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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

Well my brother is a Liverpool fan and he thinks Suarez should have gone through the same thing Terry is going through aswell as having the 8 match ban. He also said they should have been suspended until they were found either guilty or not guilty.

But all Liverpool fans are scum aren't they?

There's always an exception to the rule. I know several Liverpool fans. Nearly all of them are in full support of Suarez. One of them think's he is a dirty scumbag and wants him out of his club ASAP
Tribalism. Plain and simple. Nothing short of pathetic. The remainder of the week I'm sure a lot of the people who boo Ferdinand and Evra are normal, decent people. Get in a stadium and crowd mentality takes over when surrounded by louder, ignorant eejits

derren brown
Well my brother is a Liverpool fan and he thinks Suarez should have gone through the same thing Terry is going through aswell as having the 8 match ban. He also said they should have been suspended until they were found either guilty or not guilty.

But all Liverpool fans are scum aren't they?
I think the two cases differ because a member of the public complained about Terry's incident and so had to go through a legal procedure. Something like that anyway.
Luis Suarez @luis16suarez
We lost and we are sad because we have made a big effort...
Disappointed because everything is not that it seems...

So you didn't refuse to shake Evra's hand?
Luis Suarez @luis16suarez
We lost and we are sad because we have made a big effort...
Disappointed because everything is not that it seems...

So you didn't refuse to shake Evra's hand?

he is a thick, ignorant and pathetic peasant...thank GHod we didn't sign this disgraceful footballer...
Liverpool's official stance on the handshake apparently:

Luis Suarez @luis16suarez
We lost and we are sad because we have made a big effort...
Disappointed because everything is not that it seems...

So you didn't refuse to shake Evra's hand?

Say we had signed him, does anyone think Levy would have the spine to get rid of him from the club? I'd like to think he would
the victims have sunk to a new low, refusing to shake the hand of the man you abused, booing the man who got abused, racist abuse from the fans on how many occasions....SCUM
To be honest the press shoudl boycott them anyway. Kenny's treatment of reporters is boardline abusive. Pathetic club, pathetic manager, pathetic victim fans. They are are great fit.

I honestly cannot fathom why the press keep creaming themselves over Liverpool; over everything from the 'devilish, magical Suarez' to 'King Kenny, the icon of Anfield'. The club treats them like tinkle, and yet they keep crawling back for more. How's that for Stockholm syndrome?
On today:

what a fudgein pleb that evra c*nt is

evra needs to get punched

Evra is such a toerag. He did that completely on purpose at the end, I'm glad Suarez didn't shake that guys hand, he knows what he's done, he's a thug. But we have to rise above it now and move on. Only sorry that a nice player got hurt in it all. Suarez wont be able to go to a game again without being branded a Racist. Sadly.

Losing against the c*nts in the brick hole isn't that big of an upset, they always raise their game against us at their place.
What can you say about evra, even his own players are embarrassed by him.
Until next season. In the mean time we have cups to win.

Patrice Evra is utterly classless. He got his evil way and now he's milking it. He's discredited the fight against racism by stitching up Suarez. This is not the way to fight racism. Manchester United have used such a sensitive issue for their own gain and Evra is loving it.
Alan Smith is also a fudging taco with his pro ManU commentary.

No way it's over, the bellends at sky will go on about it forever.
"Lets concentrate on the football" - Well shut up talking about it and making a meal out of the situation at every opportunity!

Kick Evra out of football

Downing, I hate to pick him out, but honestly -- I wouldn't be sad if I never saw him in a Liverpool shirt again. About the footballing equivalent of a mouth ulcer.

rooney: evertonians will be celebrating as much as Man Utd fans today.
yeah because they're small time bitter c*nts you fat steptoe c*nt.

You create your own reality, not reading the tabloids will not change the world, but you will lead a slightly happier, more fulfilling, less ignorant life because of it.

Anyone who thinks this was a PR disaster. Who gives a flying fudge? Since when is anything we do good enough for the idiots who're just looking to slander us?

I totally condone everything the club and Suarez has done. As subject to prejudice our selves on a daily basis we have a pretty good understanding of what constitutes racism.

Evra is a c*nt and he is black. Therefore he is a black c*nt. Black isn't a race, it's a vaigley defined, loosely applied term that refers to the colour of a persons skin. Whether that constitutes as racism is down to your opinion. I subscribe to the philosophy that we're all equal, and therefore making any special case based soley on referencing a persons skin colour without discrimination is segregation wrapped in hypocracy.

Anyone whining about the clubs stance on this, and what it will mean for all of us ie, the backlash of abuse from the media and ignorant people just looking to put us down, it doesn't matter what we do! I say to you, 'Welcome to Liverpool Football Club, we have the best fans, the best man ever to grace the earth as manager, and people fudging hate us. Get over it.'

kenny absolute spot on in his interview with sky.
anyone who complaines about how he handled the interview, ask yourself this. how many times have the media fudged us over?

I'll tell you something else too mate that might have gone unnoticed. I swear they had the microphones turned up near our supporters today, probably hoping to pick up something abusive towards Evra. I know the travelling Reds make a lot of noise but there is no way that 2,000 could come across as loud as they did at times today even allowing for how brick their supporters are.

Geoff Shreeves in "complete and utter total c*nt" shocker.
You know the crap you'll get with Sky...if you don't like it cancel your subscription. But don't give them 40 quid of your hard earned each month then come on an independent LFC fans site to froth and moan about Geoff fudging Shreeves. FFS, who gives a brick what that brickhouse has ever said?
Almost didn't bother watching the match today. I actually can't watch premier league matches that don't involve us any more and I struggle to have a civil conversation about football with a fan of another team without Suarez being brought up and inevitably being called a racist. fudging sick of this brick.

Kenny spot on. FA cup game on ITV, Sly act like game never happened league game and cant wait to twist it. Shreeves is a c*nt always has been. He was a massive prick to Rafa an all.

Did anyone else notice at HT after the adverts Redknapp had changed his opinion of the Ferdinand tackle even though everyone saw Ferdinand touch the ball and agreed it wasn't a foul then after a word in his ear he says Ferdinand should've been sent off. I'm 100% sure it was done on purpose to escalate things

Hopefully the smearing of Kenny isn't as easy, i imagine it's a generation thing. Sky have no real experience of Kenny (yes the 90s but it's a different kettle of fish now). tacos like Shreeves and SSN will try their best, but then there are members of the old guard who have complete respect for Kenny and know a) not to try anything, and b) have too much respect for the man to push any agenda. Old guard like Strachan today (who was probably in the studio as the ManUtd man) standing up for Kenny and pointing out the ridiculousness of this football media machine.

I'm sick to death of everything associated with football.
Sick of self important journos reacting like Suarez tinkled on evra's legs today.
Sick of Ferguson and his hypocritical bullying.
Sick of Geoff shreeves the massive massive c*nt.
Sick of our players wandering around pitches not giving a flying fudge.
Sick of john terry and the general media tossage about 'Onest 'Arry.

Anyone who actually gives a fudge about the problem of racism should be asking themselves what the fudge Suarez shaking or not shaking Evra's hand has got to do with the fight against racism? Suarez didn't shake Evra's hand because he obviously despises him.

On Top 4:

Kenny's been here a year and we are better than we were last season. We are in a Cup final and still in the FA Cup (something that Man U haven't managed to achieve this season by the way) and could theoretically get into a top 4 place although I think that is unlikely.
We will strengthen further in the summer, probably get a new striker in and others too and will move on. Some of the players will be gems, others nutty slack, but that happens.

We are in better shape for 4th than table suggests. Ars and Chelsea both have 5 games against top 7 sides. We have 3 with Ars and Chelsea at Anfield. Still in our hands

Not a lot wrong with our play most of this season. In four games against Emirates Marketing Project the only game their goalie didnt win m o m was when their centre half won it. We've beaten Ars and Chelsea away and dominated most games. The only thing missing is the thing that matters most, putting the ball in the net at Anfield. Put that right and we get 4th

We were 37 points of top spot in Rafa's first year in charge. Gradually though things improved and we became challengers on all fronts until those two american bastards and their sidekick mr purslow arrived at the club.
We're in a cup final, and in the 5th round of the fa cup with a good chance of winning it. Things take time and I do believe we're moving in the right direction. Our football is generally better on the eye, and up until Suarez got banned and Lucas got injured we were creating plenty of chances whilst being solid in defence.
It will take time for us to be were we all want to be, but we're moving in the right direction and more importantly, we've got people who care for the club in charge, both on the pitch and on it, and everyone's pulling in the right direction.

On Spurs
(They were actually rather complimentary about us today):

See what the spurs players are doing? They pass the ball and move into space.
Why can't we do that?

Because we signed a load of players with fudge all footballing intelligence?

Impressed that Assou-Ekotto manages to fit football in between all the shuffling.

Spurs hammering Saudi Sportswashing Machine days after we fudging out-played and out-fought them for long periods. And yet we put in that gutless, dogbrick performance today. How does that work?

I like hearing about footballers' charitable efforts outside the game. Does anyone know if Modric is particularly active in the lesbian community?


Anyone know who's in the studio today? If Hansen isn't I'm not sure I can be bothered to even turn it on

I'll put in on in that case, there's no way Hansen will let us take all the brick for this, at least he's someone you can trust to look after our best interests as much as possible.

Usually like watching MOTD, even when we lose, but I won't be putting it on tonight because I don't want to see what kind of a stance they take against Kenny, Suarez and the club.

That was my thought but if Hansen's there he's not going to let any brick slide. Will be refreshing to see someone (aside from and I'm ashamed to admit - Neville) not be a Man U arselicker.

I don't think there will be much scope for him to do that, the media already has its narrative and it you are not going to change that with facts, they will just come at him with illogical, emotional, unreasoned responses.

Irrelevant, just having him there makes me feel better because he will never join in in such stupidity.
Does anyone else find YNWA (You will Never Walk Alone) funny?

Since it's connected to LFC, after Suaracist-gate, the first term comes to my mind is Young Negrito Women Association....

Given that a large number of Liverpool fans are acting like tossers at the moment perhaps You'll Never toss Alone would be more accurate