Fine, but I'm not talking about your personal experience individually, I'm saying in the round, at what point does the game become less interesting to you? Do results in a ESL mean as much to you? I certainly thought they would mean less, and I'd be less interested in the club as a result.
Yes, they would have done, as that would have been where the best teams/players were so the pinnacle of the sport.
And what point does the game change so much that results don't mean as much? At what point do you think fans in the UK are missing out on watching a regular season game because we are currently touring in Singapore in November, and at what point do you think those fans that are missing out deserve a right to say 'hey, just because our ticket prices are a smaller slice of the overall income of the club nowadays, we still deserve a say, and this sucks?'.
I don't know, but if it gets to that point it's probably less of a wrench to move on. I used to watch The Walking Dead, then I got bored of it and don't watch it anymore, I don't feel I've lost anything.
Do those fans not deserve a say? Does the concept of missing regular season games because we've gone abroad sound perfectly fine for you, and do you think we should just do it, because it nets us more money?
As long as the fans are not having to pay for games they can't get to I think its fine, as long as the contractual obligations are met I can't see any grounds for complaint. Nobody has a "right" to see every game.