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Politics, politics, politics

That's hardly surprising.

As I kept saying in the run up to the election - this country hasn't voted for anyone they perceive to be left of centre (although Blair snuck a lot of lefty **** through but dressed it up as centrist) for over 40 years. I just don't see that changing any time soon either.

Politics in the UK nowadays is like a game of squash - whoever dominates the centre ground will win.

Blair stood and won on a centre left platform at every election he led the Labour party and governed broadly along those lines.

I agree that elections are won on the centre ground and I think that Labour have missed a trick not occupying that space when the Conservatives are getting more ideological.

I think that the other factors we are missing (and Labour need to address) are the political consensus and competence. Labour lost in 2010 because of the global banking crisis. It was not a problem that was created in this country and if the government of this country before 2010 had been Tory rather than Labour the impact would have been largely the same. This is all irrelevant because George Osbourne's explanation of the crash and the causes of it have been accepted by the electorate. I think that this will continue to be the case until either there is a major fudge up on the Tory's watch or the people forget about the financial crisis and their priorities change.

My major issue with Corbyn and his supporters is that they think that you can reopen the debate on the causes of the financial crisis and the way our of it. I do not think that the public are interested in that debate or are even willing to listen to other explanations/solutions.
Heard from some German friends of ours that a German girl was rapped by a refuge in Germany but the police have been told not to investigate. They are not the sort to talk rubbish so it will be interesting if the Germans cover it up like the British did when young girls in Rotheram were being targeted. I hope not because I think that will just make things a whole lot worse.
Was in Brighton today as the son of a builder and a secretary who was born on a council estate(well hospital first) I was going to pop along and ask jeeza if he would buy me a beer. Could not get anywhere close to it all though.

Will be back over the Friday but I bet they all will have gone by then.
I'd actually like to see the government move to a brand new headquarters somewhere else in London. Somewhere like old oak common if HS2 ever gets the go ahead would be nice, start the re-building off there and provide good connections to more people. Then they could open the current parliament up to the public and probably make a fair bit of cash out of it, could even do events and functions there.
I'd actually like to see the government move to a brand new headquarters somewhere else in London. Somewhere like old oak common if HS2 ever gets the go ahead would be nice, start the re-building off there and provide good connections to more people. Then they could open the current parliament up to the public and probably make a fair bit of cash out of it, could even do events and functions there.

I like this idea a lot.
I agree with Roy, and many others I'm sure, re; the building being of historical importance.
However the repair costs equate to 6% (if I remember the sums correctly) of the benefit cuts - which does raise the question, is the past more important than the present?

This idea however would give an opportunity for heritage to fund itself and allow us to create a new building more suited to politics rather than theatre.
Of course we are nowhere near forward thinking enough as a country to do this and the UKIP type voter would consider it a scandal