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Tottenham Hotspur Stadium - Licence To Stand

Re: Northumberland Development Project

Somebody who hasnt been on for a day is going to think an annoucement has been made. Think the thread must have moved on by about 3 pages in the last few hours.
Superhudd you're on again at 19.27
Re: Northumberland Development Project

Apologies everyone, left the computer for a couple of hrs and 3 pages of messages at 5 minutes intervals. As you know I have no idea wtf is happening or why my account seems to do it. To stop I log out and then log in and its seems to stop. Again apologies everyone.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

Can you explain what your reference to 'sideshow bob' represents? I'm sure it's not a Carlos Valderrama look-a-like.

Tottenham as a company gets all monies from hiring out the stadium for a concert and not like the Olympic stadium whereby a 3rd party picks up the rental. In other words.. AEG walzing in and taking over akin to them looking like they own the stadium. Tottenham/Enic should be boss. I don't want like what happened at the 02, whereby AEG held the government to ransom and said we take over we pay for conversion and we take all the profit and ownership rights. It should at the very least be a joint partnership if anything.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

I have a contact in the NFL and can confirm this rumour is legit, some way off being anywhere near realisation however.

My post count is low but in the old GG when I had more time I was fairly frequent poster.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

I have a contact in the NFL and can confirm this rumour is legit, some way off being anywhere near realisation however.

My post count is low but in the old GG when I had more time I was fairly frequent poster.

What rumour?

The rumour that the NFL are looking to give a franchise to London?

Or the rumour that Spurs are working on a new design and capacity increase and looking to share the new WHL with a future London NFL franchise?

If it's the former, then it's pretty much common knowledge for anyone who follows the NFL even casually.

But if it's the latter, then the plot seriously thickens!
Re: Northumberland Development Project

EXCLUSIVE: Spurs courting NFL as they make plans for new 65,000-seater stadium... but that could hurt Wembley

PUBLISHED: 21:00 GMT, 26 October 2013 | UPDATED: 21:42 GMT, 26 October 2013

Tottenham are working on secret plans for a new 65,000-seat multi-purpose stadium that would allow them to share with a London-based NFL franchise — a move that could put them on a collision course with the Football Association.

Earlier this year, Spurs dumped their original designs for a 56,000-seat stadium costing £400million, stating that they wanted to reconsider a number of interior features at the new White Hart Lane.

But The Mail on Sunday can reveal Spurs have appointed Populous, designers of the Olympic Stadium and the Emirates Stadium — home to north London rivals Arsenal — to design a bigger ground allowing an easy switch from football to NFL.

Sources close to the build believe Spurs are looking to design a completely new stadium based around a combination of the two sports.

It is understood that plans being drawn up for the Premier League outfit may include a sliding pitch to protect the playing surface for when it is used for NFL matches.

The sliding pitch would cost a substantial amount and suggests that, behind the scenes, Spurs bosses are confident they can lure NFL games from Wembley or even attract a London NFL franchise.

The revelation also adds weight to the likelihood of an increasing NFL presence in London over the next few years. An NFL-ready stadium would send Tottenham and the FA into a head-to-head battle to bag millions of pounds per season from NFL games.

Wembley hosts an international Series game between the Jacksonville Jaguars and San Francisco 49ers this afternoon. It is the first time two NFL games have been staged at Wembley in the same season after Minnesota Vikings beat the Pittsburgh Steelers last month 34-27. Such games have helped increase Wembley’s income in recent years, with profit estimated at between £500,000 and £1m per game.

Wembley typically hosts around 30 major events a year including football, concerts and the NFL, with income roughly £3m per event. Much of that money goes to the clubs, artists or organisations.

Wembley’s take from non-England football events comes from staging fees and income from in-stadium advertising, catering and parking. If Spurs managed to lure the NFL to a new stadium and established a formal relationship with a permanent NFL tenant, they could take a split of the ticket receipts as well as a hosting cost. That could jump to millions per game.

Wembley could not realistically bid to become the permanent home of an NFL team needign to play eight home games per season and use the stadium as a base from summer to January.

There have been suggestions that the Jacksonville Jaguars, owned by Shahid Khan, who bought Fulham in the summer, could be one franchise to move to London, though Khan denied that yesterday.

Last year the Jaguars signed a four-year deal to play one game a year at Wembley until 2016. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has become increasingly keen on establishing a franchise in London, following the success of a series of one-off matches.

Three games will be played at Wembley in 2014 as the NFL steps up attempts to globalise the game. The stadium will host Jacksonville v Dallas Cowboys, as well as Atlanta Falcons v Detroit Lions and Oakland Raiders v Miami Dolphins.

Speaking at a Sports Journalists’ Association lunch this week, Goodell said: ‘The great thing about our fans in the UK is that it seems they want more and more. And we want to deliver that. I’ve often said I don’t rule out that there could be a franchise here in the UK. If it continues to grow that is a real possibility.’

A Spurs spokesperson told The Mail on Sunday: ‘THFC has always seen the new stadium as being at the heart of the regeneration of the area and this process can be enhanced through future-proofing the design, as well as increasing the functionality of the stadium. The club intends to continue to examine all options as it refines its plans.’

But Spurs are likely have to apply for a new planning permission for a bigger stadium.

Re: Northumberland Development Project

Tottenham as a company gets all monies from hiring out the stadium for a concert and not like the Olympic stadium whereby a 3rd party picks up the rental. In other words.. AEG walzing in and taking over akin to them looking like they own the stadium. Tottenham/Enic should be boss. I don't want like what happened at the 02, whereby AEG held the government to ransom and said we take over we pay for conversion and we take all the profit and ownership rights. It should at the very least be a joint partnership if anything.

If AEG (or whoever) was to contribute half the construction costs of the new stadium (say £200m), reimburse Spurs for half the property and project development costs incurred (say £40m) and pay half the development value of the land that Spurs already owned and upon which the new stadium will be built (say £20m), then it would still be a fantastic deal for the club. By the time that the various enabling developments are sold, maybe five years after the stadium opens, the club could even be debt free. That would be incredible when you consider how many clubs are burdened with crippling debts for years or decades after building new stadia (or even stands) that are half the size and a quarter the quality. Not having to take on huge debt cannot be underestimated.

If, as part of the deal, our stadium partner gets to keep the profits from concerts and other events that they stage, then that would be fair enough. Spurs will keep all the profits from any football (soccer) matches played at the stadium and any other events that the club organises. Same as at the current stadium, then. Only difference is that we'll have far more income from ticket and corporate sales and the income from a massive naming rights deal - more income, I suspect, than we would have earned from any naming rights deal we could sign on our own, even after our stadium partner taking its 50% share. Not forgetting, of course, that our stadium partner would have to pay half the ongoing stadium maintenance costs henceforward. That's worth another £1m or so per annum.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

If AEG (or whoever) was to contribute half the construction costs of the new stadium (say £200m), reimburse Spurs for half the property and project development costs incurred (say £40m) and pay half the development value of the land that Spurs already owned and upon which the new stadium will be built (say £20m), then it would still be a fantastic deal for the club. By the time that the various enabling developments are sold, maybe five years after the stadium opens, the club could even be debt free. That would be incredible when you consider how many clubs are burdened with crippling debts for years or decades after building new stadia (or even stands) that are half the size and a quarter the quality. Not having to take on huge debt cannot be underestimated.

If, as part of the deal, our stadium partner gets to keep the profits from concerts and other events that they stage, then that would be fair enough. Spurs will keep all the profits from any football (soccer) matches played at the stadium and any other events that the club organises. Same as at the current stadium, then. Only difference is that we'll have far more income from ticket and corporate sales and the income from a massive naming rights deal - more income, I suspect, than we would have earned from any naming rights deal we could sign on our own, even after our stadium partner taking its 50% share. Not forgetting, of course, that our stadium partner would have to pay half the ongoing stadium maintenance costs henceforward. That's worth another £1m or so per annum.

So we agree, a joint partnership at the very least. ;)
Re: Northumberland Development Project

What rumour?

The rumour that the NFL are looking to give a franchise to London?

Or the rumour that Spurs are working on a new design and capacity increase and looking to share the new WHL with a future London NFL franchise?

If it's the former, then it's pretty much common knowledge for anyone who follows the NFL even casually.

But if it's the latter, then the plot seriously thickens!

The latter
Re: Northumberland Development Project

So, I've just gone through the first few pages of Skys****er* City's "Completed" stadia forum and honest to GHod, I can't see a new soccerball stadium that really floats my boat. Some good ones for sure and of course some great older stadia (Westfallon etc) but very few new ones I'd be gagging for Spurs to emulate.

Does anyone have examples of new stadiums you'd be happy if they were Spurs'?

*lolz swear filter
Re: Northumberland Development Project

So, I've just gone through the first few pages of Skys****er* City's "Completed" stadia forum and honest to GHod, I can't see a new soccerball stadium that really floats my boat. Some good ones for sure and of course some great older stadia (Westfallon etc) but very few new ones I'd be gagging for Spurs to emulate.

Does anyone have examples of new stadiums you'd be happy if they were Spurs'?


From the interior, I'm not a big fan of uniform bowls (even those that are straight at the ends and along the sides) - be they single or multi tier. Yet few new football stadia are anything but, these days.

From the exterior, I'm not a fan of that curved, windowless shell with blingy cladding or lighting that so many new stadia seem to favour. Overdone. Boring. Even the better ones like this version in Gdansk:


I can't think of any new stadiums that tick all the boxes for me. I think Porto's Dragao stadium is stunning. But more from an aesthetic sensibility than from the requirement of helping to generate atmosphere. Ideally, I'd love Populous to come up with a more elegant version of Dortmund's Westfalen stadium.
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Re: Northumberland Development Project

No stadium should "tick a box" its a ****ing stadium, what is important is the view to the pitch and the noise it helps to create, i could not give a damn if it is covered in plastic or wool as long as it gets built, does not bankrupt us in the process, makes it easier to get tickets and generates a good atmosphere.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

I think your calculations on width for the NFL is pushing beyond the minimum that a clever design would need, and that your numbers for a football configuration are underestimated.

Spurs will be going for a UEFA category of stadium at least capable of hosting a Europa League Final. With that comes minimum run off distances for player safety in wet conditions. for example I don't think Green Bay would be able to fit a football pitch.

I have no doubt that there will be temporary or movable seating in the designs. I just don't believe it will be related to space. It will be for sight lines.

Where did you get that UEFA category of stadium info from? Bayern hosted the CL final last year and their stands are pretty close to the pitch.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

IMO the Allianz Arena is a great modern ground, wouldn't mind something like that.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

No stadium should "tick a box" its a ****ing stadium, what is important is the view to the pitch and the noise it helps to create, i could not give a damn if it is covered in plastic or wool as long as it gets built, does not bankrupt us in the process, makes it easier to get tickets and generates a good atmosphere.

Why shouldn't stadiums tick boxes? We surely all have certain elements / characteristics that we'd like to see in a stadium? For me, it's:

1. Stands close to the pitch.
2. Steep tiers, helping to generate atmosphere.
3. Character and idiosyncrasy - i.e. not a uniform bowl.
4. Uninterrupted views not just of the pitch but of each of the other stands.
5. Architectural merit - i.e. aesthetically pleasing.

If the new Spurs stadium ticks each of those boxes while providing us with sufficient capacity, then I'll be happy.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

Where did you get that UEFA category of stadium info from? Bayern hosted the CL final last year and their stands are pretty close to the pitch.

It will be available somewhere on the UEFA site. I'm aware of it because of my work rather than through searching for it.

For anyone who is interested, for the NFL game tonight the pitch and benches either side with warm up areas etc all fitted within the width of the football pitch. The areas on the tarmac were only used for cheerleaders, camera positions which we could allow for in our design, and temporary sound systems.
Re: Northumberland Development Project

a thought occurred to me watching the game at Wembley today, the Jags were the home team and will be for one of next years London games as well, regarding a full time London franchise they have to be a front runner, they are owned by the same guy who owns Fulham, who could also do with a new stadium...
Re: Northumberland Development Project

IMO the Allianz Arena is a great modern ground, wouldn't mind something like that.

I like the interior of the AA, but strongly dislike the exterior. I think a football stadium should look like a football stadium, not an art gallery or airport terminal. After all, there are only so many stadia built and they can be beautiful - so not making the form match the function is a terrible wasted opportunity. This is also why I dislike, say, coloured exteriors (like the Gdansk one Jimmy posted just above) or stadia in the shape of flower-petals (Qatar '22 stadia) or some nonsense like that.