As for the second bit I highlighted, plays a bit into the first in as much as the KEY to MOST things is having a STRONG basic education system (something I know you believe strongly in too incidentally by reading your posts mate)...otherwise that second portion (jobs people don't want) will become ALL there is for the majority who go through an increasingly weakened public education system...these also become the people who have kids when they shouldn't per se...
Re: Education, I'm not sure what radical difference there is between a good school and a bad school. I believe a large part of the difference is the lack of education and guidance a lot of students recieve from home. Schools aren't there to raise your kids, they are there to teach. If a teacher can't control a student, that's more down to poor parenting than it is the education system IMO.
Good teachers go to bad schools are become labeled as bad teachers because there is a lack of discipline at home for students for poorer families. Not in all cases of course, but enough to distrupt the good pupils and reduce thier oppertunitys.
The problem with the education system isn't schools, it's parenting (or the lack thereof)