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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

At the beginning of this thread on the old board, I said this problem was all of Liverpool and Suarez's doing

- All they needed to do once the FA decided to investigate was publically apologize, state it was a "cultural misunderstanding" that had been explained to Luiz, he's deeply sorry for offending anyone and understands the role model he is. Add a donation to a anti racism group to that, the incident would have been over, 3 match ban would have been the max and we wouldn't be talking about it today.

- Intsead, Saurez, Pool, their scummy fans and even people on this board have tried to blame Evra (the victim), use the "I can't be a racist because I have black friends" (or some variant of) excuse, all the things that keep painting a picture of people who are either really racist, or completely out of touch with reality and the modern world in terms of what is acceptable public behavior.

Working for a large company, I also don't understand how Pool allowed this train wreck to go so far, PR should have stepped in a long time ago and shut this down.

Well said!

I've not met a single Liverpool fan who blames Suarez, it's ALL Evra's fault. Evra is a taco, but no one deserves to be picked on because of their skin colour. As for the whole "well in Uruguay, people say it all the time excuse", tough brick, were not in Uruguay. If I went out drinking in an arab country in public, I'd be expecting to get into trouble with the law, I wouldnt say "In my country I'm allowed to do it".

As you alluded to, I can't believe the Amercian owners of Liverpool didn't step in earlier or realise that this whole episode was a PR nightmare. Tom Henry isn't stupid, he owns one of the most profitable sports teams in American sports.

I don't necessarily think Suarez is a racist, but Liverpool's arrogant and pig headed reaction to this has made me start to dislike everything about them as a club immensly, including Dalglish who has acted like a bigger prick than Wenger ever has in the last few months.
Liverpool fans think they're in a slump right now, but with wealthy owners and King Kenny at the helm they'll be fighting for the title next season.

Sorry to break it to you, but you're about to become a mid table team, fighting for Top 10. You're currently overspending on mediocre players and you're not getting the results such investements ought to bring. You're going backwards, despite King Kenny being massively better than Woy. By the end of the season you'll have done worse in the league than you did last season.

Winning the Carling Cup will obviously cover up some of that, but your future is not looking all that bright. Just look at teams like Aston Villa, Leeds, Sunderland, Saudi Sportswashing Machine, Everton. All have at some point in the last 10 years stretched themselves financially trying to become one of the elite and they have all failed. Most of your players are mid table cloggers, your best bet now is probably someone like Martin O'Neill or Tony Pulis.
As for the whole "well in Uruguay, people say it all the time excuse", tough brick, were not in Uruguay. If I went out drinking in an arab country in public, I'd be expecting to get into trouble with the law, I wouldnt say "In my country I'm allowed to do it".

That's a very good point that I think some people haven't quite got their heads around.

When LS says "it's ok to say 'negro' in Uruguay" and that it's just a "cultural misunderstanding", all he is actually saying is that racially charged language is acceptable in Uruguay. So those excuses are just a way of rationalising underlying questionable attitudes to race where he comes from. In that sesnse, of course a society that doesn't have an advanced and nuanced understanding of race relations is going to say it is culturally acceptable to use soft-racist language! Those phrases are simply restatements of the underlying problem.
That's a very good point that I think some people haven't quite got their heads around.

When LS says "it's ok to say 'negro' in Uruguay" and that it's just a "cultural misunderstanding", all he is actually saying is that racially charged language is acceptable in Uruguay. So those excuses are just a way of rationalising underlying questionable attitudes to race where he comes from. In that sesnse, of course a society that doesn't have an advanced and nuanced understanding of race relations is going to say it is culturally acceptable to use soft-racist language! Those phrases are simply restatements of the underlying problem.

Very well said if I was having an argument with someone at work and said something of lines of "Shut up negro" I would be let go of my job and labeled a racist that is a fact just because it may be acceptable to say this in Uruguay doesn't make it right
That's a very good point that I think some people haven't quite got their heads around.

When LS says "it's ok to say 'negro' in Uruguay" and that it's just a "cultural misunderstanding", all he is actually saying is that racially charged language is acceptable in Uruguay. So those excuses are just a way of rationalising underlying questionable attitudes to race where he comes from. In that sesnse, of course a society that doesn't have an advanced and nuanced understanding of race relations is going to say it is culturally acceptable to use soft-racist language! Those phrases are simply restatements of the underlying problem.

The FA panel got experts to give evidence on that, as well. They said that using the word in an argument or aggressive manner was offensive in Uruguay too.
The FA panel got experts to give evidence on that, as well. They said that using the word in an argument or aggressive manner was offensive in Uruguay too.

I don't doubt a sociology professor from Montevideo University or the Cultural Attach?® from the Uruguayan Embassy would testify that "negro" is offensive in Uruguay, but that doesn't mean Uruguayan society as a whole agrees with them or that they are even aware there's an issue with the word at all. I'm sure there were similar experts in the UK saying the same about Bernard Manning in the 70's, but he kept getting the gigs and the laughs. It was only in later years that the experts' view became mainstream across society.

I doubt LS in his heart thinks black people are lesser beings than himself. Or, if he does, that's it's anything more than a vulgar and superficial stereotyping. In that sense, "racism" does indeed sound slightly too strong a word for it. But what we know now that we didn't know in Bernard Manning's day is that the drip-drip of soft-racist language in itself perpetuates racial/ethnic prejudice. 10 little instances of soft racism = 1 big instance of real racism. It's death by a thousand cuts.
Well said!

I've not met a single Liverpool fan who blames Suarez, it's ALL Evra's fault. Evra is a taco, but no one deserves to be picked on because of their skin colour. As for the whole "well in Uruguay, people say it all the time excuse", tough brick, were not in Uruguay. If I went out drinking in an arab country in public, I'd be expecting to get into trouble with the law, I wouldnt say "In my country I'm allowed to do it".

As you alluded to, I can't believe the Amercian owners of Liverpool didn't step in earlier or realise that this whole episode was a PR nightmare. Tom Henry isn't stupid, he owns one of the most profitable sports teams in American sports.

I don't necessarily think Suarez is a racist, but Liverpool's arrogant and pig headed reaction to this has made me start to dislike everything about them as a club immensly, including Dalglish who has acted like a bigger prick than Wenger ever has in the last few months.

simply put he doesn't know how to deal with this it doesn't happen here and if it does its handled and done with. Suarez should be suspened for the rest of the season period smack the little annoying idiot in the head and tell him this kind of play and talk is unacceptable so shut up
BREAKING NEWS: Luis Suarez hands in transfer request. Liverpool Football Club Confirm.

Forgot to mentrion: @SkyNewsFeed
Stories & Statistics not directly from the Sky News newsroom. *We Make Sh*t Up*

Watch this spread and scousers go ballistic.
Last edited:
BREAKING NEWS: Luis Suarez hands in transfer request. Liverpool Football Club Confirm.

Forgot to mentrion: @SkyNewsFeed
Stories & Statistics not directly from the Sky News newsroom. *We Make Sh*t Up*

Watch this spread and scousers go ballistic.

If that's true, just shows what a disgusting little scumbag he is. As wrong as the club has been in backing him, the fact is they have stood by him. A real slap in the face to the fans and manager
If that's true, just shows what a disgusting little scumbag he is. As wrong as the club has been in backing him, the fact is they have stood by him. A real slap in the face to the fans and manager

I would have no sympathy for liverscum. Theyre utter clams.
Haha no, I wouldn't either, but it still shows how scummy he is. If it was true

I honestly expect the owners to ship him out anyway

For a second I switched ove rto sky sports and onto RAWK there was nothing. For a second i had believed it. Would be extremely funny.
That's far out man, like, totally mass hypnosis or something dude. What's in the water in Liverpool?
Their love for KKKenny is because he went to almost every funeral of every liverpool fan that died at hillsborough. At least thats where I think it comes from.
You can have the last word if you like Jimmy mate, on all of it, as I said I disagree with some of the specifics you and Arcy have raised and the angles taken, but I'm done...

...it's all good...let's just carry on discussing the mighty Spurs eh?!!!

Me, you and Arcy...the bin dippers and mancs can do their own thing. Thank fudge we didn't sign him is all I can say!!!!
Can we at least agree on that????????

Indeed we can, mate!