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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
No. I'm just saying that he shouldn't be judged only on the recent poor run of form, which is what a lot of people seem to be doing - saying he should be sacked because of this 'collapse'. He should be judged on our form across the whole season, and indeed our form of the previous two seasons. For me, a bad run over 8 matches isn't enough to make me forget how good we've been under him overall, and to think he should be sacked.

If we end up 6th, and there are other good managers available, I might not be against him going.

So you have veered from a spirited defence of Harry in your first post to now saying that you are not against him going if we finish in 6th! You are now in effect judging him over the last 5 games!
So you have veered from a spirited defence of Harry in your first post to now saying that you are not against him going if we finish in 6th! You are now in effect judging him over the last 5 games!

Isnt it interesting how the NLD defeat has conincided remarkably with some Spurs fans sounding just the Scum did prior to that game.

What a vile bunch they were.........are.
Isnt it interesting how the NLD defeat has conincided remarkably with some Spurs fans sounding just the Scum did prior to that game.

What a vile bunch they were.........are.

i think most fans have little patience anymore, its not just Arse fans, not just Spurs. Fans, like everyone in society, want success, money etc and they want it NOW
I don't blame Harry for bad results or how he has managed the team. I am fairly happy with that, and we could be a lot worse off.

What I blame Harry Redknapp for is his handling of the media situation.

When all the focus has been on him in a court case and that focus starts all over again because of speculations of him taking over England, at that moment in time Harry should have contacted the FA, said wether he was interested or not, and following that move gone public to the media and denied any interest in the job whatsoever. If he had gone out and ended the speculation, regardless of the truth behind it or not, instead of allowing the pressure to pile on Tottenham Hotspur and the club's players then we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now.

Apparently Harry Redknapp is a man who understands the media, apparently he is the best buddy of the press.
That idea should be rejected, because if he did he would have acted on it.

This is why I am angry at Harry Redknapp right now.
I don't blame Harry for bad results or how he has managed the team. I am fairly happy with that, and we could be a lot worse off.

What I blame Harry Redknapp for is his handling of the media situation.

When all the focus has been on him in a court case and that focus starts all over again because of speculations of him taking over England, at that moment in time Harry should have contacted the FA, said wether he was interested or not, and following that move gone public to the media and denied any interest in the job whatsoever. If he had gone out and ended the speculation, regardless of the truth behind it or not, instead of allowing the pressure to pile on Tottenham Hotspur and the club's players then we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now.

Apparently Harry Redknapp is a man who understands the media, apparently he is the best buddy of the press.
That idea should be rejected, because if he did he would have acted on it.

This is why I am angry at Harry Redknapp right now.

Who do you blame then?
If you read all of it and not just the first sentence you might find out.

So what you are saying is that you are angry with Harry for the media situation. You then infer the media situation is responsible for our bad run. Ergo, Harry is ultimately responsible
Harry hasn't turned into a brick manager overnight. He's a good manager but relies on motivation to get his team to play. That's his strength. He's not gonna out fox the opposition tactically. Because he's not gonna be here in a few months he's now finding it hard to motivate the players (the exact same thing happened to Ferguson). Without being able to motivate the player he has nothing fall back upon. It doesn't help he is relying on two players up front with little connection to the club and absolutely nothing to play for in Adebayor and Saha.
Harry hasn't turned into a brick manager overnight. He's a good manager but relies on motivation to get his team to play. That's his strength. He's not gonna out fox the opposition tactically. Because he's not gonna be here in a few months he's now finding it hard to motivate the players (the exact same thing happened to Ferguson). Without being able to motivate the player he has nothing fall back upon. It doesn't help he is relying on two players up front with little connection to the club and absolutely nothing to play for in Adebayor and Saha.

The sole ability to motivate does not a good manager make. He even appears to have lost this ability recently.
So what you are saying is that you are angry with Harry for the media situation. You then infer the media situation is responsible for our bad run. Ergo, Harry is ultimately responsible


My initial sentence is ambiguous, the meaning is of course that I myself do not spend time blaming Harry for bad results recently, or even his management of the team, even if bad results are a consequence of the whole 'Harry for England' madness. I blame him for his mishandling of the situation.

My initial sentence is ambiguous, the meaning is of course that I myself do not spend time blaming Harry for bad results recently, or even his management of the team, even if bad results are a consequence of the whole 'Harry for England' madness. I blame him for his mishandling of the situation.

Whichever way you look at it, Harry is responsible. He is the manager after all.
i think most fans have little patience anymore, its not just Arse fans, not just Spurs. Fans, like everyone in society, want success, money etc and they want it NOW

Doesnt excuse, or make such a shallow, vile attitude any better though, does it
i think most fans have little patience anymore, its not just Arse fans, not just Spurs. Fans, like everyone in society, want success, money etc and they want it NOW

Pretty much. Eight games make or break a manager these days, it seems. But it's not just a consequence of society; it's a consequence of modern football. The players are only willing to hang around for a season of under-achievement, two max, before they demand moves. So appeasing them becomes paramount. So finishing in the top four becomes paramount. That's why people are bricking bricks right now.
Harry hasn't turned into a brick manager overnight. He's a good manager but relies on motivation to get his team to play. That's his strength. He's not gonna out fox the opposition tactically. Because he's not gonna be here in a few months he's now finding it hard to motivate the players (the exact same thing happened to Ferguson). Without being able to motivate the player he has nothing fall back upon. It doesn't help he is relying on two players up front with little connection to the club and absolutely nothing to play for in Adebayor and Saha.

So by refusing to deny his England link, he's lost the one thing that made him a good manager? Blimey. At this rate, he'll probably end up not being chosen by the FA either. I hope he realises that his chances of getting the job are directly linked to how well we do as a club. If we finish outside the top four, and get knocked out by Chelsea on Sunday/Liverpool in the final, then his chances of getting the job are slim to non-existent. And then he'll probably either be relieved of his duties by Levy or will have to watch while Modric, Bale et al leave and are replaced by inferior players, setting us back and ruining almost all of the progress he himself brought to the club. Ruination and damnation all round. So I hope for his sake, he sees the impending planet sized-iceberg, and averts course.
so, let me get this right, are you suggesting we dont buy anyone (except Hoillet) in case it upsets one of the existing squad? First, what if Hoillet upsets Lennon and he wants to leave? Second, how are we ever going to improve the squad? Samba is better than Nelsen and would have made a better partner for Kaboul. Caulker could still come and fight for his place. To say we shouldnt have bought another target man striker is ridiculous. When Ade is poor, injured or off form we dont have a like for like replacement. ditto Lennon, BAE and Walker. Hence our shuffling the team with disasterous results. Why are the signings I suggested unrealistic?

Not exactly. I'm suggesting that we didn't buy anyone in January because-

a) they're massively overpriced, which would have wrought havoc on our hitherto gently-managed finances

b)we have players coming in next season that are worthy of a spot in the squad, can compete and won't cost any money,and

c)it would have upset our squad, yes.

I don't think you realise how delicate modern footballers' egos are. Caulker's already made noises about having no hesitancy in leaving if we can't guarantee a spot for him when he gets back. Defoe was moaning about wanting to leave for quite a whie before he got a bit of game time, and Ade likes to feel needed, which wouldn't be the case if we spunked out 10-20 million pounds on supposed 'back-up'. In the summer, fine. Sell and buy who you want, because the season doesn't start until the window's nearly over and any unhappy players would have either been sold or would have settled down by then. But in January? Mid-way through the season? With team morale finely poised? And with our bunch of mentally fragile players? Nah. Too risky.
Pretty much. Eight games make or break a manager these days, it seems. But it's not just a consequence of society; it's a consequence of modern football. The players are only willing to hang around for a season of under-achievement, two max, before they demand moves. So appeasing them becomes paramount. So finishing in the top four becomes paramount. That's why people are bricking bricks right now.

very true
I have to agree with Arc on this one. Lets look at the issues harry has not dealt with well:

Acquiring quality new players

Transfer windows - ins and outs

Dead Balls - corners and free-kicks

Game Tactics - Arse, Utd, City, Chelsea, Sunderland, Norwich etc etc

Team formations, selections and substitutions

End of season collapses


These are all managerial/coaching aspects. Harry has failed us.

Absolutely. Not looking at results, looking at performances - this team looks like the man in charge hasnt a clue. It is becoming increasingly apparent that we dont have a rehearsed style of play, that we rely on individual ability instead of a system, that we dont practice essentials and that the manager does pay enough attention to the details.

Regardless of what has been, it is clear this team is capable of so much - and that management/coaching is the missing element