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Sick sick world what is wrong with people

Warning: This story contains distressing details from the start.

A French woman who was raped by unknown men over 10 years after being drugged to sleep by her husband told a court of her horror at learning how she had been abused.

Gisèle Pélicot, who is 72, was giving evidence on day three of the trial in Avignon, south-east France, of 51 men – including her husband of 50 years, Dominique. All are accused of rape.

Documents before court indicate that Dominique Pélicot, 71, admitted to police that he got satisfaction from watching other men have sex with his unconscious wife.

Many defendants in the case contest the rape charge against them, claiming that they thought they were taking part in a consensual sex game.

But Gisèle Pélicot told the court she was "never complicit" in the sexual acts and had never pretended to be asleep.

This is a case that has shocked France, all the more so because the trial is being held in public.

Gisèle waived her right to anonymity to shift the "shame" back onto the accused, her legal team has previously said.

Taking the stand on Thursday, she said she was speaking for "every woman who's been drugged without knowing it... so that no woman has to suffer."

She recalled the moment in November 2020 when she was asked by police to attend an interview alongside her husband.

He had recently been caught taking under-skirt photographs of women at a supermarket, and Gisèle told the court she believed the meeting with police was a formality related to that incident.

“The police officer asked me about my sex life,” she told the court. “I told him I had never practised partner-swapping or threesomes. I said I was a one-man woman. I couldn’t bear any man’s hands on me other than my husband’s.

“But after an hour the officer said, ‘I am going to show you some things which you will not find pleasant’. He opened a folder and he showed me a photograph.

“I did not recognise either the man or the woman asleep on the bed. The officer asked: ‘Madame, is this your bed and bedside table?’
“It was hard to recognise myself dressed up in a way that was unfamiliar. Then he showed me a second photo and a third.
“I asked him to stop. It was unbearable. I was inert, in my bed, and a man was raping me. My world fell apart.”

Gisèle said that up until then their marriage had been generally happy, and she and her husband had overcome a number of financial and health-related difficulties. She said she had forgiven the upskirting after he promised her that it had been a one-off incident.

“All that we had built together had gone. Our three children, seven grandchildren. We used to be an ideal couple.

“I just wanted to disappear. But I had to tell my children their father was under arrest. I asked my son-in-law to stay next to my daughter when I told her that her father had raped me, and had me raped by others.

“She let out a howl, whose sound is still etched on my mind.”

In the coming days, the court will hear more evidence from the investigation, about how Dominique allegedly contacted men via sex-chat websites and invited them to his suburban home in Mazan, a town north-east of Avignon.

Police claim the men were given strict instructions. They had to park at some distance from the house so as to not attract attention, and to wait for up to an hour so that the sleeping drugs which he had given Gisèle could take effect.

They further claim that, once in the home, the men were told to undress in the kitchen, and then to warm their hands with hot water or on a radiator. Tobacco and perfume were not allowed in case they awoke Gisèle.

Condoms were not required.

No money changed hands.

According to the investigation, Dominique watched and filmed the proceedings, eventually creating a hard-drive file with some 4,000 photos and videos on it. It was as a result of the upskirting episode that police found the files on his computer.

Police say they have evidence of around 200 rapes carried out between 2011 and 2020, initially at their home outside Paris, but mainly in Mazan, where they moved in 2013.

Investigators allege that just over half the rapes were carried out by her husband. Most of the other men lived only a few kilometres away.
Asked Thursday by the judge if she knew any of the accused, Gisèle said she recognised only one.

“He was our neighbour. He came over to check our bikes. I used to see him at the bakery. He was always polite. I had no idea he was coming to rape me.”

Gisèle was then reminded by the judge that in order to respect the presumption of innocence, it had been agreed in court not to use the word rape but “sex scene”.

She replied: “I just think they should recognise the facts. When I think of what they have done I am overcome with disgust. They should at least have the responsibility to recognise what they did.”

After the truth emerged, Gisèle found that she was carrying four sexually-transmitted diseases.

“I have had no sympathy from any of the accused. One who was HIV-positive came six times. Not once did my husband express any concern about my health,” she said.

She is now in the process of divorcing him.
After speaking for two hours in front of Dominique and the other accused, she said: “Inside me, it is a scene of devastation. The façade may look solid... but behind it...”

Warning: This story contains distressing details from the start.

A French woman who was raped by unknown men over 10 years after being drugged to sleep by her husband told a court of her horror at learning how she had been abused.

Gisèle Pélicot, who is 72, was giving evidence on day three of the trial in Avignon, south-east France, of 51 men – including her husband of 50 years, Dominique. All are accused of rape.

Documents before court indicate that Dominique Pélicot, 71, admitted to police that he got satisfaction from watching other men have sex with his unconscious wife.

Many defendants in the case contest the rape charge against them, claiming that they thought they were taking part in a consensual sex game.

But Gisèle Pélicot told the court she was "never complicit" in the sexual acts and had never pretended to be asleep.

This is a case that has shocked France, all the more so because the trial is being held in public.

Gisèle waived her right to anonymity to shift the "shame" back onto the accused, her legal team has previously said.

Taking the stand on Thursday, she said she was speaking for "every woman who's been drugged without knowing it... so that no woman has to suffer."

She recalled the moment in November 2020 when she was asked by police to attend an interview alongside her husband.

He had recently been caught taking under-skirt photographs of women at a supermarket, and Gisèle told the court she believed the meeting with police was a formality related to that incident.

“The police officer asked me about my sex life,” she told the court. “I told him I had never practised partner-swapping or threesomes. I said I was a one-man woman. I couldn’t bear any man’s hands on me other than my husband’s.

“But after an hour the officer said, ‘I am going to show you some things which you will not find pleasant’. He opened a folder and he showed me a photograph.

“I did not recognise either the man or the woman asleep on the bed. The officer asked: ‘Madame, is this your bed and bedside table?’
“It was hard to recognise myself dressed up in a way that was unfamiliar. Then he showed me a second photo and a third.
“I asked him to stop. It was unbearable. I was inert, in my bed, and a man was raping me. My world fell apart.”

Gisèle said that up until then their marriage had been generally happy, and she and her husband had overcome a number of financial and health-related difficulties. She said she had forgiven the upskirting after he promised her that it had been a one-off incident.

“All that we had built together had gone. Our three children, seven grandchildren. We used to be an ideal couple.

“I just wanted to disappear. But I had to tell my children their father was under arrest. I asked my son-in-law to stay next to my daughter when I told her that her father had raped me, and had me raped by others.

“She let out a howl, whose sound is still etched on my mind.”

In the coming days, the court will hear more evidence from the investigation, about how Dominique allegedly contacted men via sex-chat websites and invited them to his suburban home in Mazan, a town north-east of Avignon.

Police claim the men were given strict instructions. They had to park at some distance from the house so as to not attract attention, and to wait for up to an hour so that the sleeping drugs which he had given Gisèle could take effect.

They further claim that, once in the home, the men were told to undress in the kitchen, and then to warm their hands with hot water or on a radiator. Tobacco and perfume were not allowed in case they awoke Gisèle.

Condoms were not required.

No money changed hands.

According to the investigation, Dominique watched and filmed the proceedings, eventually creating a hard-drive file with some 4,000 photos and videos on it. It was as a result of the upskirting episode that police found the files on his computer.

Police say they have evidence of around 200 rapes carried out between 2011 and 2020, initially at their home outside Paris, but mainly in Mazan, where they moved in 2013.

Investigators allege that just over half the rapes were carried out by her husband. Most of the other men lived only a few kilometres away.
Asked Thursday by the judge if she knew any of the accused, Gisèle said she recognised only one.

“He was our neighbour. He came over to check our bikes. I used to see him at the bakery. He was always polite. I had no idea he was coming to rape me.”

Gisèle was then reminded by the judge that in order to respect the presumption of innocence, it had been agreed in court not to use the word rape but “sex scene”.

She replied: “I just think they should recognise the facts. When I think of what they have done I am overcome with disgust. They should at least have the responsibility to recognise what they did.”

After the truth emerged, Gisèle found that she was carrying four sexually-transmitted diseases.

“I have had no sympathy from any of the accused. One who was HIV-positive came six times. Not once did my husband express any concern about my health,” she said.

She is now in the process of divorcing him.
After speaking for two hours in front of Dominique and the other accused, she said: “Inside me, it is a scene of devastation. The façade may look solid... but behind it...”


It's embedded in the culture right? Or is this another instance of male violence on women? the latter is where the focus should be, but macarons would make this in to a race/religion thing if dudes were not mostly (if not all) western white men
It's embedded in the culture right? Or is this another instance of male violence on women? the latter is where the focus should be, but macarons would make this in to a race/religion thing if dudes were not mostly (if not all) western white men
Can only see one person bringing up race here to be honest.

If someone like Marky brought up race the would be pile on, on him.
A husband accused in France of drugging his wife and inviting dozens of strangers to rape her has complained that HIS life has been ruined by the trial.

Dominique Pelicot, 71, blamed his wife, Gisele, because she refused to go along with his “swinging” demands, a court in Avignon was told.

Prison psychologist Marianne Douteau said Pelicot, a retired electrician, believed his marriage would have continued if he hadn’t been caught out after drugging his spouse and subjecting her to sex with other men over ten years.

She said that Pelicot “complains that this criminal case against him has destroyed his life.

“He claims everything could have continued as before if he had been arrested. He said, ‘Gisele would not have known anything, we would have continued to be happy.’

Douteau said Pelicot had a “split personality” and was abused by his wife-beating father.

“Dominique Pelicot comes from a troubled family in which young children were abused.

"(Pelicot) has a two-sided personality; he is a patriarch but he is also irresponsible and manipulative. Behind closed doors he does not respect limits,” she said. “He has a split personality between the person he wants to be and the person he is. He does not show any empathy—but he is not inauthentic.”

Pelicot was excused from the courtroom on Monday after suffering from an undisclosed illness.

Another psychologist, Annabelle Montagne, who interviewed Pelicot six weeks after his arrest in 2020, said he told her: “My wife and I had a discussion about swinging but she didn't agree so I drugged her.”

She said he was insistent he loved his wife, but she continued: “He sees his partner as an object to satisfy his sexual and narcissistic needs. His wife is then a partial object and no longer an object of total love.”

The couple met when they were both 18 and married two years later.

The court heard she was drugged by her husband and raped on the marital bed while her husband watched and recorded the abuse for his pleasure.

The amount of hate and vitriol that goes on here unchecked towards people who look like me is enough to allow me to point out inconsistencies Chich. Get effed if you want to play victim lad
Not playing the victim. But you brought up race when everyone else was just commenting on how awful a woman being drugged and raped by her husband and others was.

Point out when you feel your a victim and then report it to the police. This is a website but anyone committing racial hatred will be subject to the laws of our country.

I believe the police prosecute these crimes.

I'm not playing any sort of victim, I have seen when Marky has brought up race. People pile in on him, maybe fairly at times.

You took the drugging and rape of a woman and tried to turn it into a racial issue. I expected better of you.
Not playing the victim. But you brought up race when everyone else was just commenting on how awful a woman being drugged and raped by her husband and others was.

Point out when you feel your a victim and then report it to the police. This is a website but anyone committing racial hatred will be subject to the laws of our country.

I believe the police prosecute these crimes.

I'm not playing any sort of victim, I have seen when Marky has brought up race. People pile in on him, maybe fairly at times.

You took the drugging and rape of a woman and tried to turn it into a racial issue. I expected better of you.

No i commented on the inconsistency of reporting. If the crime was committed by a black/brown person it would have been part of the narrative but it was not. If you want to deliberately be obtuse and ignore the point I am making crack on lad.
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No i commented on the inconsistency of reporting. If the crime was committed by a black/brown person it would have been part of the narrative but it was not. If you want to deliberately be obtuse and ignore the point I am making crack on lad.

I believe you're right and unfortunately it will take a long time until that attitude changes, it's always easier to see faults in outsiders than ourselves and the colour of a person's skin make them a far easier target.
I believe you're right and unfortunately it will take a long time until that attitude changes, it's always easier to see faults in outsiders than ourselves and the colour of a person's skin make them a far easier target.
Anyone treating people differently because of their skin colour would be subject rightly so to the law. That is the reason we have discrimination laws, as Bentacur is finding out.
He wasn't 'trying to score points' but raise an example of the inconsistency of reporting and narratives in Western media with regards to crime and race/religion. It might be uncomfortable, but it is NOT low..
He was, it's a horrible crime unrelated to race or religion and yet he couldn't wait to bring up the topic of race and religion. If he wants to have a go at the media for how they report crimes for certain races and religions he can knock himself out and create a thread for it. Religion and race doesn't have to be dragged in at every opportunity.
He was, it's a horrible crime unrelated to race or religion and yet he couldn't wait to bring up the topic of race and religion. If he wants to have a go at the media for how they report crimes for certain races and religions he can knock himself out and create a thread for it. Religion and race doesn't have to be dragged in at every opportunity.

I look forward to reading here how you have written similar when the perpetrator of a crime has been identified (or even mis-identified as was seen in Australia a few months) as Black/Brown/Muslim and the usual "terrorist" tropes applied..