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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

Suarez didn't say "negrito", fella. That is a myth propagated by the media / Man Utd fans / anyone pursuing an agenda to embellish upon what Suarez actually said.

Suarez said "negro".

To respond to your first question by asking another question, can there be any doubt whatsoever that Evra meant "sudamericano" in anything other than a demeaning, bigoted, provocative and offensive manner?

And, to answer your last question.....no, I'm not defending what Suarez did. I only ask, reasonably enough, that others don't willfully misrepresent what was actually said and that they don't apply double standards to the actions of the two protagonists.
have you read the independent panel's report? I haven't but thought it was reported in this document that Suarez specifically admitted to using the word negrito. Is this incorrect?
have you read the independent panel's report? I haven't but thought it was reported in this document that Suarez specifically admitted to using the word negrito. Is this incorrect?

That is correct. Suarez also said that he did not consider being called a South American to be offensive.
have you read the independent panel's report? I haven't but thought it was reported in this document that Suarez specifically admitted to using the word negrito. Is this incorrect?

I'm assuming the addition of the 'rito' ending bit is key... as it seems to have various meanings, of varying levels of 'insult'... here are some;

1. negrito
endearing term meaning sweetheart especially in writing
Dear lovely wife
Love, Your negrito Juan


2. negrito
Over excessively used word by MAS to insult others over mIRC. Thinks that by saying this his e-penis will grow anywhere from 3 to 5 inches in length.
<MDS|DADDY_YANKEE> NeGriTo plz shut up

4. negrito
Nigger in spanish
Juan es un negrito...

Seeing as Suarez is a "Sudamericano"... I assume his first language is Spanish...? Case closed I think!

If Evra called him a 'Sudamericano' it's much harder to pinpoint the level of amuse meant... you would have to take into context the tone/aggressive nature in which it was said... and I think we all know, HAD Suarez replied by simply calling him a 'Frenchie' or at worst a 'Frog' do you think there would've been this uproar???
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Brainclipse - i think what myself and Jimmy are trying to get across is that what Evra said was racist as well - he has said something offensive and used Suarezes ethnicity in that. if i was to say to an African person "don't touch me, African" i would be done for racism, no ?

Do you understand the concept of some words being more powerfull than others?


"Dont touch me Englishman" - Not offensive
"Dont touch me Honkey" - offensive
Unfortunately sport and particularly football is now a game where very few players show any respect to their opponents, the media certainly do not help with their desperate need to create news or incidents. Perhaps it would be better if all interviews with players and managers were suspended as they often inflame situations rather than through light on the game. Oh for the days when I could go with my Arsenal mates to Highbury and have a good laugh at each others misfortune without falling out. For all those intelectaully challanged out there Shankly was wrong it's just a game and watching it is no substitute for playing it.
Unfortunately sport and particularly football is now a game where very few players show any respect to their opponents, the media certainly do not help with their desperate need to create news or incidents. Perhaps it would be better if all interviews with players and managers were suspended as they often inflame situations rather than through light on the game. Oh for the days when I could go with my Arsenal mates to Highbury and have a good laugh at each others misfortune without falling out. For all those intelectaully challanged out there Shankly was wrong it's just a game and watching it is no substitute for playing it.

I couldn't agree more. It tinkles me off no end when somebody commits a blatant foul, and then just walks away from the other player. What's wrong with apologising for catching someone late, or helping them to their feet, or checking they are OK? I'm not suggesting players be pansies, but I think it's sporting to at least check they are OK.

During the Liverpool game the other week, Adebayor caught Bellamy down by the corner flag. He went for the ball, mistimed it and ended up crunching Bellamy. He immediately held his hands up, checked he was OK, helped him to his feet and ensured there were no hard feelings. That's the way it should be, none of this slagging off the ref for daring to give a free kick and then storming off without so much of an apology. It is one of my pet hates in the modern game.
The Anfield cat is up for adoption

By Brooks Peck | Dirty Tackle ÔÇô 13 hours ago.. .

"Shanks," the Anfield cat, moments before he was ejected from the stadium.

The cat that became an instant celebrity after sauntering onto the pitch during Liverpool's match against Spurs last week has not been living the life of luxury you might expect of someone who guest starred on an internationally televised sporting event and quickly gained 56,000 followers on Twitter. After he was ejected from the stadium, the Anfield cat was dumped right back into the streets from which he came. Homeless, alone and uncared for. Until the locals decided to start looking for their most famous squatter.

From the Liverpool Echo:

And it was when his fans started looking for "Kenny" that Freshfield Animal Rescue received a call from an resident in Anfield, telling them where he could be found.

He was taken to a temporary home at the animal charity's centre at Freshfield, near Formby, where they are calling the cat "Shanks" after the legendary Anfield manager.

Cattery assistant Katherine Gibbs, 25, said he is "an absolute gentleman" and despite a few scratches to his face and legs from fighting other cats he is in good heath.

He's being given antibiotics to treat an abscess in his cheek and various other wounds, but once he's healed up, he'll be available for adoption.

How Liverpool have not already announced plans to adopt their only bit of good press in recent weeks is baffling, though. As a follow-up to making Luis Suarez apologize for not shaking Patrice Evra's hand, the club's owners should urge him take in the cat, then pose for a photoshoot while wearing matching hats


Anyone who wonders why large organisations have PR departments, I present you Exhibit A.
I can't believe they just dumped that cat out on the street after they caught him. I'm not even an animal lover but it seems heartless and if nothing else a blown chance for an actual good piece of publicity which they sorely need at the moment
I can't believe they just dumped that cat out on the street after they caught him. I'm not even an animal lover but it seems heartless and if nothing else a blown chance for an actual good piece of publicity which they sorely need at the moment

How can't you believe this? Surely they would have assumed the cat had gotten lost and would find it's way back to it's home.

If they had kept the cat at Anfield, think of the uproar it would have caused if an owner had stepped forward and claimed they had catnapped it... After all, when a cat enters your house in Uruguay it legally becomes your cat. :p
I can't believe they just dumped that cat out on the street after they caught him. I'm not even an animal lover but it seems heartless and if nothing else a blown chance for an actual good piece of publicity which they sorely need at the moment

Breaks your heart

It was a nice fat one too.
At the beginning of this thread on the old board, I said this problem was all of Liverpool and Suarez's doing

- All they needed to do once the FA decided to investigate was publically apologize, state it was a "cultural misunderstanding" that had been explained to Luiz, he's deeply sorry for offending anyone and understands the role model he is. Add a donation to a anti racism group to that, the incident would have been over, 3 match ban would have been the max and we wouldn't be talking about it today.

- Intsead, Saurez, Pool, their scummy fans and even people on this board have tried to blame Evra (the victim), use the "I can't be a racist because I have black friends" (or some variant of) excuse, all the things that keep painting a picture of people who are either really racist, or completely out of touch with reality and the modern world in terms of what is acceptable public behavior.

Working for a large company, I also don't understand how Pool allowed this train wreck to go so far, PR should have stepped in a long time ago and shut this down.
I can't believe they just dumped that cat out on the street after they caught him. I'm not even an animal lover but it seems heartless and if nothing else a blown chance for an actual good piece of publicity which they sorely need at the moment

They are just being consistent.

$$$$-faced clams.
How can't you believe this? Surely they would have assumed the cat had gotten lost and would find it's way back to it's home.

If they had kept the cat at Anfield, think of the uproar it would have caused if an owner had stepped forward and claimed they had catnapped it... After all, when a cat enters your house in Uruguay it legally becomes your cat. :p

haha good thing the cat wasn't black they may have ended it