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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: AVB Sacked page 224


but didnt he see him before?

That's the world coaches operate in. They're hired with those doing the hiring only having seen the results of their work, not their actual working methods.
Its kind of like buying a striker based on his stats without ever seeing him play.

Apparently Baldini saw there was "a softness in the training" whatever that really means.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I really find your reactions strange sometimes mate. A couple of weeks back BFS basically stood up for AVB saying he was right to have a go back at the press and you took offence, now our mate Arry says AVB should have been given more time and still you find this offensive?

For the record, I don't like Jamie Redknapp either, but maybe just maybe he and his Dad don't agree on everything. I know I didn't agree with my old man a lot of times, If I had a pound for every time we had a football related arguement I'd have a private jet on 24 hour standby.

He didn't really say that and his first statement said that AVB was immature for singling out the jorno
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I think that the biggest issue for me with his sacking is I cannot see the sense in the club having a policy of making long term signings and then sacking the manager over short term results. If this is the way that the club is going to operate then it will force future managers into demanding instant fix signings.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

He didn't really say that and his first statement said that AVB was immature for singling out the jorno


There you have it. "He's probably right", " I admire him for having a go"
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I think that the biggest issue for me with his sacking is I cannot see the sense in the club having a policy of making long term signings and then sacking the manager over short term results. If this is the way that the club is going to operate then it will force future managers into demanding instant fix signings.

Maybe he looks at Chelsea's success even when they've sacked managers because it's Tuesday and thought you know what how important is the manager really?

He's a mini Abramovich, minus the bribery, fraud and blackmail allegations, allegedly.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I really find your reactions strange sometimes mate. A couple of weeks back BFS basically stood up for AVB saying he was right to have a go back at the press and you took offence, now our mate Arry says AVB should have been given more time and still you find this offensive?

For the record, I don't like Jamie Redknapp either, but maybe just maybe he and his Dad don't agree on everything. I know I didn't agree with my old man a lot of times, If I had a pound for every time we had a football related arguement I'd have a private jet on 24 hour standby.

I understand why it might seem odd mate, but I'll explain myself. i don't believe either of them. They are skillful manipulators who know the game. BFS patronized and belittled AVB in an indirect way, and Harry stepped in at the 'perfect' moment precisely so as he could seem 'supportive' when he was quoted before as ridiculing the appt with his 'bull**** baffles brains' comments. In all honesty I despise the way in which Redknapp continues to talk about our club at every opportunity. Martin Jol manages to largely avoid comment and I'm sure he's been asked.

Your point with regards to Jamie is fair mate, I have no idea what their actual relationship is, and thus you could be right too.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

That's his second statement where he backtracked a bit on what he had said earlier when he called AVB immature

Perhaps he realised he made a mistake and wanted to clarify what he said before? Doesn't he get any credit for what he said after then?
Re: AVB Sacked page 224


There you have it. "He's probably right", " I admire him for having a go"

Mate…it was the equivalent of pinching your opponent's armpit, and when they fall down screaming, making a gesture to help them up and ask them if they're OK. He's a ****. I hope we smash them and i hope he gets the ****ing sack too.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

Perhaps he realised he made a mistake and wanted to clarify what he said before? Doesn't he get any credit for what he said after then?

It's like when a lawyer throws something in which is wildly off-base, the judge strikes it from 'public' record but it's already been placed in the ears of the jury, thus job done and all the back-tracking and apologies won't remove that reality. These are skilled and masterful operators...
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

Perhaps he realised he made a mistake and wanted to clarify what he said before? Doesn't he get any credit for what he said after then?

Let's dig up the original thread if we want to revisit it. Not that I am particularly bothered, I just wanted to point out that what he originally said was not particularly complimentary.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

Maybe he looks at Chelsea's success even when they've sacked managers because it's Tuesday and thought you know what how important is the manager really?

He's a mini Abramovich, minus the bribery, fraud and blackmail allegations, allegedly.

It might work if we had Chelsea's transfer and wages budget.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

I think that the biggest issue for me with his sacking is I cannot see the sense in the club having a policy of making long term signings and then sacking the manager over short term results. If this is the way that the club is going to operate then it will force future managers into demanding instant fix signings.

Most of the top clubs around the world operate this way. You need a strong leader and it doesn't have to be the manager. Levy has some understanding of football and he certainly knows how to run a football club. Managers at this level are paid more than handsomely for their services. It's a merry go round, we just have to make sure we're on the elite one.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

The way we operate just doesn't seem to work in England. Works on the continent but not here.

why do you think that is?
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

The way we operate just doesn't seem to work in England. Works on the continent but not here.

why do you think that is?

We've only had a two tier structure back for months and I do not think it was the reason for AVB's failure/sacking. Also, it seems to be working fine at plenty of other clubs in the Premier League. Off the top of my head City, United, WBA, Swansea, Liverpool and Chelsea all have something similar.
Re: AVB Sacked page 224

The way we operate just doesn't seem to work in England. Works on the continent but not here.

why do you think that is?

I'd say it's working pretty well for us. We've been a top 6 side for several years now, it's just that the next step is incredibly hard given the number of clubs with considerably higher resources available to them.