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Politics, politics, politics

@wiziwig, it's not a wish, its evolution, homogenisation to dominant traits

Natural evolution is fine but when it's enforced, coerced by ruling elites as part of their divide and rule strategies, you must expect resistance and bloodshed ...The elites don't mind proletariat bloodshed, in fact they periodically demand it, as there's money to be made from destruction and rebuild debt programmes and not forgetting, them reasserting their rule over us.
I wasn't going to mention anything about the Middle East and how many migrants it takes in compared to Europe. But now you mention it, can you show through stats how many migrants it does take for comparison as i'm now interested.

Google - Net Immigration tables and you will find websites offering the information.

Eh?? The meme you posted said: "DIVERSITY means 'get rid of whites', that's WHITE GENOCIDE"
Genocide means the deliberate killing of a large group of people especially of those from the same ethnic group or a particular nation.
So explain how that statement in the meme could be interpreted in any other way: Do yo think ANYONE would interpret "DIVERSITY means 'get rid of whites' any other way, other than the meme suggesting that 'Diversity' is some kind of attack on whites?
Maybe your description of Genocide is different from most other people?

I've explained the meaning of Genocide according to the UN articles. Genocide is not a total wipeout...

Ok, as i thought then.

Ok, let me ask you simply: in your opinion is the migration to the "Western Hemisphere lands" from beyond the "Western Hemisphere" that we see today any different to the migration seen from Europe in the 16th, 17th, 18th centuries to the Americas and Australasia?

If you think it is, can you explain how so in your opinion?

Do you not read my replies? On an elite level , on an ordinary person level ?

You think me a son of an immigrant has absolutely no understanding and empathy for people seeking a better life and that I posted the Immigration Gumball video because I like Gumballs?
Do you not read my replies? On an elite level , on an ordinary person level ?

You think me a son of an immigrant has absolutely no understanding and empathy for people seeking a better life and that I posted the Immigration Gumball video because I like Gumballs?

On whatever level you like; just compare them please
On whatever level you like; just compare them please

Surely overpopulation is having more people than the soil, water and fuel can support? So it's not necessarily related to density. Soil, water and fuel are more plentiful above Capricorn/Cancer, so those belts can support a higher population density without being overpopulated.
IMO only 7/23 of the largest emigrant countries (by total numbers) are fuelled by overpopulation Inida, Indonesia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Philippines, Syria (as per your input I was not aware this was the case).

I would suggest the following are not Russia, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Mexico, China, Afghanistan, Colombia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Germany, Romania, Turkey, United States of America, Italy, Myanmar, Morocco
Ok, @wiziwig i've asked for your view of the subject of migration to the "Western Hemisphere" from outside the "Western Hemisphere" and asked you for your views on if it is different to the migrations from Europe to the Americas and Australasia in the 16th/17th/18th centuries...your reluctance to reminds me of @AuroRaman post #6890 earlier in the thread so i think i'll leave it at that
Not all Muslims are pesky and not all pesky's are Muslims.

You're a white supremacist finder general so you're the man to ask ..... Excluding caucasians, can you tell me if there exists people with supremacist tendencies?

Am I? Not quite sure what you mean?

To answer your question, I couldn't even begin to give you a list of non-white idiots with supremacist ideologies, I have life to get on with...
Sorry, have I also walked into a conversation where people are saying Britain is overpopulated *insert many many many many laughing emojis*

White people *insert roll eyes emoji*

Ok, @wiziwig i've asked for your view of the subject of migration to the "Western Hemisphere" from outside the "Western Hemisphere" and asked you for your views on if it is different to the migrations from Europe to the Americas and Australasia in the 16th/17th/18th centuries...your reluctance to reminds me of @AuroRaman post #6890 earlier in the thread so i think i'll leave it at that

Can I just add that Australia is considered a Western/White country. I'd love for some posters here to read up on the 'lost children'....
Just breaking from the Grauniad:

Chinese warship seizes US underwater drone in international waters

Official says drone deployed by American oceanographic vessel in South China Sea was taken by Chinese navy on Thursday

Friday 16 December 2016 16.30 GMT

A Chinese navy warship has seized an underwater drone deployed by an American oceanographic vessel in international waters in the South China Sea, triggering a formal diplomatic protest and demand for its return from the United States, a US defense official told Reuters on Friday.

The incident – the first of its kind in recent memory – took place on Thursday north-west of Subic Bay just as the USNS Bowditch, an oceanographic survey ship, was about to retrieve the unmanned, underwater vehicle (UUV), the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The moves comes after US president-elect Donald Trump called into question the longstanding US foreign policy of maintaining formal relations with Beijing instead of Taiwan, which China considers a breakaway province. He also spoke directly with Taiwan’s president, the first such contact since 1979. Both moves have infuriated China.


I wonder what Trump will do/say....is it sick of me to ask for my popcorn..?:oops:
Just breaking from the Grauniad:

Chinese warship seizes US underwater drone in international waters

Official says drone deployed by American oceanographic vessel in South China Sea was taken by Chinese navy on Thursday

Friday 16 December 2016 16.30 GMT

A Chinese navy warship has seized an underwater drone deployed by an American oceanographic vessel in international waters in the South China Sea, triggering a formal diplomatic protest and demand for its return from the United States, a US defense official told Reuters on Friday.

The incident – the first of its kind in recent memory – took place on Thursday north-west of Subic Bay just as the USNS Bowditch, an oceanographic survey ship, was about to retrieve the unmanned, underwater vehicle (UUV), the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The moves comes after US president-elect Donald Trump called into question the longstanding US foreign policy of maintaining formal relations with Beijing instead of Taiwan, which China considers a breakaway province. He also spoke directly with Taiwan’s president, the first such contact since 1979. Both moves have infuriated China.


I wonder what Trump will do/say....is it sick of me to ask for my popcorn..?:oops:

i'll go for crackers, as this is clearly a Chinese take away

Ok, @wiziwig i've asked for your view of the subject of migration to the "Western Hemisphere" from outside the "Western Hemisphere" and asked you for your views on if it is different to the migrations from Europe to the Americas and Australasia in the 16th/17th/18th centuries...your reluctance to reminds me of @AuroRaman post #6890 earlier in the thread so i think i'll leave it at that

We had visitors earlier, had to dash....

I explained to you in my posts the similarities?
Apologies for not replying sooner but I've been away for the past few days.

In the context of the debate i.e. galeforce's wish for a one global racial group, can I ask we try to keep it factual rather than you implying racism on my part?

Fact 1). Presently, The Western Hemisphere - North America and Europe is majority white.

Fact 2). Australia aside - The majority of the people from the other continents are of a darker skin.

From the few words that I wrote regarding temporary workers in the Middle East, to permanent residency in Europe, your response is to twist the debate so as to discredit me that I as a greek-cypriot, see myself as a superior form of immigrant to those from the other continents.

Well no, that's not how I see things and I resent you implying that is how I do .

The facts speak for themselves . Cyprus is in Europe and it's people are caucasian - Do you think me a clam, that I cannot recognise, that on both our father's arrival to Britain, that my father who'd have less obstacles to face than your father would? You think I cannot see that the prejudices of the ignorant, would not make it harder for your father than for mine?

Perhaps you could tell me if the reverse would be true. Let's say, both you and I, with both the same work skills migrated to South Africa, would we both encounter the ignorance and prejudice out there in equal measure?

By differentiating in a debate, a white European to say a black African, is just that, differentiating. We can also be different from continent to continent by our physical characteristics, our cultural traditions , our languages, our religions and, our morals. Can we not talk of these differences without implying racism?

Can we not say that if large numbers of different belief systems are imported, that its possible that it generates concern for the national group without labelling these concerns as racist?

I would say that the biggest concern to Europeans is the uncontrolled mass migration into the continent by muslim young men under the guise of refugee status.

There are people voicing concerns regarding the numbers of muslims in Europe. There are concerns, that politicians entrusted to keep us safe are really on the same train of thought as galeforce's vision for the destruction of national diversity, that is by neutralising the politics of the white European majority. Are all these white European people voicing these concerns, racist?

Muslims in Europe have high unemployment rates and also have a high percentage who have no wish to assimilate into a liberal society and many see non muslims as an enemy. Europeans are not allowed to express concerns?

The same powers that share galeforce's dream of a one world government and superstate blocks are pushing their agenda through their controlled main streeem media and are not showing the true realities of this uncontrolled mass migration into Europe by people from the other continents. Look into it without relying on the BBC and other state news media and you will find that there have been major disturbances in many cities across Europe. There have been mass protests against this uncontrolled immigration in numerous countries, numbering in their 100,000s, that go unreported by our MSM.

Also . I'm not sure what your reasons are for asking me the question - what do you think of people from European countries going to live permanently in the Americas and Australasia?

Are Europeans migrating in large uncontrolled numbers to the Americas and Australasia?

Finally, I ask you to watch this six minute video and then maybe we can have a better understanding.

Where to start on this????? Truly I'm a bit baffled. I always am when children's of immigrants have an anti immigrant agenda. Since you brought up Cyprus may be I should start there. You know that recent gnome studies have shown that Cypriots have significant (both TC and GC) genes that originate from the middle East.. . So much so that some say that it proves the original Cypriots were not from either greece or turkey but from those that you want to bar from European intergration... how does that work for you?

Cyprus is in Europe???? Really? Cyprus is in the EU. But your anti eu post mean you are not happy about that (is that fair?). But geographically TURKEY is more in Europe then Cyprus (Cyprus is in fact not in Europe geographically at all) I guess with your euro centric (my dad was ok to come here but not your dad) bias then you would think TUrks have more right to be here then your family (No.. ... I thought not).

So then the final part of your argument........ Which my response to goes something like this....... hahhagahahahahgggagagaaaaaaahahaggaahhhhhaaahaaaahahaaaa

Social integration..... really? That's where you want to go? In the 50s 60s and 70s the Cypriots that left the 'troubles' (for those that don't know this is what the Cypriots refer to as the inter ethnic conflict between TC's and GCs between 1950s until 1974/5). The Cypriots came here and just integrated did they?..... like arse they did. They, like most immigrants now,lived around the same kind of area (for the cypriots it was Enfield and Southgate, amongst others). Set up there own social clubs (coffee shops) stayed within there own communities and tried to import as much as their culture as they could...... sounds like all other immigrants to the UK to me. It was only the second and third generation immigrants (like myself) that, as is natural became more British then not.

so then we come to your issue of light and dark skined immigrants.... And my response to that is simply fudge off
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Don't say that dude. I'm a big fan of yours on the forum :(. Added paragraphs to not hurt your eyes..... I'm dyslexic though so you notice any more mistakes and my response to that is fudge off ;)

did not mean it in a sarky way, i did not have a lot of formal education so it might just have been me not being able to concentrate. As I wrote concentrate a little red line came under it so i guess i wrote it wrong and i click on it and it corrects it for me, then I write "as i wrote concentrate" for a second time after just correcting it, it again comes up with a red line under it.

So it might just be me mate.
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did not mean it in a sarky way, i did not have a lot of formal education so it might just have been me not being able to concentrate. As I wrote concentrate a little red line came under it so i guess i wrote it wrong and i click on it and it corrects it for me, then I write "as i wrote concentrate" for a second time after just correcting it, it again comes up with a red line under it.

So it might just be me mate.

Thank you... But is most probably me. Still not sure how I got my degree... probably because I slept with one of my lecturers (true story which I'm sure you would aporeciate ;)..... although was really not my greatest performances.. .. so glad she did not grade me on that ;).

Spelling and grammer has never been my strong points though. Much better face to face.
Thank you... But is most probably me. Still not sure how I got my degree... probably because I slept with one of my lecturers (true story which I'm sure you would aporeciate ;)..... although was really not my greatest performances.. .. so glad she did not grade me on that ;).

Spelling and grammer has never been my strong points though. Much better face to face.

I'd like to hear more about the lecturer story please

Sitting on my porcelain throne using Fapatalk
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