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Re: Poll: Would you be happy if VDV was sold?

would be gutted if he left - he shows a genuine passion for playing football at Tottenham that not many can rival, on his day is unplayable and has scored and created some amazing goals.

i can get on board with the idea that he maybe isn't suited to the new direction AVB wants to take us but if it was down to me he'd be here for as long as we can keep him
Re: Poll: Would you be happy if VDV was sold?

That's a very biased poll question...It's not a question of would people be happy, everyone recognises that he is a quality player so noone is going to be doing cartwheels or anything if he leaves. But people can appreciate his fitness is questionable, doesn't necessarily fit into the system, wife works in Germany, potentially get good money for him so therefore would understand why he would be sold. There is a big difference.....
Re: Poll: Would you be happy if VDV was sold?

If we sell Van Der Vaart and Sigurdsson gets injured we're absolutely fudged.

Liverpool were top 4 regulars and also regulars in the latter stages of the Champions League. In 2009 they finished 2nd, but then all of a sudden, they came 7th, 6th, 8th. Why? Because they moved Gerrard into attack behind Torres and sold Alonso, their only other midfielder who could pass the ball. If we let Huddlestone and VdV go, having already sold Modric, then all it takes is an injury to Sigurdsson and we're in the same position.

35 seconds in - http://www.sportyhub.com/league/tot...s-premier-league-1352012-video_f78d04226.html
5 mins 15 in - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmSQL07ixTk

Who in our squad has the ability to play those killer passes like these now? We need to keep him, it's essential. Another big reason is because with the striker situation the way it is, we don't have enough goalscorers in the team, Van Der Vaart is one of the few that actually does chip in with goals on a regular basis, we can't afford to let him go.

If his wife is only working in Germany and he's unhappy about it, then why the fudge aren't the club doing more to get her work over here? She's super hot, I'm sure viewers of English TV will love her! She's a TV host in Germany I seem to remember so she's obviously charismatic. Don't understand what's stopping things over here.
Re: Poll: Would you be happy if VDV was sold?

When he first came, I thought he was a world beater. Top class, superb goalscoring record, some fabulous (and important goals ) and a great attitude esp in NLDs.

However, since then my love for him has waned. He looks increasingly unfit, is obviously struggling with injuries, cant seem to last 90minutes, tackles recklessly, gives away unnecessary free kicks and penalties, and his free kicks and corners have been absolutely woeful all of last season and so far this one too.

On balance, I would be sad to see him go but I believe his best days are behind him - and if we get a good price - then adios Rafa and thanks for the early memories.


I love the best bits but they seem to be further and further apart,
Goodbye and good luck :(
A true yiddo, look like he always loved wearing the shirt and will always be given a heroes welcome when he returns.
Best memories have to be the NLDs, especially shushing the Emirates when we came back from two-nil down!

Really put us on the map in this Champions League era too, whilst I don't think he is the most influential player we can lose I do worry that with Modric gone we are now without a triple A player. Bale is clearly highly thought of, but not a statesman of the game.
if we get somewhere in the range of 13-15m pound for him and are able to bring in willian + moutinho, i would have to say it's pretty good business.. given his age.

that doesn't mean i don't appreciate what rafa has done for us and what a class act he is, but if we're building for the future, it might be short term pain for long term gain.
if we get somewhere in the range of 13-15m pound for him and are able to bring in willian + moutinho, i would have to say it's pretty good business.. given his age.

that doesn't mean i don't appreciate what rafa has done for us and what a class act he is, but if we're building for the future, it might be short term pain for long term gain.
really gutted to see him leave. so rare nowadays to see a player who really feels commited to the club and respects us.
I can only assume that both Rafa and the club thought it is in his best interests to move on. He has said that his wife works there, and that he loved playing for HSV. Levy knows that his value won't increase over the next few years and has decided to cash in. I just hope that we have someone else lined up to be creative in the centre of midfield - perhaps we really will bust the bank for Moutinho with this extra money coming in?

He's been a great servant to the club, but has also had some doubts cast around him. He does have a genuine match-winning ability, which is very important in the big games (such as North london derbies where he really seemed to excel). Never have I seen a player come into the club and become so instantly 'in tune' with how the club operates, hpw the fans feel and what the rivalries really mean. I guess it's from his time hopping around Europe (Holland > Germany > Spain).

Good luck Rafa, Hamburg is obviously very special to you and I can't begrudge you a move away!
Losing Modric and vdv in the same window would be absolutely gutting, our two most talented attacking players and vital to the best football we played over the last few seasons. He may wear himself out within an hour and have very poor off games but that passion, winning spirit and flair was wonderful to see every week.
Still remember the excitement when he signed. A true world class player, was a privilage to see his passion, skill, wife and hatred for the Arse.

Best of luck in future Rafa, if he ever comes back to the Lane for another team he's guaranteed a fantastic reception
Losing Modric and vdv in the same window would be absolutely gutting, our two most talented attacking players and vital to the best football we played over the last few seasons. He may wear himself out within an hour and have very poor off games but that passion, winning spirit and flair was wonderful to see every week.

I will miss him but frankly, if we have Moutinho coming in, with Dembele, Bale and Lennon PLUS (hopefully) a striker and Lloris, I would consider this to be our best window in the Prem...