Terry Naylor
A lot of fans don’t realise their words mean what they doDisagree about the booing - it was imo definitely about Sanchez.
Sorry to go and search out a post of yours (which I have truncated) but I remembered you saying this (because I agreed with it) :
That’s a good example of possible unconscious bias. A lot of the people doing the name calling would likely never describe themselves as anti-Semitic, and they most probably aren’t. But nonetheless in some sub or un conscious way they may be exhibiting a bias towards a stereotype of a Jewish person. Jewish people are tight. Levy is Jewish. Ergo Levy is tight. Obviously that won’t be everyone by any means. But it is good to take a step back sometimes and question why we react in a certain way to certain people but not others.
Unconscious bias is a personal thing so it’s impossible to ascribe it en masse, but it’s reasonable to question if it applies.
It’s mob mentality
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