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Scott Parker

Parker was by far and away our best player, however, he had a severe adrenilin rush and ran full tilt from end to end. This caused him to run out of steam. Also he always seems to mess his final ball/shot, so he wasnt too effective. In saying that, at least he looked like he gave a f**k.
as long as people have been watching footbal , you'd think that they would realise what poor confidence and lack of form would do to someone's ability

modric isnt bad defensively at all. he isnt amazing cause he isnt a defensive minded players, but he's certainly just as good if not better than alot alot of the top rated Cm's in the world.



One bad game and people forget everything he has done for us this season...
Same with Bale really

When we were winning,they were kings,when we are losing,they are bottlers and overrated ****s
I think we all agree Parker was our best player yesterday, I just wondered if we lost our shape because he had to try and drag us into it!

Devils advocate so to speak!
I said this to my mate today, Parker was the only one who cared and was running around and can go with his head held high. he set up the goal, basically and made some great runs. just needed to play the ball correclty a few more times to get people in on goal....
I think we all agree Parker was our best player yesterday, I just wondered if we lost our shape because he had to try and drag us into it!

Devils advocate so to speak!

yeah i agree and it is something which happens quite a lot - can't fault him for effort though, which always means this kind of criticism falls on deaf ears
Parker was the only player yesterday wh I was proud of. Everything else could suck my left and right testicle with Harry sucking my big fat ****.


I am angry now moreso than yesterday. Yesterday i felt like I couldnt care less but this morning I woke up in a mood and now even moreso.

this. yesterday I was like meh. i dont care, woke up this morning feeling awful (monday anyway) and thought why do i? oh yeh cos of fudging spurs u fudging tossers!!!!! arrrgh
The only player to play like he gave a fcuk

I thought Lennon put himself about trying to win the ball back as well. I can't see how we can complain at Parker driving forward and even taking a (wayward) shot, when Luka was completely ineffective and didn't look like wanting to win. If he wants to be in the game, then it is up to him to be in the game.
It may surprise many around here to hear this, but I think Parker was excellent yesterday.

For once he stopped doing all the things I get tinkled off with him doing. He moved the ball quickly and positively, he didn't always make the obvious pass and as has been said already, looked like the only player who wanted it.
Lassana Diarra vs Parker ..revisited

Thoughts ?

No one can deny the effect parker has had on our team . We have been that much better with some form of resilience and dedication with him in the starting 11.

however , thanks to Punk is back and his unyeilding need to offer critique on parker, i've noticed something.......parker doesnt help matters when he 'gets ahead of himself' with regards to his responsibilities.

Till today i maintain that parker is an allround pressing DM that actually has sopme play making skills, BUT for some odd reason since he's been playing for us, the more he tries to dictate things and be a playmaker the WORSE his passing is becoming. Moves break down quite a bit with his passing when he tries to take over modric or thudds role.

Added to this, what is always a good skill to have( WHEN NECESSARY), his persistent need to make a 360 to 720 degree turn on a six pence is also becoming a tad bit detrimental. allowing / inviting pressure to build around him and not keeping momentum flowing quickly in those instances (allowing opposition to get back and order themselves).

what ever happened to the early days when he would just win the ball and give it to someone else?

this is where the thought of Diarra (lassana) comes in.

no one can tell how we would have turned out had we got diarra , we could have very well lost the leadership, determination and fight that we have with parker....added to this parker is more likely to stay in defensive zones than diarra blah blha blah........BUT..

...diarra is still very good positionally , and you know what they say...you dont have to run if you're already there. More importantly...diarra is a very good distributor of the ball , and a quick one at that...his range of passing is much more than parkers....and his passing is significantly better than parkers

would we have benefitted more from a defensive lynchpin with playmaking skills able to move the ball quickly and accurately than with a determined hardworking leader that works his socks off for the team?

dont do it, check out the calories / bad fat in that thing, plus the sugar?

unless your physically active with Mick cooper or something?

the only one you've had this last couple of weeks?

or maybe you just a fat bastard?

i'd stay away from it personally
I've thought that a couple of times throughout the course of the season, Diarra would have been quality with us and would also not have been as much of a short term fix, buuuut also would have been more of an investment.

No doubt he moves with the ball much better than Parker and also has greater passing ability but as you said lacks the whole leadership thing. hmm...
I think we should try to have as many posts as possible undermining any possibility whatsoever that Parker has been a good buy. He is English and not that athletic, therefore he must be brick and it is important he therefore gets no credit at all.

We'd be winning the league if we'd signed Diarra and the fact that Redknapp bought Parker over him is a definite indication that Redknapp is out of touch and needs to go.
I think you're looking in the wrong place for problems in the team.

Parker's passing is pretty good when there is adequate movement in front of him - look at the slide rule pass to Ade on Sunday for example. When the movement is not good - e.g. at Sunderland then things become very difficult for a central midfielder.
When playing sideways and backwards he's excellent at taking the sting out of things when we're leading. I have no problem with that approach, its got us a lot of points this season.

If anyone needs to learn more about positioning and staying in zones it is Sandro, who is a worse passer than Parker and vacates his role on far too regular a basis. The frustrating thing is when he remembers, he plays the role very well. Not sure if its emotions taking over during the game or something...I'm sure he'll learn in time.
I think we should try to have as many posts as possible undermining any possibility whatsoever that Parker has been a good buy. He is English and not that athletic, therefore he must be brick and it is important he therefore gets no credit at all.

We'd be winning the league if we'd signed Diarra and the fact that Redknapp bought Parker over him is a definite indication that Redknapp is out of touch and needs to go.

i can only imagine that you came in this thread with potential negative thoughts towards anything written

i can help you with this my good man. I am here to tell you, you DO NOT actually have to be in this thread or take part in any discussion that happens from here on in if you feel that it will put you needlessly in a negative / bad mood

with that fine print in mind proceed with caution , and good luck
I think you're looking in the wrong place for problems in the team.

Parker's passing is pretty good when there is adequate movement in front of him - look at the slide rule pass to Ade on Sunday for example. When the movement is not good - e.g. at Sunderland then things become very difficult for a central midfielder.
When playing sideways and backwards he's excellent at taking the sting out of things when we're leading. I have no problem with that approach, its got us a lot of points this season.

If anyone needs to learn more about positioning and staying in zones it is Sandro, who is a worse passer than Parker and vacates his role on far too regular a basis. The frustrating thing is when he remembers, he plays the role very well. Not sure if its emotions taking over during the game or something...I'm sure he'll learn in time.

you're right in that i could very well be looking for problems that aren't paramount...but to say that its the movement that makes parkers passing less than adequate i have to say is not true at all. parker over the last few months since i've noticed has not been passing well at all.....with or without movement. maybe its just not his thing anymore

ironically, sandro is indeed a worse passer than parker and yet sandro doesnt attempt anything too complicated and he releases the ball quicker than parker more often, you wont catch sandro dwelling on it too often

have to disagree with sando vacating his role 'too often' , i honestly believe that to not be true. he only does that when there is cover and he almost always breaks forward at the right time...no question. he is very disciplined especially when playing next to someone that is frequently advanced. if he is playing with parker then maybe the level of going forward gets raised abit, but too often? no, not for me
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