My two cents worth, benefits should never be more profitable than working. If you can earn more on benefits than you can earn in a minimum wage job then the system is fudged up. I don't know if this is true, I haven't researched the stats but you often here people saying it's not worth them working because they get more money by not working. That is patently wrong.
I also have very strong feelings on child benefits too, but then I don't have kids and have no desire to have kids, so accept I'm probably in the minority. I think child benfit should be scrapped. Why should those of us who decide not to have children support those who do? If you can't afford to have kids then you shouldn't have them and then expect the state to support you. Child benefits were brought in following the war when people had no money, and the government introduced the system to encourage people to produce the next generation. That is no longer the case, we are already over-populated so don't need to incentivise people to have children. If they do want children then fine, but they shouldn't expect the rest of society to support them.
If I did decide to have kids, I could comfortably afford it, including all nursery costs etc so I shouldn't be entitled to child benefits. But I would certainly take them, I'd be a fool not to. The system allows people to drain money from the state even when they are not dependant on that money and that has to be fundamentally wrong.