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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

Manquillo - Lovren - Sakho - Moreno
Gerrard - Can
Sterling - Lallana - Coutinho


Next year?
Manquillo - Lovren - Sakho - Moreno
Gerrard - Can
Sterling - Lallana - Coutinho


Next year?

I think that they are going to have to pick which games to play Gerrard in this season or he'll burn himself out. It will be interesting to see what they prioritise.
I think that they are going to have to pick which games to play Gerrard in this season or he'll burn himself out. It will be interesting to see what they prioritise.

Henderson - Can would work better anyway imv
I'm looking at it wondering why the hell they are laughing at Everton, other than Sturridge and coutinho Everton are better all over the park, and in the dugout come to that
Manquillo - Lovren - Sakho - Moreno
Gerrard - Can
Sterling - Lallana - Coutinho


Next year?

Individually, it might not be too impressive, but take a look at their bench for a more nuanced view of their squad:

: Jones, Ilori, Johnson, Lucas, Henderson, Markovic, Lambert

and their likely squad players outside the 18:

Ward, Skrtel, Enrique, Suso, Assaidi, Ibe, Yesil

There's a lot of depth in that squad, and given that their spending appears far from finished, it'll likely get even deeper before the window closes. Last summer, people wrote Liverpool off, and I had to go around shouting that they were going to be dangerous regardless of their squad weaknesses. This summer, people are writing them off again based on their first eleven being somewhat weaker, ignoring their massive upgrades to overall squad ability.

They're much stronger than Everton, and will likely last the entirety of the season without too much trouble if they rotate properly. Yes, they won't hit the heights of last season: but no, they won't finish lower than 5th, in my view. Probably will end up 4th.
They are a better team. Coutinho and Sterling will continue their progress, strengthened the back line and look ready to transition Gerard out with lallana.
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Pop princess Rihanna had such a good time at the World Cup, she wants to buy a football club - and reports say Liverpool FC are her number one choice.

The singer spent the summer tweeting her views on matches from Brazil, attending the final and sharing pecks on the cheek with members of Germany’s victorious side.

Last week there were reports that Rihanna wanted to set up her own footballing academy in her native Barbados before branching into football ownership.

And now, Spanish news provider Mundo Deportivo reports that the club the pop star wants is Liverpool.

But with zero inclination from Fenway Sports Group that they are interesting in selling, Rihanna may have to Break It Off and look elsewhere.

Rihanna isn't rich enough to buy and run a top club

She's currently worth anywhere between $50 and $250 million according to the interwebz, so yeah. The people that actually do all the work she's making money from probably get about a tenth of that, in total.
Rodgers is starting to get on my tits. Every 5 minutes he is saying how wonderful Liverpool are.

I hope they fail this season, I really do.
I can't watch or listen to him. Not only does he talk crap but I don't like his nose or pervy eyes. Gives me the heebie jeebies.