sad but true, but most of today's "liberals" and "leftists" see imaginary fascism everywhere but in the mirror.

On your final point regarding globalism - my position is not to be anti trade with nations. But I'm uneasy about the brand of globalisation that allows corporatism to fudge over in the courts, the governments of weaker nations. We want democracy to flourish in the smaller nations and their economies to grow but if for example, a democratically elected party is put into power by the people on a mandate to halt the mining of its land due to peoples's concerns over the environment, it should be allowed to do so. Contracts between Multi-nationals and a nation, that guarantees a minimum set amount of profit, invariably means the taxpayers of a nation will pick up the shortfall tab. We're going in the same direction the international bankers have taken us, where corporations see themselves as to big to fail and are seeking guaranteed bailouts if need be.

A couple of links below may help in my explanation of my concerns.



On the home front, there are many downsides to globalisation. One downside, is the housing market. I live in Britain so I want a housing market for the British people. Cash money from Asia and EU citizens has been a contributing factor in overheating the market, pricing out affordable housing for our younger people. I don't like that.

If you want to measure the pros and cons of globalisation by what's on the price tag that's up to you. But IMO we should look beyond that. You mention t-shirts, well I know a clothing manufacturer who's personal worth is in the millions. Around 12 years ago he closed down his manufacturing base in East London and shifted it all out to Eastern Europe, at half the cost. He, along with three others now run things from a small North London office. As Trump would say, "clever man for taking advantage. "

Meanwhile the 45 employees that were with the company in 2005, are packed off, surplus to requirement. Some were lucky enough with a small redundancy package, enough for them to get by for a few months. Many of them have no other work skills and the textile jobs are simply not here anymore. They are left to compete for unskilled jobs with unskilled workers from Europe in an ever enlarging unskilled labour market. Yeah, they've gotta love this globalisation , free movement of the unskilled nonsense - they can thank the EU for that one. Also, many of them would've probably have had to claim unemployed benefits or top ups - by the way, that's tax payers money.

To conclude, the shop price tag is not the principal factor when determining the pros and cons. There's the social cost, the financial cost to the tax payer, the gonads we have to listen to from politicians and leading trades unionists claiming to represent the working people of this country.
Did I say other religions weren't bad?

Yes I do.

They've got to start somewhere, so it makes sense to start with the religions least compatible with the modern world and go from there.

I'd start with Islam as the clear leader of that group. I'd probably follow it up with Catholicism.
Well that would sort the Mexican problem out.
Hmm, so it was a general anti-religious rant; ok some consistency at least (though interesting that you think Christianity is 'more compatible with the modern world', which i find totally HILARIOUS!)
It really is by far the most dangerous religion (currently).

It's explained far better in this interview than I ever could:

But can i ask:
1) would you then start forcibly repatriating those already in the country who don't renounce their religion?
I think countries that already have Godtards as citizens are stuck with having to use education.

2) would you also institute a ban on immigrants who state their religion is Judaism?
I would, but they'd be way down the list.
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You tell me the republicans are better for the US economy.

But how about looking at some more facts. How about the national deficit or surplus? What happened the last time a republican took over? Clinton had the US running a surplus, Bush managed to turn that into solid deficits year in year out. Obama took over that, and the two wars and a world wide economic depression. And yet he managed to turn record breaking deficits in 2009 into deficits smaller than some of the Bush jr. deficits by the end of his term. Source: http://www.davemanuel.com/history-of-deficits-and-surpluses-in-the-united-states.php

You talk about the cost of food stamps and welfare benefits. But what are the socioeconomic consequences of not having a safety net? Of having children grow up in poverty and without opportunity? What's the long term cost in terms of crime, incarceration, drug culture etc. The republican tough on the poor to make them pull themselves up by their bootstraps philosophy has failed the poor and societies year after year.

Trump will continue helping the 1% gain more at the expense of the middle class and poor American imo. What was needed was more socialism (Sanders), not the polar opposite. Clinton was always a mediocre option, but that doesn't make Trump a good option.

I don't see Trump and Bannon for that matter as Republicans. They're the nearest to independents that I have seen in my lifetime and is perhaps one of the reasons the Republicans under Trump, gained more votes from minorities than any previous Republicans have ever done since the sixties.

In the nineties, Bill Clinton oversaw, the richest top 10%, increase their wealth by a near 70% whilst at the lower end of the earnings scale, the lower earners fell behind as their increases were nearer the 20% mark... All good we think, but that masks the truth of the successes of the 90's under Clinton as the personal debt boom that had started in the mid eighties went hyper and didn't peak until 2001, to around 95% of GDP.. Since the financial crash in 2008 household debt has fallen but it's still around 80% of GDP.

The deficit being cut is fine but it's the national debt that is the biggie. The deficit has slowly been chipped away but it has also been accompanied by a welfare increases to a near 5% of GDP.

Regarding the Safety net..I'm not advocating its removal. But I do feel that under the Democrats, welfare has been used as a tool to keep the people on their side. Why job create through tax cuts, govt initiatives and get to uplift people, only to see them then vote in the other side?

The 1% you talk of, currently contribute a near 45% of the federal taxes raised by the IRS. The top 20% earners are paying a staggering 85% of the federal taxes.

Maybe I've got it wrong, I'm not 100% on this, but I believe there's also a state tax that is paid, maybe there's an american or someone who resides over the pond, that can help us on this, @thfcsteff maybe?

Another fact that can't be left out is that there are some 45% of americans of working age, not making any contributions whatsoever due to no income or small earnings. This is the problem that needs to be addressed and is something Trump has talked about.

I'm sure socialism is not the answer to America's problems, IMO it's just not part of the American psyche. But having said that, Sanders did seem to me, to be the choice that most enthused young Democrats and may well have at least done better than the dour Hillary Clinton.