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Anyone signed up for the fruit picking army yet?

How does that work though? People sign up for it and then suddenly get called back by their employer and leave the farmers in it?

If it is the unemployed then frankly they should all have to this every summer as it is hardly a chore, picking fruit outside in the fresh air.

Knowing you i half think your hinting at people being to lazy to do ut which is why we need immigration, which up to a point would be true.

When i was labouring in the 80s we used to get every summer teachers come on site for 6 weeks to earn some extra money. I dont work in any of the trades so i dont know if they still do but i doubt it.

As for the young English or British i dont think they have a work ethic and when you combine that with the benefits they get and a free ride from some very liberal parenting i doubt they could do it.

My son has been told for years if he is not in education he will be paying rent at full market rate. Thankfully he wants to be a media designer which her indoors assures me is a proper university course and not one of the olgy type courses.

Ought to add as i have said many times on here one of my best mates is Latvian and he and so many east Europeans work ethic is to be admired unlike the benefit system and liberal parenting.
If we stay in lockdown much longer there will be plenty desperate for work this summer.

We are not really in lockdown anymore, my wife's best friend works at next and she is going back next Wednesday. My mate is a brighton and hove bus driver and they are ramping up to full service. Our next door neighbour works in a warehouse fixing fire alarms and making new ones, they are going to split shifts so one week he will do nights with a few others so they can socially distance.

Business is going back to work finally.
We are not really in lockdown anymore, my wife's best friend works at next and she is going back next Wednesday. My mate is a brighton and hove bus driver and they are ramping up to full service. Our next door neighbour works in a warehouse fixing fire alarms and making new ones, they are going to split shifts so one week he will do nights with a few others so they can socially distance.

Business is going back to work finally.
The bit the govt seem to have failed to understand is that the "non-essential" stuff is much of what keeps the economy ticking over. It's no good opening up most places but leaving enough closed to fudge the economy - schools especially.
The bit the govt seem to have failed to understand is that the "non-essential" stuff is much of what keeps the economy ticking over. It's no good opening up most places but leaving enough closed to fudge the economy - schools especially.

And the international network of planes/trains/boats

Open the borders.
One player and two staff at Watford and Burnley assistant manager Ian Woan are among six positive Premier League tests for coronavirus.

The other two are at a third club, the details of which have not been revealed.

Players and staff who have tested positive will now self-isolate for seven days.

It comes as squads started non-contact training on Tuesday, as the Premier League steps up plans for a restart.

A total of 748 players and staff from 19 clubs were tested. Norwich City did their tests on Tuesday.

Watford confirmed a player and two members of staff had tested positive but they would not be naming those involved as they had asked for medical confidentiality.

Before the news about Watford's positive tests emerged, captain Troy Deeney said he would not return to training because he feared for his family's health.

"We're due back in this week. I've said I'm not going in," Deeney, 31, told Eddie Hearn and Tony Bellew on the Talk the Talk YouTube show.

"It only takes one person to get infected within the group and I don't want to be bringing that home.

"My son is only five months old. He had breathing difficulties, so I don't want to come home to put him in more danger."

Burnley said Woan was "asymptomatic" and "currently safe and well at home".

"He will remain in close communication with club personnel regarding his re-engagement in training once he is clear of the virus," the club added.
Again. Doesn’t say back tracking

Just asking to follow the rules in place

Swedish officials have nonetheless insisted their plan is sustainable in the long-term, rejecting drastic short-term measures as too ineffective to justify their impact on society.

The sensible Swedes are doing the back tracking for the government by acting in a way that makes sense. Staying socially distanced.
Those stats are alarming but for the sake of perspective they still only account for 11.5% of total COVID-19 deaths in England and Wales :

Deaths involving COVID-19
Up to 8 May 2020, there were 37,375 deaths registered in England and Wales involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) (21,145 men and 16,230 women).

The majority of deaths involving COVID-19 have been among people aged 65 years and over (33,098 out of 37,375)

(keep paging down)
The sensible Swedes are doing the back tracking for the government by acting in a way that makes sense. Staying socially distanced.

Not really, the Swede Government asked for that, so they are following the guidelines set.

The facts are there for all to see, the elderly and vulnerable are the most at risk, if you protect them and the rest act sensibly you can continue with life in the same way you can go to Tesco and get your groceries without things becoming a cluster. The same would happen if they opened London and it was done in a sensible way and people followed sensible guidelines, you know the ones people "claimed" were confusing, like riding or walking to work (many do and can) or work from home if you can (I can).