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*** Tottenham vs Crystal Palace OMT ***

Well. Slightly better than Sunderland away. And its still 0-0

Leicester are doing us a slight favour. Shame we havent taken advantage yet
Well that was a crock of sh1te!

Dembele is injured and needs to come off so that means Son replaces him.

Not sure what to do about Wanyama in that case as I dont trust any of the other subs
I think Townsend is going to score a screamer tonight.

Would like to see us change things about a bit and have kane deeper with Janssen up front and Son out wide in a free role.
Ref not been great but we've been way below par. Far too sloppy all over the pitch , it's fkn annoying the shiite out of me when I know what we can do.
Bit of a bitty half, spits and starts, very niggly, neither side really flowing, I imagine as Sam is trying to disrupt our rythm and get in our faces. Expect pretty much more of the same, second half.
We're too slow on the ball, not clicking offensively at all, few runs, little movement in general. Wanyama has to be subbed, can't risk a red for him.

Will be tough to win this. We've got the possession though, got palace running around. Hopefully they'll tire sooner rather than later.
Jon Moss AGAIN!! How does this guy get to ref Spurs away. We should start protesting every time we see him!!
Walker is starting to tinkle me off. He is a major key. If he breaks then we create. He simply isn't offering nearly enough going forward. Several times we are looking for that quick width and Walker is not high enough!

It is been a while I saw a Walker brainfart BUT I saw one today.