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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
The comparison is simple, other teams get what they need as best they can. We dont.

How long have we needed a new CB? Cover for either flank? A bloody striker!

And how many have joined the league that would have comlimented our team/squad very well and didnt even cost the earth?

In all probability Levy is to blame as well. AS A CLUB we suck at getting transfers done.

Which striker would have joined us in January that was either an improvement on Adebayor or would have been willing to back up/rotate with him? Adebayor has been very good and doesn't need replacing outright, that's why I state that as one of the requirements we needed.

Which winger? We tried for Krasic and didn't get him because he didn't want to come, hard luck but we tried. Who else has joined the league that would have been willing to back up/rotate with Lennon and Bale and would represent an upgrade on what we already have in reserve. On this point, I actually think maybe Townsend should have been kept, but maybe management just don't trust him enough to come in for Bale and Lennon yet, and they see him train every day. He's doing well for Birmingham but not exactly destroying the league.

Which centre back would join us, knowing they have Gallas, King, Kaboul, Dawson and next season Caulker and maybe Bassong to compete with? Which one was a definite improvement on all of those? Nelsen was brought in as 5th choice back up, and to add some experience to the sqaud. Can't think of many better than him at doing that job either to be honest.

Look at the whole picture. Not just 'Oh, Saudi Sportswashing Machine got Cisse who is playing well, we should have got him!' when it isn't that simple.
regarding the strikers, ok, he inherited Bent, Pav, and Campbell, but he will be leaving us with Defoe and Saha. Its not good is it?

(VDV is an attacking midfielder)

Again, glass half-full or glass-half empty... you could also say we have Adebayor and VDV as starters, with Defoe to fit in alongisde either of them and Saha as 4th choice.

It would be lovely to have ?ú65m to spend on United's strikers, or the ?ú85m to spend on Chelsea's, or the ?ú57m to spend on Liverpool's, or the ?ú100m+ to spend on City's, but we don't.

Credit to Saudi Sportswashing Machine to getting Ba and Cisse for ?ú10m, but that doesn't mean that what we have done can be disregarded as brick.
He in herited a squad that was a regular in UEFA, had two 5th place finishes and the legue cup in the few years prior.

It wasnt perfect, but it was loaded with talent. And slate the strikers all you want, but Bent is a 20 goal a year man if used correctly (not that Im a fan if Im honest)

That squad was a squad to expect european football with.

He added Palacios, probably the biggest contribution Harry ever made to changing the team.

The success off of the back of that was getting the players to operate at their level, not coaxing more out of them than they are capable of like the best managers can.
Again, glass half-full or glass-half empty... you could also say we have Adebayor and VDV as starters, with Defoe to fit in alongisde either of them and Saha as 4th choice.

It would be lovely to have ?ú65m to spend on United's strikers, or the ?ú85m to spend on Chelsea's, or the ?ú57m to spend on Liverpool's, or the ?ú100m+ to spend on City's, but we don't.

Credit to Saudi Sportswashing Machine to getting Ba and Cisse for ?ú10m, but that doesn't mean that what we have done can be disregarded as brick.

im not disregarding anything, im just saying that once Adebayor returns to city we will be left with Defoe and Saha, and an unhappy Defoe who at his age is looking for regular first team football. For the clubs sake, its not a good situation to be in imv and is as bad as when Redknapp joined, if not worse actually.
After being 3rd our season is about to fail EPICALLY!

The point that if we had suddenly come up the table to be in 4th and everyone would be happy is a completely correct one. Ditto that if the recent results had been spread out into the season.

At the start of the season, we had a pretty settled team. We had Bale, Lennon, Ade and Rafa pretty much consistently fit. We had Defoe to come in for Rafa if need be. Therefore, with our key players fit, the results followed.

With Bale and Lennon being out at different points, form suffered. Niko has come in on occasions and done ok, but also come in and performed badly. That's to be expected of a back up player - he can do a job but isn't going to be as good as the first choice.

It's really pretty simple what has happened now we can look back. With our key players fit, we performed. Without them, we have been more inconsistent. We were lucky at the start of the season that we had our key players fit, and that's when we were in good form. We were unlucky that in the second half we've had more injuries, and that's when our bad form has been. Coupled with bits of luck in the first half that has now gone against us in the second half, and also mixed in with the England manager mess, that is how we find ourselves in this position.

If we had our key players fit for a few games, then they one of them got a small injury, but then he comes back and another one gets a small injury, these bad results might have been spread throughout the season. But they've come at once, and because we don't have a squad that has equal players to come in, because we don't have the finances or the lure of the CL, we've suffered.

That's what has happened! Harry hasn't suddenly turned into a bad manager guys. Get real!
You look at the whole picture - you think Krasic was the only winger available? You think Saha was the best we could do?

I dont actually dispute the buys we have made a great deal, its more the ones we havent.

We play a system that relies almost exclusively on width to function properly. We have Lennon and Bale, thats it. To not have cover, after how many windows? Is frankly ridiculous.

How many opportunities have we had to get a proper striker in? We have needed one for YEARS and yet rely on last minute loans...

What the squad needs is obvious, and yet rarely addressed.
All I wanted, watching us for years in mid-table mediocrity, was to be competing in the european positions and consequently - having something to play for at the end of the season.

I thought when we got there, the great support I na?»vely thought we had, would bask in it. Ashamedly, atmosphere at the lane has declined the better we've got and plenty don't seem to be enjoying themselves.

Miserable ****s.
He in herited a squad that was a regular in UEFA, had two 5th place finishes and the legue cup in the few years prior.

It wasnt perfect, but it was loaded with talent. And slate the strikers all you want, but Bent is a 20 goal a year man if used correctly (not that Im a fan if Im honest)

That squad was a squad to expect european football with.

He added Palacios, probably the biggest contribution Harry ever made to changing the team.

The success off of the back of that was getting the players to operate at their level, not coaxing more out of them than they are capable of like the best managers can.

Two 5th place finishes when the league had a different landscape, and that squad had lost it's strikers. It had also lost Carrick from the first 5th place finish, without question the key player in that team.

The squad he inherited, with additions, was a top half team. The acheivement he made in getting Spurs from 9th to 4th, considering what his rivals could and did spend, was astounding. People forget that, and that has what has made expectations rise up to a ridiculous level.
The point that if we had suddenly come up the table to be in 4th and everyone would be happy is a completely correct one. Ditto that if the recent results had been spread out into the season.

At the start of the season, we had a pretty settled team. We had Bale, Lennon, Ade and Rafa pretty much consistently fit. We had Defoe to come in for Rafa if need be. Therefore, with our key players fit, the results followed.

With Bale and Lennon being out at different points, form suffered. Niko has come in on occasions and done ok, but also come in and performed badly. That's to be expected of a back up player - he can do a job but isn't going to be as good as the first choice.

It's really pretty simple what has happened now we can look back. With our key players fit, we performed. Without them, we have been more inconsistent. We were lucky at the start of the season that we had our key players fit, and that's when we were in good form. We were unlucky that in the second half we've had more injuries, and that's when our bad form has been. Coupled with bits of luck in the first half that has now gone against us in the second half, and also mixed in with the England manager mess, that is how we find ourselves in this position.

If we had our key players fit for a few games, then they one of them got a small injury, but then he comes back and another one gets a small injury, these bad results might have been spread throughout the season. But they've come at once, and because we don't have a squad that has equal players to come in, because we don't have the finances or the lure of the CL, we've suffered.

That's what has happened! Harry hasn't suddenly turned into a bad manager guys. Get real!

If my aunt had a **** she's be my uncle!!!

You're point is?

fudge me - what the fudge is going on around here? Talk about Cuckolded
All I wanted, watching us for years in mid-table mediocrity, was to be competing in the european positions and consequently - having something to play for at the end of the season.

I thought when we got there, the great support I na?»vely thought we had, would bask in it. Ashamedly, atmosphere at the lane has declined the better we've got and plenty don't seem to be enjoying themselves.

Miserable ****s.

They have short memories mate.
All I wanted, watching us for years in mid-table mediocrity, was to be competing in the european positions and consequently - having something to play for at the end of the season.

I thought when we got there, the great support I na?»vely thought we had, would bask in it. Ashamedly, atmosphere at the lane has declined the better we've got and plenty don't seem to be enjoying themselves.

Miserable ****s.

Yep - I am.

Very unhappy with the two bob clown shoe we have as a manager.

I don't give a flying fudge what you or anyone say, we've fudged up big time. Harry doesn't give a fudge about the Yids, he's a fudging gooner FFS.

Off to INGERLUND and fudge the Spurs in the process.....BOVVERED
You are just full of excuses.

I applaud the 4th place finish, it was fantastic. We fought tooth and nail all season, overcame what looked the impossible and secured it. It was awesome.

This season, fourth isnt like that (if we finish there). This season we smashed the league apart, put ourselves into a commanding position and then threw it away in some style - mostly due (IMO) to managerial ****ing around and poor squad management.
All I wanted, watching us for years in mid-table mediocrity, was to be competing in the european positions and consequently - having something to play for at the end of the season.

I thought when we got there, the great support I na?»vely thought we had, would bask in it. Ashamedly, atmosphere at the lane has declined the better we've got and plenty don't seem to be enjoying themselves.

Miserable ****s.

were you happy with Jol? do you think he should have been given more time despite the poor start to season 2007-08?
Leeds Spur, have you been on the beer all day?

Wish I had been fella - give me 30 mins and i'll be in the boozer no bother.

Just sick and fudging tired with the idiot we have in charge and raging about his complete lack of respect for our intellect.

Tell the fudging truth Henry!!! I could accept that!
were you happy with Jol? do you think he should have been given more time despite the poor start to season 2007-08?

I was one of few who wanted him to go and didnt get involved in the Levy backlash when he did. I felt he had gone as far as he could and that we could do better. While Ramos didnt, Redknapp proved me correct on that occasion.

Im feeling similar about Redknapp now.