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Daniel Levy - Chairman

They were in decline before Wenger left due to poor leadership from the top. Wenger did a great job stemming the leaks but their problem was actually their ownership.

But in case you don't remember they actually fell out of the top 4 under Wenger. As I said the fish rots from the head and Wenger wasn't the head.

I said they were in decline since the "wenger out" phalanx started their campaign. There is little doubt that the toxic atmosphere that they created contributed greatly to their decline. And long may that continue for them. I would rather not have that here thanks.

Perhaps something we should think about?
I can be over sensitive but the tone really riled me (not for the first time with this guy) and the under 23s loss to the saintly Emirates Marketing Project seemed an odd thing to swipe at the chairman for, but to cite Levy as blundering his way through every managerial choice is unfair imo. There have been mistakes but also successes and the reason for that may well be by looking to build on the perceived reasons for failure from the previous one.

Even Conte being the same as Mourinho is a lazy inaccuracy as the latter has more recent success and looks to actually coach the players and builds strong relationships with them which could be seen as the weaknesses in Mourinho’s tenure. Plus the possibility of adding a DoF to the structure makes it a different proposition to before.

Chucking in Martinez as a candidate at the end is just bitchy and I don’t think vanity is something that can be levelled at Levy. Maybe singleminded but I believe the decisions he makes are what he believes will give the definition of success he wants (or Joe Lewis wants), rather than make him look special.

The one bit I do agree with is that having been patient with our incremental growth up until the stadium build Levy does seem keen to find an immediate fix to remediate our lack of silverware. But that is what a lot of fans want is for us to throw money at a squad rebuild and bring in a ‘proven winner’.

Not for a second saying I’m happy with how the last 18 months have panned out but that doesn’t rewrite the good things Levy has managed to do with his appointments.
I’m keeping my powder dry until the appointment (maybe including a dof) and squad overhaul is complete at the end of the summer, if it is Martinez and sell to buy then I will or course be spending an unhealthy about if time complaining about it.
All fair points mate. I think the next 2 years are absolutely crucial for us. Probably equal chances of us properly cementing a place in the top 6 or falling back into the chasing pack. I think we can only go after the top 4 again by cementing our place in the top 6 with a rebuild of young players and them growing as a team together.
I guess we all have our biases, but I know what you mean.
You don't have to be a Trust member to complete the survey. I think it's important that all views get represented, to at least try to give a bit of balance. If you have a different view to that of what appears to be the majority (vocally at least), this is a good opportunity to put it forward.
Or even a Tottenham fan.
It's wide open to abuse from other fans who have nothing better to do.
Arsenal's problem was that Wenger had too much control/power and when it came to replacing him they weren't just replacing a first team coach it was someone who had his fingers in all aspects of running the club - so essentially a first team coach + DoF and some more executive type roles too probably.

They got it arse about face by trying to replace him behind the scenes and freeing him up to manage only in his last year or two - they should have brought in a new first team coach and let him carry on as a DoF type figure and gradually reduced his power over time.
I think sometimes a complete clean break is better.... Almost impossible for a new manager to come in with the club’s most successful ever manager still there presiding over things.
The Trust have a new fans survey about Levy/ENIC , etc.

The sections are as follows:

1. It's all about you
2. Season tickets and memberships
3. Return of fans
4. Match day atmosphere
5. Playing away
6. Spurs are on the telly
7. Football performance
8. Ownership and governance
9. Together THFC
10. National supporter issues
11. THST: How are we doing?

Should make for interesting reading once the results come out.
done. Some great questions in there!

I answered seriously as I think the Trust do try hard but are over zealous on what they think they can and should be able to influence and when you see the list of priorities about half of them would be great and half are ridiculous!

couldn’t resist these though!

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All fair points mate. I think the next 2 years are absolutely crucial for us. Probably equal chances of us properly cementing a place in the top 6 or falling back into the chasing pack. I think we can only go after the top 4 again by cementing our place in the top 6 with a rebuild of young players and them growing as a team together.
I do feel it too. With my friends who I attend with I find myself pacifying their doom mongering but I am also concerned that this next decision for Levy feels like a crossroads, as everything was geared towards the stadium giving us what Poch was delivering and now we have it we are worse off!
My patience with our transfer policy was based on us significantly spending more post the stadium and I accept the influence of Covid has hit those plans harder than most.

I’ve always felt top 6 is par, top 4 exceeding expectations and a trophy less of an indicator of our overall progress. I’m not sure if top 6 will be enough to satisfy a lot of our fan base tbh, unless we fall out of Europe completely?
I think sometimes a complete clean break is better.... Almost impossible for a new manager to come in with the club’s most successful ever manager still there presiding over things.

Ordinarily I'd agree but it was a unique situation at Arsenal - Wenger wouldn't have been moving upstairs, he was already there - he'd have just stepped away from first team duties
The Trust have a new fans survey about Levy/ENIC , etc.

The sections are as follows:

1. It's all about you
2. Season tickets and memberships
3. Return of fans
4. Match day atmosphere
5. Playing away
6. Spurs are on the telly
7. Football performance
8. Ownership and governance
9. Together THFC
10. National supporter issues
11. THST: How are we doing?

Should make for interesting reading once the results come out.

More rubbish for the shredder.