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Serious relegation fears

I think the point is that Leicester don't deserve their position based on their performances. They have been the inferior side most of the time and gotten more lucky breaks in one season than most teams would get in ten. Spurs, on the other hand, have been the better side in almost all their games and deservedly sit second. They have upset the status quo by being better, not by being lucky. If Leicester had done the same, I'd celebrate them too. But they haven't, so I won't.

I call the bolded as pure unadulterated BS!! Don't we often say the sign of a championship team is when they get results despite not playing well? Leicester might not play pretty football but they play their style pretty well. Spurs are in second place because our results got us there. What next we should give teams points for wearing prettier jersies or the number of dribbles their wingers do!! This is football. There is more than one way to play it. We chose our style. Leicester chose theirs. Let us not appear arrogant because for the first time in a long while - SPURS are second! I can imagine other clubs' fans logging on and reading this. Really Spurs fans - we are almost back to glory days and we start talking like this? REALLY!!
It will be gutting to finish above all the usual suspects and lose out to the freak show (no significant injuries, several players having ridonculous seasons, donkeys like Huth and Morgan scoring match-winning goals, more 1-0 wins than any other team in the history of the universe) that is Leicester. BUT we will have the foundations to move forwards next year IF Levy and Poch strengthen, and (please Hodd) there is no way Leicester can get close to their results of this season.

Why do you feel the need to insult Leicester's players? I am puzzled! Who said Leicester cant get the same results next season? Cant you see how others can say the same about us wrt performances and results?

PS Only us and Man Utd have scored more goals than Leicester this season!
PPS Leicester have only done 7 (1-0) victories. The record is held by Jose's Chelsea (11 '1-0' victories).

So does your comment only apply because it is Leicester?
If we don't win it, I hope that Leicester do. Anything to break up the usual suspects monopoly and what an improbable story.
Leicester are basically Blackburn from the early 90's.
They will disappear back into nothingness next season and probably be relegated a few seasons thereafter.

It's an unadulterated, freakishly fudged occurrence that they're going to win the league and to get in a huff at people for pointing this out is the more pathetic of the behaviors IMO.
Quite the opposite. I think its exactly what the Premier League needed. You couldn't write this sort of story.
It's the last thing the PL needs.

It's already facing the (justified) criticism that it's a tactical wasteland compared to the rest of Europe, and that physicality and pace beat intelligence and skill as often as not.

A rugby team like Leicester winning would only go to enforce that view, and deservedly so.
It's the last thing the PL needs.

It's already facing the (justified) criticism that it's a tactical wasteland compared to the rest of Europe, and that physicality and pace beat intelligence and skill as often as not.

A rugby team like Leicester winning would only go to enforce that view, and deservedly so.

I think that it is a bit rich blaming Leicester for the state of English football. We've seen plenty of rich cloggers win the Premier League, so I don't have a problem with a comparatively poor one doing the same.

The reason English football is poor technically is because that is what the fans demand. They want end to end football and get on players backs when they are more patient in possession.
I think that it is a bit rich blaming Leicester for the state of English football. We've seen plenty of rich cloggers win the Premier League, so I don't have a problem with a comparatively poor one doing the same.

The reason English football is poor technically is because that is what the fans demand. They want end to end football and get on players backs when they are more patient in possession.
I agree. But a rugby team winning stuff will only encourage all the other brick teams to play Pulisball too.
This season has busted two wise old adages

1. The table never lies, the best team wins the league.

2. The breaks even themselves out.

But it has also highlighted what's going to be one of footballs big problems, the top players no longer have to perform. They can sign a mega contract, go through the motions and let the manager take all the flak.
Leicester, Spurs and West Ham are where they are because they have taken advantage of that, building teams that are hungry and willing to put in a shift.
No, I can't imagine Vallecano ever finishing above Real or Barca as the difference between the resources of those teams is much larger than the difference between any two teams in the Premier League.

You're comparing the two biggest clubs in world football to teams that would finish midtable in the Championship at best. Not to mention Real & Barca each have one of the greatest players to ever grace a football pitch in their locker.

I agree with you that the regular top teams have been below par this season, and I think it's got a lot to do with why Leciester are where they are. BUT don't forget that counts for us as well. We have been fantastic for such a young side this season but the only team we've played this season who really have a grip on things has been Dortmund and they played us off the park. If you can say Leciester might not be where they are if the regulars were functioning at optimum levels you can say we might not be in second right now either. It works both ways.

I don't see why anyone wouldn't celebrate that?

Haven't we, as supporters of a team that has to play to a strict budget, been saying for the past decade that the revenue's generated by Champions League football have created a stranglehold on the top four positions?

We've been patiently waiting for a team in the top four to slip up so we can capitalise, get through as many rounds in the Champions League as possible, reinvest the cash, then look to qualify AGAIN so we can start to get a bit of a monopoly of our own going.

This season all the top sides are slipping quite a bit and the leagues looking by far the most competitive it has ever looked in my life time and now we're complaining?

I think this season will be a one off in that we won't see so many of the top sides slip up all at once ever again. But personally I think it's great that in the Premier League if the top sides slip up you at least have a chance of over taking them. In Spain the top sides are so far ahead of the rest of the pack that even when Barca or Real do slip they're not going to drop below 4th.

But if I was offered every season being the same top four with us 5th and occasionally slipping into the Champions League or every season being more open and competitive I'd pick the later all the time as I think it benefits clubs like us a lot more and benefits the league a lot, lot, more.

Because it's unpredictable, and unpredictability is bad.

If we don't win it, I hope that Leicester do. Anything to break up the usual suspects monopoly and what an improbable story.

I think the best thing for Spurs long term isn't to break up the usual suspects, it's to join them.
Because it's unpredictable, and unpredictability is bad.

I think the best thing for Spurs long term isn't to break up the usual suspects, it's to join them.

F*ck joining them......i want one of those f*ckers to suffer and disappear as quick as you can say Leeds United. Dog eat dog.

ps Unless its the goons and then a really long drawn out painful suffering is much preferred.
F*ck joining them......i want one of those f*ckers to suffer and disappear as quick as you can say Leeds United. Dog eat dog.

ps Unless its the goons and then a really long drawn out painful suffering is much preferred.

the two are not mutually exclusive

we can be in it and others drop away
Leicester are basically Blackburn from the early 90's.
They will disappear back into nothingness next season and probably be relegated a few seasons thereafter.

It's an unadulterated, freakishly fudgeed occurrence that they're going to win the league and to get in a huff at people for pointing this out is the more pathetic of the behaviors IMO.

Leicester are more like Greece of Euro 2004. Greece did well to win the trophy but they had been shyte before and after that. That will be the same for Leicester. Just imagine Leicester playing in CL next season !
For those who say the table does no lie I would say gonad*s, take a look at the table and see who is top and you will see the name Leicester. Now I have said that I do not like the way they play but that is their way and we have ours and for those to try and say they do not deserve to be where they are is just sour grapes.

Our Lge has been overhyped as the best around ( which is gonad*s imo) the standard of play this season ( overall) has been the worst for years and that has a lot to do with why Leicester have done so well, as I say those who say the table lies need to have a closer look ( or get new glasses).
It's the last thing the PL needs.

It's already facing the (justified) criticism that it's a tactical wasteland compared to the rest of Europe, and that physicality and pace beat intelligence and skill as often as not.

A rugby team like Leicester winning would only go to enforce that view, and deservedly so.

As much as I dislike Leicester and think they've been fortunate in some games this season, the reason they are in and around the top is because they are tactically the best drilled side in the league. Only we come close as a unit (I would say better but I'm biased). Emirates Marketing Project are a disorganised rabble and the goons continue to blindly follow Wenger's standard drill of passing the ball to death.
As much as I dislike Leicester and think they've been fortunate in some games this season, the reason they are in and around the top is because they are tactically the best drilled side in the league. Only we come close as a unit (I would say better but I'm biased). Emirates Marketing Project are a disorganised rabble and the goons continue to blindly follow Wenger's standard drill of passing the ball to death.
Nope. The reason they're near the top is that they spent the first half of the season with a player in the hottest streak he'll ever have in his entire career, scoring at a rate up there with the world's best (and I think we can all agree he's not one of the world's best). Then, when his GSR started to tail off, their goalkeeper jumped into unrepeatably good form, saving at rates that the world's best keepers could be proud of.

Lots of teams get a player in a streak from time to time, to get two players to overlap like that is incredibly lucky. Just to show what a freak season this is, West Ham actually have 3 hot streak players this season - without their input they'd be roughly where Saudi Sportswashing Machine are (their rightful place).