Chris Armstrong
This is where I disagree.I don’t think I would because that leaves his philosophy and his utterances to date in tatters. The whole selling point of Ange is his way of playing. To go back on it now, whatever the circumstances, kills him IMO. If he did and got a result, every time we hit a rough patch, he’ll be asked to be more practical.
He’s made his bed now, he has to lie in it and hope his beliefs are proven to be right. That this is just the dark before the dawn. As I’ve always said, I think it’d be great for football if he was right. However, he is increasingly sounding and looking like the emperor with no clothes.
Philosophy isn't about 'its this or nothing else', it's about the ethos and idea behind what you're doing. I feel he could make any number of tactical changes that don't undermine his way of playing or his philosophy.
If the full backs went on the outside etc nobody would point and laugh at him especially with the injuries. Systems are meant to evolve, or did he play this way from his first ever game in charge and it's never changed? When did he reach the point that he felt he'd master football tactics and no alterations needed to be made?
That's what's killing him, not being wed to playing attacking, expansive football. There's multiple ways to do that.