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Politics, politics, politics

I agree, and we are now (at least) telling Generation Z that there are other career paths that don't involve university. Problem is, society doesn't seem to have learned from its mistakes with the millennials - we're now swinging against the built-up snobbery of uni being the be all and end all by *over-egging* the trades, apprenticeships and non-traditional career paths as viable alternatives, much like people did with unis in the first place. Your niece did well for herself, but not everyone is similarly cut out for non-university ways to financial and personal stability - and, furthermore, if everyone takes that route, we're left with the same problem we have now with uni graduates. Namely, too many of them competing for too few proper spots on the career/property ladders.

I'm unsure what the future holds for Generation Z, but I do think that they'll be dealt a worse hand than the millennials got. As a society, we're now on the cusp of a massive shift in the way we order ourselves and view our worth as human beings, because the twin threats of climate change-influenced migration and unstoppably-accelerating job losses via automation are just around the corner. Those earthquakes are coming, whether we like it or not - and Gen Z will bear the brunt of both.

It's vital that they don't experience what my own generation experienced - constant moaning and sniping by others about how their problems and their challenges were their own damn fault. Because, while millennials generally can still remember a time before constant societal upheaval, record wealth and income inequality and declining public services and provisions for their generation, Gen Z will grow up in a world where those things are accepted facets of life. They will likely have enough tribulations to deal with without any extra bitterness or resentment being added to the mix.

Yes, career choices and paths should be made for the individual and society's needs. Not as some political ideology.
Solar runs more on light than sun I think. Once the storage issue is sorted you just need enough solar and wind, not a consistent supply.

I also remember reading that to power the world, we'd only need to dedicate to solar farms the amount of land that is currently deforested in the rainforest every 7 months.
The two are connected obviously but direct sunlight is not a necessity as such, however it is better the sunnier it is. Around the UK latitude as long as the angle of tilt and orientation of the panels is right you can produce enough to power a house give or take with enough roof space for the panels. Storage shouldn't be an issue if you don't produce more than you use on a daily basis and even then you can sell back to the grid rather than store it. Right....this is sounding like work now :confused:.

Generally speaking the countries that could produce the most solar power are those hot countries with plenty of unused real estate - the equatorial countries. Theoretically there could be a belt around the globe's waist powering the whole planet. Practically I don't want to even think about it really.
The two are connected obviously but direct sunlight is not a necessity as such, however it is better the sunnier it is. Around the UK latitude as long as the angle of tilt and orientation of the panels is right you can produce enough to power a house give or take with enough roof space for the panels. Storage shouldn't be an issue if you don't produce more than you use on a daily basis and even then you can sell back to the grid rather than store it. Right....this is sounding like work now :confused:.

Generally speaking the countries that could produce the most solar power are those hot countries with plenty of unused real estate - the equatorial countries. Theoretically there could be a belt around the globe's waist powering the whole planet. Practically I don't want to even think about it really.

You could turn 20 square miles of the Sahara into the world's power source if you want.

Personally though I think local production and storage would be better. It prevents anyone leveraging power over energy and charging for it. All you need is, as you say, to generate at least as much as you use. When your battery is full, they can just switch-off for a bit.
You could turn 20 square miles of the Sahara into the world's power source if you want.

Personally though I think local production and storage would be better. It prevents anyone leveraging power over energy and charging for it. All you need is, as you say, to generate at least as much as you use. When your battery is full, they can just switch-off for a bit.
All the more reason not to put all your eggs in the one basket. Spread out production and force the price down.
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I guess we won't have MEPs in a couple of years, so less politicians overall...

Damn right to, we do not need them. Save the money and give it for some extra social care or some trade envoys.

Should also mention that Mogg fella, what a loony saying women who have been raped should have their babies. I was brought up as a Catholic and it is one reason why I hate religious people so much, mentalists the lot of them.
Damn right to, we do not need them. Save the money and give it for some extra social care or some trade envoys.

Should also mention that Mogg fella, what a loony saying women who have been raped should have their babies. I was brought up as a Catholic and it is one reason why I hate religious people so much, mentalists the lot of them.

Mogg seems like he would be more at home in the Republican party in America. Strange man.
This cretin is a throw back to the 18th century.

The 18th century was pretty cool though. The Enlightenment, voyages of exploration, the Kit-Cat Club, Samuel Johnson, Jonathon Swift, Daniel Defoe, James Cook, Joseph Banks, William Blake, Canaletto. Much better than now.
Great more politicians just what the country needs. People who do 3 or 4 other jobs and take 3 months off a year for holidays while being paid by you and me the taxpayer.
To be fair, many politicians work really hard with long hours and high pressure.

I would definitely recommend trying to watch BBC parliament a couple of times a week if you can for a few hours - it really is interesting
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To be honest, at least he showed integrity (compared with Farron).

Some of my friends bank with the Co-op, but I prefer to stick with Barclays. I like it that they don't hide the fact, that they're a bunch of money-grabbing bloody nazis.