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MEGA RANT time for Levy & Co to go

Re: i hate levy

Good thread.

See you all back here in 18 months time when de Boer gets the sack?
Yup, oh for the glory days of the 1990s or the 1970s...


If only Levy had sold Spurs to Abramovich when he had the chance, imagine all the world class mercenaries he'd have bought for us with his oil £billions back in the days before Financial Fair Play...



It could be worse though, at least Levy ain't squandered our resources like the chairmen of Saudi Sportswashing Machine over the past decade...

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Reading through this thread I find it disheartening to read that some people here just don't seem to understand that the game is all about having the best players now. To do so requires the club to offer competitive wages and offer players the chance to play CL football every season alongside other great players.we cannot do this and this why we are constantly losing our best players and why we are still finishing outside the top four. Can Levy and Enic change this? Sadly I don't think they know how to do so.

Should we go down the road of City and Chelsea? I can't decide really, it's very risky as so many clubs have found out.

What i do know is just saying that we're ok because we are better than we were 10 years ago is down to lack of ambition that seems to run through our club!
Funny how ten years ago we all desperately wanted top six finishes, at least 1 world class player, increase in capacity to approximately 50,000. Ten years on:

- 6 top 6 finishes in 9 years with potentially making it 7 in 10.
- Berbatov, Modric, Van der Vaart, Bale, Lloris and maybe Eriksen.
- Plans to increase capacity to approximately 60,000 by building a new stadium on the current site.
- And the best training facility in the country if not Europe.

I get quite frustrated with Levy and this summer is arguably his last chance saloon but he's the reason why we're here and the above shows he can exceed expectations as well deliver them. No one, quite literally no one works as hard as he does and I think the stadium is the ace up his sleeve. Whilst this season has been an absolute shambles and of course once again big changes are needed I really don't think Levy or ENIC for that matter need to be one of them.
Levy has 90% been right for the club. I am sure that he knows that he has been getting the Player and staff recruitment wrong.

Nevertheless I do expect that if he gets this appointment wrong, that he will step aside.

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Reading through this thread I find it disheartening to read that some people here just don't seem to understand that the game is all about having the best players now. To do so requires the club to offer competitive wages and offer players the chance to play CL football every season alongside other great players.we cannot do this and this why we are constantly losing our best players and why we are still finishing outside the top four. Can Levy and Enic change this? Sadly I don't think they know how to do so.

Should we go down the road of City and Chelsea? I can't decide really, it's very risky as so many clubs have found out.

What i do know is just saying that we're ok because we are better than we were 10 years ago is down to lack of ambition that seems to run through our club!

So more money leads to better players. Yeah, I think this is pretty much accepted.

If we work from the assumption that we as fans don't want the club to go down the City/Chelsea route who would you suggest as better chairmen/owners than Daniel Levy. I think I could list a massive number of worse one's. Accepting that we as fans have little to no impact on who buys the club should Levy/Lewis chose to sell what do you think the chance is that we get someone better in?

Most people are unhappy with 6th, at least long term. Levy clearly isn't happy with 6th long term. Does this show a lack of ambition?

Showing the progress made is an indication of what Levy can do for us as a club. Not an acceptance that we've reached our final destination.
great post there Brainelipse.

getting new owners is a lottery really at the end of the day, for every Chelsea and City there is a Portsmouth/Saudi Sportswashing Machine/Leeds/Birmingham/Villa/Blackburn etc personally im saying careful what you wish for those that want new owners as as far as im concerned, going by the clubs which have had new owners in the recent past - the failures far outweigh the successes.

personally i can't see another money man coming in to the premiership - it's a saturated market - they all want to be CL regulars and there's only so many places available so i don't think there's much point in hoping for the next Abramovich to roll up. then you've got to ask yourself what type of owner would want to come to a Premiership club like Spurs who are not guaranteed to make CL and who break even each season - what's the incentive?
So more money leads to better players. Yeah, I think this is pretty much accepted.

If we work from the assumption that we as fans don't want the club to go down the City/Chelsea route who would you suggest as better chairmen/owners than Daniel Levy. I think I could list a massive number of worse one's. Accepting that we as fans have little to no impact on who buys the club should Levy/Lewis chose to sell what do you think the chance is that we get someone better in?

Most people are unhappy with 6th, at least long term. Levy clearly isn't happy with 6th long term. Does this show a lack of ambition?

Showing the progress made is an indication of what Levy can do for us as a club. Not an acceptance that we've reached our final destination.

Good reply brain, I find these threads so frustrating, the lack of thought and follow through thinking that goes in to these anti levy posts is truly depressing.
Good reply brain, I find these threads so frustrating, the lack of thought and follow through thinking that goes in to these anti levy posts is truly depressing.

I don't see why because we've done well in the past, it has to mean Levy is the right man for the future.

Back in the Sugar years, we had no strategy, no direction, and were a bit of a shambles. Levy has given us that strategy. He's got us punching at our weight. He's done some great things. But as a businessman he would know certain people are right for jobs at certain times depending on the evolution of that business. Some people are troubleshooters, some people are steady hands etc etc.

I think for where we want to go as a club, I'm not sure Levy's footballing policies get us there. He's made too many wrong managerial appointments. He's missed too many chances to strengthen the squad to allow us to really kick on at certain points when the moment was there for the taking. This season has been completely down to his failings and poor decision making IMO, and it's shattered any trust I had in him taking us any further forward.

He's got us to where we should be, and for that he deserves credit. But I'm not sure he's ever getting us to that next step. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe we appoint someone in the summer who works with a squad full of talented internationals that have had a year to settle, and we take a top 4 place and everything is fine again. Maybe that happens. But I don't trust in Levy's vision any more, I feel like he lurches from one mistake to the next until he lands upon something that works, rather than setting upon a strategy and seeing his plans through.
I cannot see any possibility of ENIC selling the club simply because their asking price would be too high, there are far better options such as Everton, West Ham or Aston Villa who could be bought for far less any offer a similar chance of improvement with investment in their playing staff.
Cheers Billy and Gazza.

I don't see why because we've done well in the past, it has to mean Levy is the right man for the future.

Back in the Sugar years, we had no strategy, no direction, and were a bit of a shambles. Levy has given us that strategy. He's got us punching at our weight. He's done some great things. But as a businessman he would know certain people are right for jobs at certain times depending on the evolution of that business. Some people are troubleshooters, some people are steady hands etc etc.

I think for where we want to go as a club, I'm not sure Levy's footballing policies get us there. He's made too many wrong managerial appointments. He's missed too many chances to strengthen the squad to allow us to really kick on at certain points when the moment was there for the taking. This season has been completely down to his failings and poor decision making IMO, and it's shattered any trust I had in him taking us any further forward.

He's got us to where we should be, and for that he deserves credit. But I'm not sure he's ever getting us to that next step. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe we appoint someone in the summer who works with a squad full of talented internationals that have had a year to settle, and we take a top 4 place and everything is fine again. Maybe that happens. But I don't trust in Levy's vision any more, I feel like he lurches from one mistake to the next until he lands upon something that works, rather than setting upon a strategy and seeing his plans through.

Compared to who?

Who are these owners and chairmen that make these good decisions?

Do you agree that if we get a new owner it's a bit of a lottery like Billy describes it. What do you think the chance is that we get someone in better than Levy?
I don't see why because we've done well in the past, it has to mean Levy is the right man for the future.

Back in the Sugar years, we had no strategy, no direction, and were a bit of a shambles...

How very dare you besmirch Sir Alan and his glorious chairmanship of Tottenham Hotspur [-X

Do you not remember the magnificent redevelopments of the South and North Stands plus the world class training facilities at Spurs Lodge! Not forgetting how he brilliantly refused to waste money on Carlos Kickabouts like Dennis Bergkamp plus his generosity in paying the fare for Emmanuel Petit' taxi to Highbury... #-o

Some really good points raised in this thread

My personal opinion is that Levy has done great for the club and shows no sign of slowing down his ambition. He's always been relentlessly determined to improve the clubs standing and having us punching above our weight, the moment he stops doing that would be the time I'd begin worrying about him. He has made decisions I disagree with but overall he's been a good thing for this club, I can't think of a single other chairman that I'd want to replace him with.

I take pride in the fact we're a savvy club that spends within our means and still delivers over where our 'rightful' place is (by 'rightful' I mean on the financial side which is the largest indication of where a club 'should' finish). For me football would lose a bit of the joy if we were just given world class players and trophy's simply because our chairmen had a bigger dingdong than everyone else. For me, success always feels better when you're the underdog but that's a personal thing.

The biggest stick to beat Levy with is his selection of managers. What chairmen gets their manager decisions spot on though? If every club had a manager that had been in charge for 10-15 years then I'd say there's a point but they don't. The average tenure of managers is pretty much in line with our hiring/firing process. Ultimately we'd love to have a manager that we can get behind for the long term but truly none of our previous (or current) incumbents have deserved that. Either you choose to be like Everton that sticks with their man and accept the odd bad season or you're like us that demands excellence constantly. Neither situation is ideal but, considering how demanding we are as a fanbase, Levy's approach makes more sense.

Levy ain't perfect but he's has been a huge part of our growth over the past decade, to say otherwise is wrong.
Cheers Billy and Gazza.

Compared to who?

Who are these owners and chairmen that make these good decisions?

Do you agree that if we get a new owner it's a bit of a lottery like Billy describes it. What do you think the chance is that we get someone in better than Levy?

I think Swansea's chairman is fantastic. They set upon a strategy when they were in League 1 and they are carrying it through to this day.

I think Cortese at Southampton was brilliant too. A real visionary who ****ed people local to the club off but he knew better. He backs his managers and trusts them to carry out their footballing vision while he takes care fire club's operations.

I can't sit here and describe who I'd want to be our chairman because it's not like a football transfer window. The new owner may come from completely out of nowhere.

It's a risk to an extent but I'd rather push on, better to fail aiming high etc. We are Spurs. Ironically if it was a manager I'd want them to be them to be given time to see their vision through. I'm just no longer confident in Levy's. I think he is a brilliant businessman and has done wonders for that side of the club. I think he is pretty bad at making footballing decisions though. The fact that we will finish 6th or 7th considering the windfall we got this summer is terrible to be honest. People can say we are still 'where we should be' but this year was a special case, where the status quo should have changed.
I think Swansea's chairman is fantastic. They set upon a strategy when they were in League 1 and they are carrying it through to this day.

I think Cortese at Southampton was brilliant too. A real visionary who ****ed people local to the club off but he knew better. He backs his managers and trusts them to carry out their footballing vision while he takes care fire club's operations.

I can't sit here and describe who I'd want to be our chairman because it's not like a football transfer window. The new owner may come from completely out of nowhere.

It's a risk to an extent but I'd rather push on, better to fail aiming high etc. We are Spurs. Ironically if it was a manager I'd want them to be them to be given time to see their vision through. I'm just no longer confident in Levy's. I think he is a brilliant businessman and has done wonders for that side of the club. I think he is pretty bad at making footballing decisions though. The fact that we will finish 6th or 7th considering the windfall we got this summer is terrible to be honest. People can say we are still 'where we should be' but this year was a special case, where the status quo should have changed.

None of those have shown that they can do what you think Levy has already tried and failed at. And I agree that they have impressed.

A risk to an extent? No. It's a massive risk. You mention two chairmen/owners that have impressed you. How many failures can you mention? That tells us something about the risk involved.

And I disagree that Levy has shown that he can't complete his visions for the club. He would already have completed them if not for the huge cash injections into Chelsea AND City I think. When you add how far ahead United and Arsenal are of us financially I think a lot of leeway should be given, because the task is not one that can be easily completed.
To add to the above point, I think this season Levy's actions have kept us 'where we should be' as a club that looks like they have loads of potential to push on, rather than wanting to push on themselves.

I don't think he wants to push on, or is capable. He knows the way he used that money, we'd get some young players in that would get really good and will improve sell on value, and the cycle would begin again. I think he would rather us continue in a status quo 5th/6th position so that we can be sold to someone that can take the next step, rather than taking the risks needed to push on. That way when a buyer comes along, he can sell the club as something that just needs a little investment to take it to the next level, rather than as a midtable one that needs more work. He knows if he risks to push on himself, the club could fall down further then he would like.

And that's why I don't really trust that he wants to get us to that next level himself. His policies won't ever let that happen.
It's worth bearing in mind that Levy runs the squad as investments and there needs to be a period of patience with which for them to come to fruition.

To write off our summer business already is too premature as all bar Soldado are young promising players. I'm not surprised none of them torn the league up considering the circumstances of the season and them having to acclimatise. How many players from abroad take to league immediately let alone seven at the same time.

We invested £100m fairly wisely in terms of potential and I see no reason why we won't see a good return on the players signed in the next couple of seasons. Following Levy's blueprint we would then re-invest that money again in the squad and the cycle continues.

It's a horribly unromantic way of looking at our players but in the long run it's the only way we can compete. It's long, slow and gradual but it's ultimately it's sensible
To add to the above point, I think this season Levy's actions have kept us 'where we should be' as a club that looks like they have loads of potential to push on, rather than wanting to push on themselves.

I don't think he wants to push on, or is capable. He knows the way he used that money, we'd get some young players in that would get really good and will improve sell on value, and the cycle would begin again. I think he would rather us continue in a status quo 5th/6th position so that we can be sold to someone that can take the next step, rather than taking the risks needed to push on. That way when a buyer comes along, he can sell the club as something that just needs a little investment to take it to the next level, rather than as a midtable one that needs more work. He knows if he risks to push on himself, the club could fall down further then he would like.

And that's why I don't really trust that he wants to get us to that next level himself. His policies won't ever let that happen.

As per usual Levy picks his football men with some care and largely they are allowed to make the moves they think are right.

I'm quite certain Lewis and Levy wants to sell us as a club with a new stadium and as CL regulars. That's the aim, that's why managers that have been able to deliver 5th-7th have been sacked. If what you said and Levy is happy for us to continue sitting where we are then those sackings make no sense!
As per usual Levy picks his football men with some care and largely they are allowed to make the moves they think are right.

I'm quite certain Lewis and Levy wants to sell us as a club with a new stadium and as CL regulars. That's the aim, that's why managers that have been able to deliver 5th-7th have been sacked. If what you said and Levy is happy for us to continue sitting where we are then those sackings make no sense!

It's worth bearing in mind that Levy runs the squad as investments and there needs to be a period of patience with which for them to come to fruition.

To write off our summer business already is too premature as all bar Soldado are young promising players. I'm not surprised none of them torn the league up considering the circumstances of the season and them having to acclimatise. How many players from abroad take to league immediately let alone seven at the same time.

We invested £100m fairly wisely in terms of potential and I see no reason why we won't see a good return on the players signed in the next couple of seasons. Following Levy's blueprint we would then re-invest that money again in the squad and the cycle continues.

It's a horribly unromantic way of looking at our players but in the long run it's the only way we can compete. It's long, slow and gradual but it's ultimately it's sensible

I'm not writing any of them off. I think they are all talented and can all come good with a year under their belts. But then the fear is once a few of them get to really world class status, they are sold off before we ever really have a team that can compete. So Levy's policies keep us in the 5th/6th status quo.