Johnny nice-tits
This kid is my absolute world

she is a cuty
congrats best thing in the world aint they
how you coping with the smell?
When you get to the stage when you're out and about in public, and changing nappies in various changing rooms, never ever ever ever ever open the nappy bin until you're literally about to walk out of the door. Ever.
This kid is my absolute world
Congrats mate, you're in for an incredible time.
People will be throwing advice at you left, right and centre so you'll be fed up of it soon but take this next bit in!
When people come round over then next couple of months they neither want to see you nor care about you. On that basis, give them what they want (to spend time with your daughter) and use that time to sit and eat something with your other half - you won't get many chances to do that. Even better, get them to bring some food with them - curry, lasagne, etc something you can heat in the microwave. It will be like a gourmet dinner compared to the crap you'll be living off for the next few months!
As the father of a 23 year old and a nearly 11 year old girl who just yesterday declared she wants to be a goth (!!!!) I have plenty to say if ever you have questions. One thing about advice...only take it if it fits your belief. You never want to take parental advice from people and have it not work when you weren't sure of it in the first place...if you know what I mean!!!!!!
I did and we now have lots of lovely dinners in the freezer waiting to be heated up hahaI would like to further add that Scara is bang-on.... you should impress upon people that the best gift they can give you right now are meals!
I did and we now have lots of lovely dinners in the freezer waiting to be heated up haha