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So, what happened today?

I made a decision many years ago that i would always work for myself and not tie myself to be employed by others. It was not always easy and i may have made more money working for others but i have been self employed for the vast majority of my time and never had to accept brick from employers or companys.
Plus I can go to any Spurs game I want.
I made a decision many years ago that i would always work for myself and not tie myself to be employed by others. It was not always easy and i may have made more money working for others but i have been self employed for the vast majority of my time and never had to accept brick from employers or companys.

Back from interview, went well, its the wait now

I've found more of a balance in that but in working for others. I don't feel like being stuck in a job is the be all and end all I did when I was in my 20s, yours job is only important to you and your industry, when you talk to makes and those around you in their own industries and companies its clear no one cares as much as you do. I think alot of that comes from the pressures and cultures of work but there is a balance.

Someone said to me once, you are not curing cancer you are marketing hotels and destinations, whats being made out as end of the world and important in this or any room at any time is not the same reality outside it. That stuck and I think its true (to an extent)

I just said in my interview that this job would be perfect because its WFH, on the road meetings and in the hotels only when I need to be. The days of me being in an office 5 days a week and then travelling the world to sell and market stuff and not see home are gone. So are being in a hotel 5 days a week, nights and weekends hosting clients. If I can do it from a home base and catch up on at least seeing my four walls and win back some of the time you lose, I am happy. If not I just won't take the job and continue to look for one that offers the balance.
Back from interview, went well, its the wait now

I've found more of a balance in that but in working for others. I don't feel like being stuck in a job is the be all and end all I did when I was in my 20s, yours job is only important to you and your industry, when you talk to makes and those around you in their own industries and companies its clear no one cares as much as you do. I think alot of that comes from the pressures and cultures of work but there is a balance.

Someone said to me once, you are not curing cancer you are marketing hotels and destinations, whats being made out as end of the world and important in this or any room at any time is not the same reality outside it. That stuck and I think its true (to an extent)

I just said in my interview that this job would be perfect because its WFH, on the road meetings and in the hotels only when I need to be. The days of me being in an office 5 days a week and then travelling the world to sell and market stuff and not see home are gone. So are being in a hotel 5 days a week, nights and weekends hosting clients. If I can do it from a home base and catch up on at least seeing my four walls and win back some of the time you lose, I am happy. If not I just won't take the job and continue to look for one that offers the balance.
I'd take the job and then slowly shape it more to what you want.
I'd take the job and then slowly shape it more to what you want.

Yeh that's a way to go, this jobs a great fit already so I hope it comes off.

Harder in my industry to set terms on other brands as they have more old school rigid approach to busines, which is fine just not for me
This Submarine story continues.

I personally think it doesn't end well now regardless, humans are remarkable but conditions in such a small space will surely take its toll as much as oxygen?
24 hours of oxygen left now, according to those ITK.

Panic, lack of food, human waste, they would be in a world of trouble down there now IMO. Hard to imagine what they are going through, if the banding on the sides is them and I hope it is them then wow, such a grim situation to process
found the whole submarine thing fascinating (i'm geeky like that).

But overall, the best worst outcome. they would have died instantly rather than suffering for 96 hours. But the guy blagged how he he built his sub differently. Clearly different in a bad way.
found the whole submarine thing fascinating (i'm geeky like that).

But overall, the best worst outcome. they would have died instantly rather than suffering for 96 hours. But the guy blagged how he he built his sub differently. Clearly different in a bad way.

Whole thing intrigued me but was clear they were doomed from an early stage. Its interesting whats come out since about it all with the bang and whats likely to have happened, like you say best case for a bad case is they would have known nothing and likely the water would have acted like a laser and vaporised them under that pressure. The whole lack of regulation stuff and this basically being an experiment stuff blows my mind TBH, very last of the summer wine
The whole lack of regulation stuff and this basically being an experiment stuff blows my mind TBH, very last of the summer wine

Yeh thats insane, especially as he boasted about using carbon fibre which isn't done at those depths for the exact reasons we've now seen.

Guess the problem there is who owns the sea/ocean. ultimately you want to dive to the depths of the titanic, go for it, but as soon as you're selling tickets then there needs to be some regulatory body with oversight etc. will probably now happen off the back of this but it takes tragedies like this to make the change happen
Yeh thats insane, especially as he boasted about using carbon fibre which isn't done at those depths for the exact reasons we've now seen.

Guess the problem there is who owns the sea/ocean. ultimately you want to dive to the depths of the titanic, go for it, but as soon as you're selling tickets then there needs to be some regulatory body with oversight etc. will probably now happen off the back of this but it takes tragedies like this to make the change happen

Yeh I think they have managed to fly under the radar because he was selling trips on whatsapp, not many snooping about to question him. I think now its clearer and that people paid them 200k a time for what was an experiment then they will crack down. All sorts of weird and wonderful stories coming out about how he was texting people for £5m investments and telling them it was like walking over the road etc.