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New England manager = Roy Hodgson

...and there, in a nutshell is the perfect example of Harry diving the fans! Good job you two... now get a fudging room! ](*,)8-[

There shouldnt be any divide. Harry has said time and time again what he thinks of us, were either idiots, or we should be in mid table where we belong, and he has the fudging cheek to tell me to show some respect ? lol fudge me.
It's a tired old cliche that honesty is the best policy, and mostly it's completely untrue. I spend most of my day thinking what ****s people are but if I started flapping my gob every time I thought that, I'd be out of a job, beaten to brick and probably arrested.
Is that what you'd like done to him?!
The problem isn't criticising Redknapp. It's this:

Comments like this show that some people have totally lost perspective. A mob fever of groupthink has swept people along and it's become a big echo chamber with one comment seeking to outdo the last in vitriol. People have simply abandoned any effort to judge the thing rationally. Nothing Redknapp has done warrants this kind of reaction.

And since when do we react to our manager being under stress and pressure - and perhaps making some mistakes - with hatred? Isn't that the time to support the guy? By all means say he should be handling it better, or hammer his formations or whatever...but calling him a twitchy old prick for it? Our manager, who has us in a CL spot with our fate in our own hands with 3 games to go, has had a weird and extremely stressful season with the court case, Capellogate and his team's loss in form. Yes he's made mistakes, but for fudge's sake, since when is that cause for such personalised, nasty, bitter commentary?

No, sorry. This board has shamed itself over all this.

Ok, when we are all idiots, when we should be in mid table where we belong, when he wants chelsea to win the CL meaning 4th doesnt get CL and still wants Chelsea to win, what should I be saying about that ?
There shouldnt be any divide. Harry has said time and time again what he thinks of us, were either idiots, or we should be in mid table where we belong, and he has the fudging cheek to tell me to show some respect ? lol fudge me.
That is the fan summary of what he says and, in short - gonads.
Is that what you'd like done to him?!

Out of a job? Maybe. Had he apologised, shown some contrition over the repeated comments he's made and learned a lesson, no.

Beaten to brick? No. But I'd like to see if Harry would stand in front of 20-30 fans and call them idiots to their faces the way he does from the safety of a radio studio.

Arrested - he already was wasn't he? It's a shame there isn't a "Not proven" verdict in this country like there is in Scotland, would have been far more relevant.
I'd like to see any of those who abuse him daily, say it to his face. None would. And he, given the opportunity to explain himself would probably be better understood.
All of us?

It was in response to a question, referring to a minority who didn't watch the game, that ring up a radio station to slag him or the team off.

Huge difference and if you've listened to TalkSport after attending the match - in the main, pretty accurate.

As often, it was just a typical off-the-cuff remark, not an assault on our sensitive souls.

"The reaction doesn't hurt me. The reason I don't listen to phone-ins is because you're talking about idiots," he said.

"Who rings up a radio station? My dad lived for football, went every Saturday, but he wouldn't pick up the phone to a radio station. It's absolute nonsense.

"They're idiots who don't even watch football. They say, 'We were rubbish today'.

"The guys on the radio ask them if they were at the game, and they say, 'No, I heard it on the radio'.

"When I start worrying about what they think, I'll be in trouble.

"99.9 per cent of people who go to Tottenham have loved everything they've seen. That's all that matters."

How dare you bring valid context to this lynching!! The truth right now simply isn't convenient damn it!
That is the fan summary of what he says and, in short - gonads.

Harry Redknapp has labelled Tottenham's minority of dissenting supporters as "idiots" following criticism of his team's performance.

HARRY REDKNAPP has gone radio ga-ga, branding his phone-in critics as brainless idiots

Redknapp said: “I don’t know where those fans have been the last few years — not watching Tottenham games, obviously.

Maybe they want more but they don’t have any brains, they don’t understand

They can’t do because if they think we should have Champions League football every year, what’s gone wrong in the last 19 years? I didn’t see Tottenham making the Champions League much then

People forget where Tottenham should be at times
Arrested - he already was wasn't he? It's a shame there isn't a "Not proven" verdict in this country like there is in Scotland, would have been far more relevant.

I do hope we're going stop short of blaming Redknapp for habeaus corpus. Because it's most unfortunate when football debates descend into bitter recrimination about the jurisprudence of centuries-old common law dating back to the Magna Carta. Happens way too often in modern football and I don't think it's entirely fair on Redknapp.
I will answer your points in reverse order. First of all, I fully expected top 4 AND a title tilt in August. I saw the players coming in, our squad had been kept together, our lynchpin payer wasn't going anywhere and the "gel" factor was high. So my expectations were high. Remember, we blew CL football the previous season thanks to a disastrous league run; it couldn't happen again, no no.

You're asking me to take the disappointment of the last 10 games out of the equation, thus you're asking me to evaluate our season based on 28 games? Sorry mate, can't do it.

You mention City. Bad example. They have always had one player more than everyone else, and I believe it will show in the end. They also did not surrender second place to anyone; us, the goons, anyone.

Would 5th have been a failure in August? Yes. For me. Would 4th and an FA Cup semi-final have been a failure in August? 4th would not have been, an FA Cup semi-final knock-out is a failure, yes, ESPECIALLY when we have the context of knowing it's a team we could've beaten. As for 4th, right now, today, it would be a fudging miracle if we got 4th. But the fact remains that for your 28-odd games, we were one of the very best teams in the country and thus it is not unreasonable to have expected us tp push on ESPECIALLY given what we should've learnt from last season's collapse.

Here's a not-so-hidden secret; had the FA sacked Crapello after Switzerland home last summer, had the score remained 2-0 to the Swiss, there was great GREAT hope that the FA would've gone for Harry then and the board would've been delighted. Oh there's so much more to say, but it will all come out I suspect...in the meantime, if you want to think of it as "total flimflam" then I understand, it's your opinion.

One final nugget of thought; why is it "the pro-Harry" and "the anti-Harry" gang? Everyone appreciates what he did, but equally, many were aware of his shortcomings and failings. If you're not aware of his failings right now mate, if you do not agree that he's illustrated them hugely during, say, the Norwich, QPR and Chelski games, then I would suggest new specs!

No wonder you're disappointed if you thought we were going to win the league, especially after those first two defeats. I really think you over rate our players and under rate the opposition.

Chelsea and Emirates Marketing Project - First team AND squad are way better than anyone else in the league.

Utd - Comfortably the third best in the league, and it's amazing they are winning it. A real credit to Fergie.

Arsenal & Spurs - First XI are about equal. Spurs possibly have a stronger squad, although that is debatable considering Arsenal have been missing their best midfielder and are still up there in 3rd. Van Persie's form has probably offset that loss. But it was always going to be too tight to call between Arsenal and Spurs.

Saudi Sportswashing Machine have done fantastically well, and I am really pleased for them. 6th is a great achievement and higher than 6th (which is still a possiblity) is utterly amazing. Liverpool SHOULD be 6th though.

If Spurs finish 4th or 5th this year it will be about right. If we finish 3rd it will be a very good achievement, although someone aided by the fact that AVB had such a strong Chelsea team in disarray.
Harry Redknapp has labelled Tottenham's minority of dissenting supporters as "idiots" following criticism of his team's performance.

HARRY REDKNAPP has gone radio ga-ga, branding his phone-in critics as brainless idiots

Redknapp said: ÔÇ£I donÔÇÖt know where those fans have been the last few years ÔÇö not watching Tottenham games, obviously.

Maybe they want more but they donÔÇÖt have any brains, they donÔÇÖt understand

They canÔÇÖt do because if they think we should have Champions League football every year, whatÔÇÖs gone wrong in the last 19 years? I didnÔÇÖt see Tottenham making the Champions League much then

People forget where Tottenham should be at times

that is a bad interview response from harry i must say
And be replied to asking where they have been for the last 20 years ?

FFS this is a joke trying to take everything Redknapp says out of context or exaggerate it. You know full well what he means, its not that bad. It seems people are going to any lengths to have a go at HR, no matter how silly/petty they look.

And in case you didnt understand his point, he is saying for 20 years we have been mid table, you dont jump to title winners over night. Therefore "people forget where they should be" quite clearly means at this moment in time we should be progressing from a consistent mid table to a consistent top 5, and then hopefully in the future to top 3. So if you had given harry a plan when he joined, our current position is spot on for where we should be.
You are getting wrapped up in the word 'should', aren't you?

Your interpretation of what he meant is false.

whats your interpretation of it if you dont mind my asking

i think i interpreted it the same as wriggly. i.e that Tottenham 'should' be outisde the top four begging to get in
whats your interpretation of it if you dont mind my asking

i think i interpreted it the same as wriggly. i.e that Tottenham 'should' be outisde the top four begging to get in

Taking away the word begging, then he is not wrong. City and Chelsea should be top four every season. Arsenal, Liverpool and Man Utd should all definitely be in the top five.

In realistic purely logical terms, Spurs should be around 6th. In terms of fanbase we are the 4th biggest in the country, but Chelsea and City don't play by those rules so are also above us.