Sean Davis
Personally I’ve got no idea about how much info leaks out of the club. However, I can tell you what my mate said on the day Jose got fired… he was at work at Lilywhite House. It was a normal day until someone noticed that the TV in the corner - set to SSN - was running a banner stating that Spurs had sacked the manager. Not one person at Lilywhite House had any idea that anything was going to happen.Hehe, I don't disagree, but just playing a bit of devil's advocate here: whenever we do begin to do a transfer there has to be a lot of information flying around that has to leak to some people at the club - travels are being arranged, there's a certain excitement in the air, despite Lange or whoever trying to make it a secret someone has got to facilitate for all this stuff, and whoever does that might get bits of information and so on. This information again might trickle into whatsapp groups or whatever - we all love gossip, especially "important" stuff. I mean, people on here get the odd bit of information, right? Bedford and Grays I think seems to know a thing or two every now and then. So, even though this guy looks a tit and comes across as a bit of an attention seeker, is it really completely off the table that he might have some inside just because his profile on Twitter doesn't look, I don't know, credible? What would a credible ITK Twitter profile look like? Or are we still at the point of discussing whether someone could actually ever have inside information? Again, not saying this guy necessarily know anything, but seems a bit odd to me to judge based on how his Twitter profile reads.
Thus, my take on it is that THFC is very, very watertight. Frankly, that’s the way it should be (in my opinion).