Kevin Scott
Like Ba says (more succinctly than I would have tbh), Money has more value than real values. I don't want this to devolve in to a left / right thing but it's not an arab state with oil so is it really just that we're not interested as we'd only stand to lose out financially? Doing the right thing isn't going to be the most profitable but surely having a world free of this kind of tyranny is better than the stock markets performing better than expected.
i'm not convinced that the money/economic reason is the cause of the lack of action globally on this matter tbh. there was/is a general apapthy from the west re the rohingya muslim issue, and it looks similar this time around. and there wasn't an economic carrot on the line there. like i've said earlier, in many western/g8 etc countries, there is an apathy on muslim plights amongst the general population (for the reasons mentioned in previous posts) - therefore there is no demand/desire for governments to involve themselves here (after all, how often have governments been blamed for involving themselves in countries where they shouldn't have).
I've just seen today that kanoute has posted on another incident where he feels an islamic country is under attack, and there is inaction from the rest of the world.

im not aware of the background to this particular incident, but again, theres not as much economically on the line here (compared to china), but little action globally. If you look at the twitter comments to posts such as this, ozil's, demba ba's, you'll notice that the vast majority of comments are from users with names of middle eastern origin - ie. unless these cases impact you/people of your religion, its unlikely that you'll actually care too much about this.
anecdotally, and i accept that this is from my perspective only (but i suspect that others have similar experiences) - amongst my friends/family/colleagues, i've spoken very little about the uighur/china issue - i'm just not sure that non-muslim people really "care" in any noticeable volume. its unfortunate, but there's probably more interest in the huawei ban than uighurs in the uk.
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