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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
I think penalties for taking threads OT is ridiculous.

Yes, there are times when someone is just being an ass and trying to manouvre a conversation onto their terms, but, threads most often naturally evolve onto different subjects anyway. And its impossible to take a conversation into a new thread, it just stops flowing...

That would be 10 points for questioning an Admin's actions. Next
Decent read mate. Can Harry take credit for the emergence of Bale? He made the switch from cursed LB to LW superstar under Harry after all. Was it luck on Harry's part or didhe see the potential Bale had I wonder?
Decent read mate. Can Harry take credit for the emergence of Bale? He made the switch from cursed LB to LW superstar under Harry after all. Was it luck on Harry's part or didhe see the potential Bale had I wonder?

It was the fact he had to accommodate BAE as well since he was at the time one of our better defenders
good thread, however if Redknapp is being treated harshly for the current bad run, the same could have been said about Jol and his poor start to the 2007-08 season

The only difference is that Jol's bad run came at the start of the season and Redknapp's is at the end. Easier to sack a manager at the start of the season i guess
Good thread again. But Harry and all the players deserve some stick for the capitulation in recent weeks regardless of his overall great record.

Hopefully they can recover. But we are not showing signs that we can. I know they are all trying. That's what's worrying I guess. Anywho, football can change so quickly.
Decent read mate. Can Harry take credit for the emergence of Bale? He made the switch from cursed LB to LW superstar under Harry after all. Was it luck on Harry's part or didhe see the potential Bale had I wonder?

As with Modric, it's a question that I think is impossible to answer for sure. But I think it's unfair and maybe even foolish to assume that he can't take any credit, and that it's just a coincidence that the likes of Ekotto, Livermore, Kaboul, Walker, Bale and Modric are all exceeding expectations under him.
Good thread again. But Harry and all the players deserve some stick for the capitulation in recent weeks regardless of his overall great record.

Hopefully they can recover. But we are not showing signs that we can. I know they are all trying. That's what's worrying I guess. Anywho, football can change so quickly.

I can't deny that they deserve a bit of stick. Well actually, maybe I can.... doesn't the success that they've brought us in the last 3 seasons earn them our support through a tough patch? Through much of which we deserved better results? Fans constantly chastise 'disloyal' players, but have we been showing much loyalty recently? Cheering when we do well, and then booing and moaning and abusing as soon as we do badly?

Even if you think they do deserve stick, that definitely shouldn't make us forget that it was they who got us into this great position in the first place.
I can't deny that they deserve a bit of stick. Well actually, maybe I can.... doesn't the success that they've brought us in the last 3 seasons earn them our support through a tough patch? Through much of which we deserved better results? Fans constantly chastise 'disloyal' players, but have we been showing much loyalty recently? Cheering when we do well, and then booing and moaning and abusing as soon as we do badly?

Even if you think they do deserve stick, that definitely shouldn't make us forget that it was they who got us into this great position in the first place.

So it's ok to have relegation form now because we won a few games earlier?

Sorry but I don't buy into that logic. Exactly the same transpired end of last season - complete and utter implosion, no bottle, gutless soft qunts strolling around on the pitch. If you think we should simply keep quiet and take it because we did better earlier - that's utter rubbish, imv. We should be Top 3 with this squad and we might not even finish in the Top 5

I can't deny that they deserve a bit of stick. Well actually, maybe I can.... doesn't the success that they've brought us in the last 3 seasons earn them our support through a tough patch? Through much of which we deserved better results? Fans constantly chastise 'disloyal' players, but have we been showing much loyalty recently? Cheering when we do well, and then booing and moaning and abusing as soon as we do badly?

Even if you think they do deserve stick, that definitely shouldn't make us forget that it was they who got us into this great position in the first place.

Absolutely. In an ideal world we should be with the side through thick and thin. But fudge me it has been hard as a Spurs fan to live with Gooner c*nts who are absolutely loving this capitulation. Yes we can act the bigger man and say things like "we should only be concentrating on ourselves" etc... but even in what has been one of our best seasons in a long time we are again the butt of their jokes.

It is all down to this fantastic side that we are in the position we are. Redknapp has been brilliant. Far exceeded my expectation. But whilst people are quick to laud the team for their fantastic early season form, it's understandable that after watching us capitulate at the Emirates, that we have just week by week watched our lead over them evaporate and are now unbelievably 5 points behind.

I'll always be behind the team and the manager. But it is incredibly disappointing to go through this at this time of the season. Just can't get over the feeling of Same old Tottenham. I have always remained positive. After every set back. But I feel flat right now. I need the team to lift me as well.
good thread, however if Redknapp is being treated harshly for the current bad run, the same could have been said about Jol and his poor start to the 2007-08 season

The only difference is that Jol's bad run came at the start of the season and Redknapp's is at the end. Easier to sack a manager at the start of the season i guess

Totally agree, I certainly didn't want Jol sacked at the time, and was very disappointed with it.

People talk about what a great manager Moyes is, but he too has had a couple of blips at Everton. But they stuck with him, and were rewarded for it.

Since summer 08/09, just before Harry arrived, we've had a net spend of ?ú15m on transfer fees. ?ú4.25m a year on average. And look where we are now. Harry isn't getting enough credit for what he's achieved in turning the club around after two and a bit poor seasons, and then taking us even further to the point where we're close to title challengers.
So it's ok to have relegation form now because we won a few games earlier?

Sorry but I don't buy into that logic. Exactly the same transpired end of last season - complete and utter implosion, no bottle, gutless soft qunts strolling around on the pitch. If you think we should simply keep quiet and take it because we did better earlier - that's utter rubbish, imv. We should be Top 3 with this squad and we might not even finish in the Top 5


exactly, that makes it far worse, he should have done something to make sure it didn't happen this season as well
Totally agree, I certainly didn't want Jol sacked at the time, and was very disappointed with it.

People talk about what a great manager Moyes is, but he too has had a couple of blips at Everton. But they stuck with him, and were rewarded for it.

Since summer 08/09, just before Harry arrived, we've had a net spend of ?ú15m on transfer fees. ?ú4.25m a year on average. And look where we are now. Harry isn't getting enough credit for what he's achieved in turning the club around after two and a bit poor seasons, and then taking us even further to the point where we're close to title challengers.

It is exactly because of these flimflam wheeler dealer moves we are where we are today and missed out on 4th last season. How can that possibly be a positive?

Look at our transfers this past January? The fudging jokers we brought in, and even last year January - fudge all idea or drive. Knowing we had to improve or miss out on CL.

He managed 4th then 5th (same as Jol except for a much, much better side) and now we could even be as low as 6th next month having blown a 10 point gap like gutless bottle-job clowns. Arsenal made 15 (FIFTEEN) points on us in less than 2 months. WHAT the fudge is that?

What exactly has he turned around, mate?
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So it's ok to have relegation form now because we won a few games earlier?

Sorry but I don't buy into that logic. Exactly the same transpired end of last season - complete and utter implosion, no bottle, gutless soft qunts strolling around on the pitch. If you think we should simply keep quiet and take it because we did better earlier - that's utter rubbish, imv. We should be Top 3 with this squad and we might not even finish in the Top 5


No, I'm not just saying it's "okay". My main point is that whilst people keep on saying that we should be top 3, the only reason we 'should be top 3' is because Redknapp has made us into a team that 'should be top 3'. And that fans who call their players 'gutless soft qunts' - the same players who got us Champions League football, who beat Inter Milan and AC Milan, who have got us to 4th in the league this season - are acting pretty spoiled and are less of an asset to this club than the players that they're abusing.
No, I'm not just saying it's "okay". My main point is that whilst people keep on saying that we should be top 3, the only reason we 'should be top 3' is because Redknapp has made us into a team that 'should be top 3'. And that fans who call their players 'gutless soft qunts' - the same players who got us Champions League football, who beat Inter Milan and AC Milan, who have got us to 4th in the league this season - are acting pretty spoiled and are less of an asset to this club than the players that they're abusing.

Sorry, mate bit it most certainly isn't 'ok.' At least not for a club of or current quality and aspirations.

As you say - he has the players (same ones in fact and even a few better ones) then how come is he unable to extract results from them? What has changed?
It is exactly because of these flimflam wheeler dealer moves we are where we are today and missed out on 4th last season. How can that possibly be a positive?

Look at our transfers this past January? The fudging jokers we brought in, and even last year January - fudge all idea or drive. Knowing he had to improve.

He managed 4th then 5th (same as Jol except for a much, much better side) and now we could even be as low as 6th next month having blown a 10 point gap like gutless bottle-job clowns. Arsenal made 15 (FIFTEEN) points on us in less than 2 months. WHAT the fudge is that?

What exactly has he turned around, mate?

You seem like a very glass-half-empty kind of guy, and so we're probably just going to go around in circles here. You're only focusing on the negative - the recent run, buying Saha and Nelsen, the finish in 6th that hasn't even happened yet. And you're completely ignoring the positive -the amazing run, the fact that we're 4th and in the FA Cup semi-final, buying Friedel, Walker, Gallas, Kaboul, Sandro, Parker and Adebayor.
No, I'm not just saying it's "okay". My main point is that whilst people keep on saying that we should be top 3, the only reason we 'should be top 3' is because Redknapp has made us into a team that 'should be top 3'. And that fans who call their players 'gutless soft qunts' - the same players who got us Champions League football, who beat Inter Milan and AC Milan, who have got us to 4th in the league this season - are acting pretty spoiled and are less of an asset to this club than the players that they're abusing.

I agree with this.

I am incredibly disappointed and let down. Fans (including me) will air their frustration and take it out occasionally. But your right, the side deserve our support on the back of the good times they've given us before. They are going through a tricky spell and it is certainly not through the want of trying. Whilst we are disappointed, imagine how the players must feel. (Well I hope at least). It is their PERSONAL failing as opposed to ours. Of course fans will always believe the players will simply go back to their lambos and mansions and enjoy their life regardless whilst the rest of us toil in our miserable jobs. (not me personally, I love my job).

We are acting a little spoiled in all honesty. I never want to see the crowd the way we were against Norwich again. It was a disgrace but it was a culmination of the disappointment of seeing our healthy lead not only evaporate but completely collapse.
I think penalties for taking threads OT is ridiculous.

Yes, there are times when someone is just being an ass and trying to manouvre a conversation onto their terms, but, threads most often naturally evolve onto different subjects anyway. And its impossible to take a conversation into a new thread, it just stops flowing...

It's a judgement call. Most threads go OT naturally, it's just to stop people being a dingdong.
Sorry, mate bit it most certainly isn't 'ok.' At least not for a club of or current quality and aspirations.

As you say - he has the players (same ones in fact and even a few better ones) then how come is he unable to extract results from them? What has changed?

As I said, I'm not saying it's 'okay'. But again, the way you're talking is like a spoiled child, demanding that they satisfy us with better results. Apologies if that sounds offensive; I'm not trying to start an argument or get personal.

We had a bad performance against Arsenal, a couple of results from which we deserved more against United, Everton, Stoke and Chelsea, and now we've found ourselves lacking confidence. Given how good they've been for most of the season, I think the players deserve our support to help them get their confidence back, rather than our insults calling them qunts.
I'm not ignoring the postitives although you appear hard on selling the premise of using that as a justification for not feeling 'concerened' about the current disaster

And I simply disagree with the logic of bricking away our season now and feelig 'okay' about it due to the fact we did well few months back. I fail to see the rationale behind this.

I did well few years back in my work but still have to meet my deadlines tomorrow. And if I fail - questions will be raised.

To summarise - in my opinion Arry has peaked and needs to go irrespective of England and all the other flimflam which attempts to derail our season daily. Even if it's for the sake of Levy trusting someone with large transfer fees and long terms transfer vision.
Else we might experience the same anti-climax next season and ask the exact same questions.
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