Vivian Woodward
Let's suppose for a minute, that's the game here. Does Conte seem like the kind of person that'll go "Well I better listen to the thousands of people telling me what to do"? Do those fans realise that they have a manager who has 40 years' experience at the top of European football as a player and manager and is more qualified than anyone else in the stadium to make those decisions.
Yeah we all have an opinion, I'd start Doherty personally, but the once-bald, jumpy Italian in the dugout has forgotten more about the game than I'll ever know and Levy is paying him millions to manage the team. My role at the game is to support the team not tell him how to do his job (and yes I know we all leave out a "for f**k sake" at a game as a knee jerk reaction - my problem is with booing or targeting a player rather than that). Expressing negative opinions after the game in the pub or on here is fine but booing players is just counter productive.
I did say it was 'my' view mate. I don't believe I have ever said 'never say anything bad ever', indeed, even in the post you're referring to I say that we all have a moan or 'jesus christ' after a mistake or if someone is having a poor game. Of course players have to have thick skins, and they do. I stand by my disgust at people who endlessly boo players for mistakes/not playing well. Unless said player is not trying, or purposely taking the tinkle somehow. That becomes a different story. And no, I am not suggesting we turn football into the opera, just that clams who turn up at stadiums thinking they can just scream abuse at players/forget they are not behind a keyboard, can (in my frankly not 'high-horsey' way) do one!
And this.