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Mauricio Pochettino - Sacked

What has De Boer REALLY achieved that is actually worth anything to what we want him to do at Spurs? He's basically been in an 'ajax family' nursery environment where basically he rocks up says, "i'm frank de boer, i want to play 4-3-3 and bring through all the youth players and play possession football and win the league and then I'll have a cheeky schmoke" and everyone says "great, that's what every Ajax manager since Cruyff has said and done". Yes, they went 7 years without winning the league or whatever anyone said, but they were always going to arrest that cycle, they are Ajax, they had an amazing crop of young players coming through and still do.

Seriously though, great post. Nail, head, etc.

Really hopeful that MoPo is going to be the one who succeeded when AVB failed. To all who are questioning his experience, well, what about AVB's? He had a few seasons scouting under some top managers, then a couple of years with Porto (see Ajax), and then a failure in the Prem with Chelsea. And yet most people didn't seem to question his experience when he was appointed.

Feeling positive about next season. But then, I always do. And I usually end up gutted. But that's what it is to follow Spurs.
Indeed. The revisionism is laughable. I invite any of those who spout such to prove how Soton were expected at the start of the 2013/14 season to be the 8th best team. Especially considering what was expected of them at the point from which Poch took over in Jan 2013.
There is what the so called experts thought

premier league predictions 2013/14

not sure if link will work off phone
I think it may prove to be a blessing in disguise that our new manager does not have a long history of winning so that the expectations of many, fans or pundits, are tempered some. We have been massively over-inflating our expectations over the past few seasons and because none of us really know what Poch is bringing to the table he may get some extra time before the Boo Boys get on his back since we really don't know what to expect.
His attitude to the cup competitions annoyed a few Saints fans this season,they got knocked out by Sunderland twice when they bottom and he changed his side quite a lot compared to their league side.

So what will his attuitude be to the europa cup, i wonder ,i am hoping that we give one of the cup competitions a real go especially the europa cup since a champions league spot be up for grabs.
Or we will see him used effectively by a competent manager?

Come on now. Lennon has had more then enough game, year in, year out, time and has disappointed again and again and again. I dont buy the "he was'nt used effectively" argument. He has been total dross and coasting through his career as a footballer. We need to get rid.
His attitude to the cup competitions annoyed a few Saints fans this season,they got knocked out by Sunderland twice when they bottom and he changed his side quite a lot compared to their league side.

So what will his attuitude be to the europa cup, i wonder ,i am hoping that we give one of the cup competitions a real go especially the europa cup since a champions league spot be up for grabs.

I think we'll be fine here. He's probably had to rotate a fair fit in order to implement his ultra fit style and it's meant he's had to sacrifice the cups for upward trajectory in the league. With us it will be the first time he's had a big enough squad to rotate and play for 4 competitions.
Adkins was doing a good job yes, they were looking comfortable in 15th place, which is great for a club that just got promoted. Pochettino developed it like you said and took them to the next level. If he does the same at Spurs, who finished 6th in a kind of listless season without even trying, then we could be in for a good time, don't you think?

I'd rather we just got developed than De Boer come in and say "rip all this up lads, i want an Ajax system, playing 4-3-3, all the youth teams to play it, i want all these players signed and all these shipped out and oh dear, this system doesn't work as well in English football does it, its a bit too slow tempo and Levy isn't giving me any player i ask for, therefore i've had enough of this, next job please". Which i think is a distinct possibility.
Rafa on the other hand would probably have fallen out with Levy and Baldini as soon as they refused to sanction spending £30m on an average Italian who had spent the last year injured, or refused to consider selling Eriksen and replacing him with James Milner.

Any chance of letting me have Saturdays lottery numbers please I could really do with the cash ? you can pm them if you want to keep it under your hat ;)
I've watched every manager since Bill Nick in the 72 /73 season when I first got taken to the lane as a child, obviously I didn't see every game over the past 40 odd years.

Many, many times and long before the internet and forums like this, I hoped in my heart that 'this time' was going to be different. I'm 51 now with probably another 20 years or so left G-d willing, I want more than anything to see us win the title. Welcome Mauricio, maybe this time?

I've no idea tbh , I don't know what to think, but nevertheless welcome. I'm trying not to get excited, I'm trying not to let the hope destroy me, It's different now, I live in America and pretend not to care but deep down, deep inside me, the hope and passion still burn, hotter and more searing as the years pass. Please, please let the time be now.
I have to say I am a bit sceptical. Southampton has Lovren, Lallana, Shaw, JRod, Lambert, Schneiderlein, Clyne, Prowse, Shaw.

Thats 9 players I have seen people mention they want to Tottenham . Thats a lot of talent , I mean Southampton finished 8 . Big whoop, with that squad that's the least I would expect from them .

I really hope I am wrong, but I can't see why this man got the job ?? FDB seems like a much better choice. What has Pochettio done ??? And he is a hard man in the training field, double training sessions etc . Can't really see Ade, Vertonghen, Dembele, Sandro etc fall in ove with this philosophy .

Pochettio is the flavour of the month, much like Ramos was . I am very sceptical of this appoitment, and I really don't hope we spend 25 mill on an overhyped, one season wonder, 26 year old Lllana how plays in our most covered area. Bentley, Charlie Adams, SWP , Sigurdsson, Dempsey ,Downing etc Llalana is exactly what these players are/were, a one season wonder who will end up at Aston Villa or Stoke etc.'

I hope I am wrong though and have to admit Southampton has looked good this year, but there is always some surprises in PL every year , a team or player has a hell of a season and then they just dissapear into mediocreti . This is what I am afraid will happend in this situation .

Hope I am wrong though...
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Do me a favour. I would not blink if we moved Lamella on. I've said elsewhere he was our Andy Carroll moment.

He was an absolute beast the season before we bought him and most Italian defenders could not cope with him at all a country renowned for its defensive play.

I would go as far as to say that he looked further ahead at he's age the season before than bale did at the same age and that's probably why we bought him, to wright a player off so swiftly is a quick road to bankruptcy for clubs such as us.

Give the kid a break and at least half a chance he will come good
I have to say I am a bit sceptical. Southampton has Lovren, Lallana, Shaw, JRod, Lambert, Schneiderlein, Clyne, Prowse, Shaw.

Thats 9 players I have seen people mention they want to Tottenham . Thats a lot of talent , I mean Southampton finished 8 . Big whoop, with that squad that's the least I would expect from them .

I really hope I am wrong, but I can't see why this man got the job ?? FDB seems like a much better choice. What has Pochettio done ??? And he is a hard man in the training field, double training sessions etc . Can't really see Ade, Vertonghen, Dembele, Sandro etc fall in ove with this philosophy .

Pochettio is the flavour of the month, much like Ramos was . I am very sceptical of this appoitment, and I really don't hope we spend 25 mill on an overhyped, one season wonder, 26 year old Lllana how plays in our most covered area. Bentley, Charlie Adams, SWP , Sigurdsson, Dempsey ,Downing etc Llalana is exactly what these players are/were, a one season wonder who will end up at Aston Villa or Stoke etc.'

Uh ohh [-X

Someone is going to get a visit from the poch police :lol:
I have to say I am a bit sceptical. Southampton has Lovren, Lallana, Shaw, JRod, Lambert, Schneiderlein, Clyne, Prowse, Shaw.

Thats 9 players I have seen people mention they want to Tottenham . Thats a lot of talent , I mean Southampton finished 8 . Big whoop, with that squad that's the least I would expect from them .

I really hope I am wrong, but I can't see why this man got the job ?? FDB seems like a much better choice. What has Pochettio done ??? And he is a hard man in the training field, double training sessions etc . Can't really see Ade, Vertonghen, Dembele, Sandro etc fall in ove with this philosophy .

Pochettio is the flavour of the month, much like Ramos was . I am very sceptical of this appoitment, and I really don't hope we spend 25 mill on an overhyped, one season wonder, 26 year old Lllana how plays in our most covered area. Bentley, Charlie Adams, SWP , Sigurdsson, Dempsey ,Downing etc Llalana is exactly what these players are/were, a one season wonder who will end up at Aston Villa or Stoke etc.'

I hope I am wrong though and have to admit Southampton has looked good this year, but there is always some surprises in PL every year , a team or player has a hell of a season and then they just dissapear into mediocreti . This is what I am afraid will happend in this situation .

Hope I am wrong though...

Again I really don't understand this?

Other than that other poster and his nostradamus friends, I know of very few people who thought Southampton would come 8th. How many of you when they got promoted were saying "Yep, Clyne, Ward-Prowse, Lallana, Rodriguez and Schneiderlein are going to rip the league apart?"

A lot of people now are pretending that Southampton were always going to finish 8th, that this was par for them.

Also, 8th is the minimum Southampton should be finishing? :ross: Have you people had a quick peek at the 7 clubs sitting above Southampton? The only club that has an even slightly comparable turnover is Everton, who beat both us and Man Utd down. We're the next club up and we have a turnover around double Southampton. Above us? The differences are even more huge.

A lot of people now who seem to have foreseen that Southampton would finish 8th last season and that their promotion squad was filled with players that would look so good. I'd appreciate if they could post their predictions at the beginning of next season, I wouldn't mind a cheeky flutter at the bookies.

Poch wasn't my 1st choice but I wasn't unhappy with any of the 3 of them. Now he's here, let's deal in facts, give him time and the best environment in which to succeed.

Also, he is hard in training? You think Mourinho, Ferguson, Wenger etc etc are soft in training? What are these players, children?
So now everyone knows exactly how players train and how much effort they put in? its incredible how fans know the in's and out's of everything.
So now everyone knows exactly how players train and how much effort they put in? its incredible how fans know the in's and out's of everything.

The joys of fm 2000 and whatever you just make a Cpl of clicks in the work harder box the ones who cant cope you say? easy your personal advisor sends you an email about it and you edit them as a work harderish player jobs a goodun

Easy this football lark :lol:
Again I really don't understand this?

Other than that other poster and his nostradamus friends, I know of very few people who thought Southampton would come 8th. How many of you when they got promoted were saying "Yep, Clyne, Ward-Prowse, Lallana, Rodriguez and Schneiderlein are going to rip the league apart?"

A lot of people now are pretending that Southampton were always going to finish 8th, that this was par for them.

Also, 8th is the minimum Southampton should be finishing? :ross: Have you people had a quick peek at the 7 clubs sitting above Southampton? The only club that has an even slightly comparable turnover is Everton, who beat both us and Man Utd down. We're the next club up and we have a turnover around double Southampton. Above us? The differences are even more huge.

A lot of people now who seem to have foreseen that Southampton would finish 8th last season and that their promotion squad was filled with players that would look so good. I'd appreciate if they could post their predictions at the beginning of next season, I wouldn't mind a cheeky flutter at the bookies.

Poch wasn't my 1st choice but I wasn't unhappy with any of the 3 of them. Now he's here, let's deal in facts, give him time and the best environment in which to succeed.

Also, he is hard in training? You think Mourinho, Ferguson, Wenger etc etc are soft in training? What are these players, children?

To be fair to all it was almost anyone's guess from 8-9 down to 20 they were all pretty poor this season I cant say I would have predicted them to come 8th but it would have been closer to 8th then 15th just based on the way they played and on how poor the likes of villa Fulham and co looked the last Cpl of years
To be fair to all it was almost anyone's guess from 8-9 down to 20 they were all pretty poor this season I cant say I would have predicted them to come 8th but it would have been closer to 8th then 15th just based on the way they played and on how poor the likes of villa Fulham and co looked the last Cpl of years

well going by NWNDs post a page or two back BBC/Telegraph and Guardian had them to finish 11th/14th/18th and Le Tiss, who you'd assume to be clued up on the players there had them finishing 10th. so id say the general consensus was around 11th/12th
well going by NWNDs post a page or two back BBC/Telegraph and Guardian had them to finish 11th/14th/18th and Le Tiss, who you'd assume to be clued up on the players there had them finishing 10th. so id say the general consensus was around 11th/12th

yep cant argue with that 10th to 12th would have been a fair guess they finished the season well and was showing promise the likes of Fulham villa etc. looked awful so If I had to guess it would have been around that mark