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Sick sick world what is wrong with people

There will be people who come to this country either as economic migrants or refugees who will sadly commit criminal acts, some terrible. Just like there will be native ones who will too. But overall there is a net benefit from migration. This is the problem with news stories they play on people's natural distrust of foreigners and amplify their anger. They then forget all the decent migrants that have done so much good for the UK. My parents were both NHS nurses for more than 40 years. I served as a police officer for many years. When you rightly get angry about a rapist asylum seeker why not try to temper the anger towards all migrants by remembering most are good people?

The pertinent fact is that they are criminals, not that they are an immigrant.
There are good and in all walks of life, it is important that we don't allow ourselves to become distracted by a narrative.
The pertinent fact is that they are criminals, not that they are an immigrant.
There are good and in all walks of life, it is important that we don't allow ourselves to become distracted by a narrative.
Thanks mate you've articulated the point better than me..
I agree and I think the protesters do too. They expected some jail time. But what they got was ridiculous especially when you consider the sentences meted out so far to the far right thugs.

Agree. Even if you don’t mention the far right riots, It’s insane that they got harsher sentences than people who commit sexual assault for example.
There will be people who come to this country either as economic migrants or refugees who will sadly commit criminal acts, some terrible. Just like there will be native ones who will too. But overall there is a net benefit from migration. This is the problem with news stories they play on people's natural distrust of foreigners and amplify their anger, in some ways to almost validate their distrust. They then forget all the decent migrants that have done so much good for the UK. My parents were both NHS nurses for more than 40 years. I served as a police officer for many years. When you rightly get angry about a rapist asylum seeker why not try to temper the anger towards all migrants by remembering most are good people?
Im not angry about the asylum rapist. I was suggesting that news stories like that Stoke the fuel of the far right. Hinting at the failure to remove someone who apparently was rejected in 2005 the right to remain is one of the reasons for people on the right to get angry and actually increases the popularity of their movement.

Does it really need to be said that the vast majority of immigrants are decent law abiding people. Would gave thought that were common sense, like the vast majority of football fans are decent despite a few knuckle heads.

How have I ever had anger towards all migrants? You are pushing a narrative to make me sound like an extremist which is something people like to try to do to win a debate. My winning retort would be, im married to an immigrant, someone not born in this country to parents not born in this country.

Its like saying anyone who has concerns about the level of immigration or unvetted asylum seekers is in some way angry towards them all.

Perhaps temper your anger towards people with concerns towards the level of immigration and asylum claims to understand that most are good decent people.

I said most for the record, not including those who set fire to buildings with people in them.
The pertinent fact is that they are criminals, not that they are an immigrant.
There are good and in all walks of life, it is important that we don't allow ourselves to become distracted by a narrative.
Does it depend on who is pushing the narrative then?

I agree with the point though. For me it has always been simple if you break the law you are a criminal. I occasionally park illegal but I don't think they are going to throw up any road blocks for that though.

It is telling to me how I condemn people for setting fire to buildings with people in them. But when stories of a Labour Councillor (I voted labour) shouting to a crowd that people should have their throats cut. It went very quiet in here.

Always knew I was the best poster on here. Now know I'm so zen and above everyone else that I refuse to take sides and call out wrongdoing where ever it comes from.
The level of criminality and danger to the public exhibited by the rioters was a different level to just stop oil. In fact the 2 sets of protesters are incomparable. Put it this way the sentences meted out to the latter group are heavily disproportionate with the level of criminal act. Planning to disrupt the M25 is not the same as planning to burn people alive in a building.
I would agree though I wonder how much planning went into burning the building, was it weeks and months do we feel?

Either way and I'm not up on the law but in my view it was attempted murder by the rioters and the prison sentences should reflect that.

Going onto the m25 and trying to get on airport runways was risking lives though, their own and the police who had to attend as a former police officer im sure you agree its not great that the police had to put themselves in harms way on motorways, even 8f the protestors were lovely middle class people with a generally speaking good objective.

Never understood throwing stuff at paintings in art galleries, but as none of them had a council estate accent I don't suppose it matters.
Does it depend on who is pushing the narrative then?

I agree with the point though. For me it has always been simple if you break the law you are a criminal. I occasionally park illegal but I don't think they are going to throw up any road blocks for that though.

It is telling to me how I condemn people for setting fire to buildings with people in them. But when stories of a Labour Councillor (I voted labour) shouting to a crowd that people should have their throats cut. It went very quiet in here.

Always knew I was the best poster on here. Now know I'm so zen and above everyone else that I refuse to take sides and call out wrongdoing where ever it comes from.
Pushing the narrative is now one of those phrases that have been hijacked.
Narrative is just another word for at best misinformation or dubious opinion to downright lies.
I'm not familiar with the rape case mentioned, I was speaking generally.it is no more correct to say a criminal is an immigrant so all immigrants are criminal than it is to say that a racist is against immigration so all who are concerned about immigration are racist.
Those who are genuinely concerned about immigration should be taking their anger out on the government who have mishandled it, not on immigrants. Could be argued that is what happened over Brexit and that narrative has now been hijacked to say all brexiteers are racists.

In my honest opinion there are too many people wedded to their opinions and will not move, the more you try to convince them they are wrong the more they dig in. That is on all sides and for lots of subjects, we all have the right to an opinion, but we also have the right to change it as well. There is no shame in being wrong occasionally.
You can take what you want from that, not really bothered.

What I will maintain until my dieing day is wrong is wrong, does not matter who it is or what the cause.
When it comes to serious mis behaviour and criminal behaviour it doesn't who does it you should stand up and say that is wrong and you should be punished.
I don't care if it's your child, siblings, parents, community, football club, political party, country, or any other Connection you can name.
And two wrongs do not and never can make a right.

I enjoy your posts, I don't always agree with them, I often think you say the right thing badly, just as I sometimes think people have a set idea of you and your opinions and view them through that lens without actually reading and trying to interpret what you're saying.
I think we are all guilty of reading posts too quickly and not taking in the nuances and of also judging posters on what we think we know about them.
Even the saddest of us on here only expose a little of their personality, we should not rush to judge.

Sorry for the length.
Not the first time I've said that BTW.

Now this, if true, I have a bit of a problem with. Not that I would personally care if any of these racists was unable to attend a Spurs game or any other game. I’d have no sympathy for them. But as a matter of principle it’s dangerous ground and a dangerous precedent. We have a legal system that has defined penalties for each type of crime. Arbitrarily deciding that someone involved in the riots is also banned from football grounds even though their offence had nothing to do with football just feels wrong. Are they banned from other sports events? Other activities? Let the courts sentence within the parameters of the law. Let the courts deal with riot and racism related incidents. Let football clubs - and the courts when applicable - deal with football related incidents. Don’t conflate the two.
Really don’t get how the mix the two other than guilty by association
We have had political commentators say that football fans are racists only this week
I mean it’s a sport with the most diverse group of “entertainers” you could see…. But fans are racist :mad::mad::mad:
These people should be charged according to their actions and the rest of their lives affected accordingly
I would like less government and when you look at the layers of government from local councils right up to the the EU it's ridiculous.
The trade off what we would lose by Brexit just wasn't worth it for me.
I voted for Brexit because I saw the way EU countries were cheating the UK because we’re the idiots that follow rules
So many tenders I was involved in had country backed bid.. subsidised offers… made up references
UK ones were all legit and by default non competitive
Then add in a large US bank that told all its staff in London if they voted for Brexit they would move their jobs to Gemany. Another example of influence from the wrong place

I love travel and working with people from all over. I work for Danish company and my office is in Copenhagen. I also have an office in Warsaw. I’m wearing this sat in the Loire Valley

I know people who left Bedford because they thought we didn’t want them. That’s not the case IMO. But I do think the whole world is nuts now

I don’t regret my vote. I do regret my choice of government at the time