the prettiest spice girl
It wasn't aimed at you specifically
I grew up in the 60s and 70s where a daily paper was as quick as news got to be
now all news is instant, everything is now now now - and so its only right that people of your generation expect instant everything
the closest thing in football is abramovitch/mansour sponsored instantaneous success.
Learning to nurture and wait is what younger people, than my generation, have to learn, but thats life, and how the world turns. The only thing that is constant is change.
I would like to see HR reject England, and stay on, but I'd have to stop logging in here, the Gutterboy mentality that has drowned this board is doing my head in now. I can see why CAS and the older posters don't hang around anymore.
Shame really,
Maybe there could be a forum for people over 40 - both age and IQ, that would probably be a calmer and less hysterical place.
what about if your over 40