I think that is a fair and balanced viewpoint. And from someone who is a clearly decent human being. I wish everyone was like you. Problem is I don't think everyone is like you. I think folks that follow the religion of peace put Allah above all. I think they are backward. I think they are not compatible to modern western values.
Why do we have to put up anti Muslim brick barriers in front of all our bridges, in front of our special buildings? Why do we have to accept honour killings? Why do we have to accept grooming gangs? This isn't our culture. Why do we have to accept they treat women as second class citizens?
Islam is a cancer. It has been for 15 hundred years. It adds nothing to our culture. I honestly don't know what Islam adds for the world. I would genuinely be happy and be educated to know what it adds to the world. I do accept that in the first stages of their enlightenment mathematics was wonder. But it was based on Isaac Newtons laws.
I'm not religious, but like you had a catholic upbringing. I can see what that did in shaping the world. But islam? Please educate me.
It seems like you've glanced at Glenda's post (a tremendous one I should say), shrugged and then reverted to whatever it is you were hellbent on saying anyway.
Who is asking you to accept grooming gangs? I'm not sure if you're aware but Catholism has had what some might call a PR problem in regards to child abuse in various forms, are you being asked to accept that? Is it more agreeable because it's something more like "our culture"?
Have you had many negative experiences with Muslims in real life? Like actual instances, of the things you're clearly so worried about, so they must have impacted you in actuality. I can't remember who it was but another poster was having fits about non binary people, but couldn't actually say how it affected them if people would be referred to using a different personal pronoun than what you might assume. Now, I might regret bringing that up as its a whole different issue, but I hope you see there's a slight link.
I've got lots of muslim students, in recent times numerous Egyptian ladies, who yes, may be wearing some kind of hair covering, shock horror. They're lovely people who are by choice looking to improve their language skills, I don't think it's part of some evil plot to enforce the rules of their religion on the world. Sure it's anecdotal to a point, but lived experiences are fairly important.
Would you say "Islam is a cancer" to someone who you knew is a Muslim? Or is it something you feel more comfortable sharing on the Internet?
FWIW I'm not really all that into organised religion, but it can be a positive thing for people, much like it can be negative, so cancer comes across as a rather strong label that only acknowledges one side. Whilst there's a lot of wisdom to be found in various stories, it's not be taken literally, separation of church and state should be a given.
I bet loads of scousers with no links to Islamic culture have probably named their kids Mo for obvious reasons, perhaps that's what has tipped the balance! But what's in a name? Without wanting to come off as mocking you (is this what they call personal development!?!?), I find it hard to understand what you're upset / worried about.