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Spurs v Stoke - Official match thread

I can see Bentaleb or Lamela loosing their cool in this and getting in trouble. The rest don't give a fudge as far as I can see but at least those two look like they care at least.
I like Dier. I think he'll be a good player for us. Probably played more games than people were expecting and has coped admirably.
I still have faith in Poch. Undoubted positives. But the lack of discipline to keep the opposition out is a big concern. been going on all season.
Soldado on...................to get crocked by Adam so he's unsellable this summer, sweet.

Bucuresti, was it you that said Chiriches was awesome and would dribble past 5 players and we had signed the captain of Romania and a future Spurs great?
Bucuresti, was it you that said Chiriches was awesome and would dribble past 5 players and we had signed the captain of Romania and a future Spurs great?
I've been in Buc 9yrs and a keen watcher of all the Romanian teams here on TV.

So no absolutely not :)))))) I think it was a couple of Steaua fans who came on to say it.
what the fudge is that from mason?? he's been brick for weeks now. its one place where we have alternatives but we persist and persist with him. its doing my head in.

dembele must be gone. this just makes no sense, no sense at all.
It's Harry I feel sorry for. Pooch should have had the team respect the fact Harry could get top scorer, and demanded more.
what the fudge is that from mason?? he's been crud for weeks now. its one place where we have alternatives but we persist and persist with him. its doing my head in.

dembele must be gone. this just makes no sense, no sense at all.

I don't understand either. He's a squad player at best. Dembele although infuriating at times does have some talent.
I'd have brought Dembele on for Mason. Don't understand why Nabai is playing left back. If Rose isn't fit enough why have him on the bench? Get a kid on the bench.
Difficult to understand, I guess it was because he wanted to bring a striker on whilst keeping some subs I reserve, in case someone else gets injured.
At least Lamela is looking more settled. Kane, Rose, Dier, Bentaleb and Mason all positives this season. Eriksen is also class. More or less all the rest could go.

Next season given the choice I'd keep Lloris, Verts, Dembele, Chadli, Paulinho but longer term they could go too.

If we can shift the rest, get a top midfielder, wide man and CB I'd be happy. How many will we be able to sell tho? The key.