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Cheatski are still scum

I can't wait for the media tossfest. :rolleyes:
I still haven't seen Chelsea pick up the European Cup. I refuse to watch it, so I'll probably have to stay away from the TV for a month or so.
pretty crappy way to toss their "talisman" on the scrapheap, yes, he's not the player he was but offer him a player/coaching role or something
pretty crappy way to toss their "talisman" on the scrapheap, yes, he's not the player he was but offer him a player/coaching role or something
They may have but expect he'd rather pick up a a bigger salary in US.
With Cahill seemingly out of favour, Terry going, Ivanovic nearing his sell by date - they're going to need a new back four.

Hmmm, very good point; and with them hopefully not making Europe this season the rebuild will have to happen without that Carrot to help them attract players. Lovely
"Cheatski are still scum" what bloody daft thread title. Can't we drop the "are still scum" it's all little neanderthal and well 'Chelsea'!

We are better than this!
Or is he playing the media? Chelsea fans will be demanding he is offered a new contract, so this could be a negotiating ploy. This seems different from the Lampard situtation, where, iirc, the club said he was not being offered a new contract. Here it is Terry making the claim. I wonder if it's even that unusual to leave contract negotiations for 35 year old players until the summer. What about Giggs at United.

If Terry is prepared to take one year rolling contracts with no guarantees on starting, I'm sure Chelsea would oblige. If he wants a three year contract with guaranteed starts and protections about being highest paid player (as before) then they obviously will let him go.
Comment of the day has to go to my wife.

I was talking about Terry's retirement and how great it would be if for his last game he had to join an honour guard for Leicester at Stamford Bridge.

Her response:
"Don't be stupid. He'd be out there in a Leicester kit celebrating"


This is what happens when you join Chelski. Costa is due to join the club at the weekend after breaking his nose in training. Kudos the whichever Chelsea youth player was responsible.