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*** Tottenham Hotspur FC vs South Coast Big Club OMT ***

No idea what our game plan is? down the wings to cross to dempsey?
It certainly cant be to attack on the break with dempsey and defoe, they arent exactly the two paciest players.
Er, not its not. If someone wont let you sit on a chair you then stand because your forced to :lol:

If there is no pass on, we can magic a player to pass to, hence because of Saints pressing and marking we're being forced to go long.

If someone won't let you sit on a chair, then you take the chair off them and sit on it.

Keep the ball on the ground and it will work.
We've been a playing on the break team since Jol. That always ends up as long ball under heavy pressing. I think AVB is trying to change us into a real possession team but we'll need a new forward line and at least one midfielder before we can do that.

i think we need more than just that....a big overhaul is needed. Bale's input has masked a lot of rubbish from us
Risky sub. Taking off a player who tracks back all day for someone who couldn't chase his own shadow.

Need something more up front though.
Maybe we should have a sing song on here ....

Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooome Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Yooooooooooooooooooooooooou Spuuuuuuuuuurs!
Sorry if it has been mentioned, i haven't been in this thread.

We had 2 men on the posts just then for a corner.

And no men on the posts against Wigan.

Why is that?

PS - we are terrible and do not deserve Champions League at this rate - really flat. I actually thought we would push on after going out of the EL and I was wrong.