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OMT: Tottenham vs Emirates Marketing Project

1) Ledley King

Why exactly did he not bring Aguero down if he was going to comit a foul and wait until Balotelli is is the area to put in a challenge? i said sometime during thee first half in the match thread that Scott Parker should have brought down one of their players "20 yards earlier" but instead he waits until they're in a more attacking position to piut in a challenge, and Ledley does exactly the same thing. What kind of macaronic decsion making is that?

2) Benoit Assou Ekotto

He was dire today but what exactly is he thinking to play it long when the ball is going to go out of play. He's fully aware we have short arse Jermain Defoe up top who would never in a million years beat Lescott or Savic in a aerial challenge but he decides to do it anyway?. Watch Defoe and Luka talking when they're given a penalty. I'm almost certain Defoe is questioning what Ekotto was playing at.

3) Gareth Bale

Was good in the second half but he delayed and delayed when put through. All he needed to do is square to Defoe but he took a few touches to many and put in a bad ball.

We beat ourselves tbh. Such a shame really as we didn't deserve that but our decision making at times is scary bad.

Defoe didn't even touch the ball till we started pumping long balls over the top. Playing a long ball game actually brought him into the game.
I think that's a little harsh on Defoe, Bale is a very difficult player to keep up with.

If anything, Bale should probably have passed across the front of the defender when he was still outside the box, Defoe was in a better position then.

Still, had Webb done his job anything like sufficiently then we would have been away and clear by that point.

Would all the Defoe detractors read this please.

the guy was fed chickenfeed all afternoon and some comments would indicate that people feel this was a gold plated gift of an opportunity

It wasn't, but dwelling on it misses the point

At that stage of the game we should have been playing 9 men

I don't make a big issue of eviscerating referees like some of you

but Webb , like Foy before him has cost us points

If the Lescott and Balotelli incidents go up for review - expect a whitewash and nothing done

If they both get the retrospective bans they deserve, then the premier league governing body will have to accept that the result is flawed and shouldn't stand.

it will all be swept under the carpet

sad but probably true
I think you will find that the biggest mistake that cost us big was the referee not sending off Balotelli for stamping on Parker's head.

I don't agree.

Balotelli being on didn't make Bale release the ball much later then he did. We probably would have still won had he passed earlier so Balotelli being on the pitch made no difference. Balotelli being on the pitch also didn't make Ekotto make a silly clearance when the ball is going off.

The first one can be argued though as King's challenge was on Balotelli but again that's not the reason King made a bad cdecision is it? we could have easily easily got a result regardless of Balotelli being on the pitch.
Obviously can't help but feel disappointed. I thought Walker was dreadful, at fault for the opening two goals. Thought Ekotto was off, continuously gave the ball away. So disappointed to see King concede a penalty in the last minute, you RARELY ever see him slide, you must wonder what the hell was going through his head at the time. Kaboul and Friedel were both solid. Parker had a decent game, Modric had an alright game, gives the ball away too easily in our half, he never gives it away in opposition halves though. Lennon was okay, Bale was okay, Brilliant brilliant goal, for me, his ball to Defoe was a bit INFRONT of Defoe, but like people have said Defoe just couldn't keep up.

8 points off top, but plenty of games left. City still have to play Liverpool, Chelsea, Man Utd, Arsenal all again don't forget (sure, so do we but we just need to better results)
Please change thread title to knee jerk after defeat thread.

Whats wrong?... our performance today does not warrant in any way a thread started about mistakes.

We were brilliant today. I felt we can walk away from City heads held high... and I can imagine many football fans in the UK will be saying the same.
Not sure why you think the OP is 'utter bollox'. It's spot on. Those incidents cost us a possible 3 points. Not sure what the issue is.
Please change thread title to knee jerk after defeat thread.

Whats wrong?... our performance today does not warrant in any way a thread started about mistakes.

We were brilliant today. I felt we can walk away from City heads held high... and I can imagine many football fans in the UK will be saying the same.

First off i didn't deleate anything (just scroll up and you'd see my original post).

The way you think is weird to me. By us playing well it means we can't point out the things we did wrong? it means we can't criticise certain decisions some players made during the game? that to me is a defeatist attitude tbh. You think United fans or Barca fans will just walk away after a last minute loss and state "we can walk away with our head held high" and not point out what went wrong at the end? you're out of your damn mind.
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That Balotelli incident was a prime example where our lads should have hounded the ref. Webb wasn't looking at the incident but a lino or 4th official might have seen it. Others have posted on this topic and we should put pressure on officials. All the other 'top' teams do.
When you saw Webb was the ref, you just knew he would have to do—or not do—something to ensure we got nothing from the game. Stupid of King to give away that penalty, though, and with the game stretched as it was at the end, we should just have kept the ball on the deck instead of Benny lumping it forward with thirty seconds left on the clock.
Please change thread title to knee jerk after defeat thread.

Whats wrong?... our performance today does not warrant in any way a thread started about mistakes.

We were brilliant today. I felt we can walk away from City heads held high... and I can imagine many football fans in the UK will be saying the same.
8 points off top, but plenty of games left. City still have to play Liverpool, Chelsea, Man Utd, Arsenal all again don't forget (sure, so do we but we just need to better results)

I'd rather '8 Points off Top' ...than '2 Points from 8'

remember how far we've come!