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Tottenham Hotspur Stadium - Licence To Stand

I think the costs decision makes sense. The appeal was against the SoS, while Haringey and Spurs chose to have representation as interested parties. Spurs and Haringey were the ones who initiated the CPO process, so it seems fair they pay for their own costs as part of the process. The only issue would be if the judge declared the appeal frivolous, which he didn't quite do.
Hopefully the club announcement this afternoon will clarify whether Archway have any right of appear or not - various reports say they do, some say they dont. Either way, this decision today is a big step towards the new stadium
Hopefully the club announcement this afternoon will clarify whether Archway have any right of appear or not - various reports say they do, some say they dont. Either way, this decision today is a big step towards the new stadium
The judge has refused permission to appeal - which means he won't personally refer the case to the Court of Appeal. However they do have the right of appeal directly to the appeal court themselves
They might not do it considering their case is that weak. Either way I can see a fleet of diggers arriving in the next week.
Here's the full statement from Tottenham Hotspur after today's decision:

The High Court hearing in respect of the challenge by Archway Sheet Metal Works Ltd and the Josif Family Trustees to the Secretary of State's decision to confirm a Compulsory Purchase Order in respect of their land took place earlier this week (17/18 Feb 2015) and judgment was handed down this morning (20 February). Mr Justice Dove rejected Archway’s challenge to the Compulsory Purchase Order on all grounds.

Following this, Archway, the owners of the last remaining land to be acquired for the stadium site, requested permission to appeal the judgment and this was refused by Mr Justice Dove who concluded that an appeal had no reasonable prospect of success. Archway now have 21 days in which to apply to the Court of Appeal.

While there is still therefore a possibility of a further appeal, the hope must be that this High Court decision will now allow us to progress what is widely recognised as the flagship development in the regeneration of Tottenham.

The objectives of the CPO, as originally stated in 2012, underline the importance of today's decision and recognise the compelling case in the public interest:

To provide a focal point for the regeneration of Tottenham
To provide a catalyst for the long-term physical regeneration of Tottenham
To show tangible actions by the Council and THFC working in partnership, post the riots, to provide an opportunity to support the social, physical and economic well-being of the area
To bring the vacant, under utilised land and buildings into use and development
To enable THFC to stay and invest within the Borough
To enable a comprehensive development and regeneration of the whole of the Northumberland Development Project Site to be achieved
To enable London as a whole to benefit from the regeneration
To maximise the benefits to the community and businesses within London as a whole and within the local area
To allow THFC to assemble the site to build the scheme

We shall continue to provide updates as matters progress.
Not quite. Waiting to hear whether Archway decide to go to the Court of Appeal which if they do they must apply within the next fortnight, but they need to demonstrate exceptional circumstances to stand a chance of winning the right.

What's the betting they'll now hang it out the full fortnight their allowed before announcing whether they'll appeal.

Start pouring the concrete baby and let's get this mother going
A couple months more delay could easily push the stadium development out one further season. Thats the last thing we need.
Forcing them to pay costs could have bankrupted those greedy cvnts and taught them a lesson. I'd like to take the risk.
The key part:

"....requested permission to appeal the judgment and this was refused by Mr Justice Dove who concluded that an appeal had no reasonable prospect of success. Archway now have 21 days in which to apply to the Court of Appeal...."

So 21 days to wait......I guess the question then is if they do apply, what is the probability of the application for an appeal being accepted?
Forcing them to pay costs could have bankrupted those greedy cvnts and taught them a lesson. I'd like to take the risk.

Based on who represented them, and their continued persistence at a play that most legal advice would have suggested not to do, I can only come up with two scenarios

- Owners are one of those stupid/stubborn old school business people who would bankrupt themselves to prove a point
- They are being backed by someone with interest in seeing Spurs delayed

If I was Levy, I would investigate the paying of, any deals that might show a link between Archway and a 3rd Party with counter interest to Tottenham
The SSN report referred to the possibility that the club may increase the planned capacity of the stadium to 61K. Just hope we don't have to wait another three weeks to get the full lowdown on the reworked plans.
Based on who represented them, and their continued persistence at a play that most legal advice would have suggested not to do, I can only come up with two scenarios

- Owners are one of those stupid/stubborn old school business people who would bankrupt themselves to prove a point
- They are being backed by someone with interest in seeing Spurs delayed

If I was Levy, I would investigate the paying of, any deals that might show a link between Archway and a 3rd Party with counter interest to Tottenham

Conspiracy theory I know but I wouldnt put it past Cheatski / Roman A to do this, particularly given his antics in the past and the way they just buy young players and loan them out to stop others getting them
No conspiracy here, just plain old greed. They will go to the court of appeal, they have nothing to lose. I presume since the fire the company is not running. I would imaging if they receive the original CPO value it will go straight to the lawyers and they will have nothing.

Its a guess but i think they gave up a choice as to whether to continue some time. It may come down to whether the lawyers either think they can win (unlikely) or if they can prove funds to continue to appeal in the hope a rabbit comes out of a hat.

In fact the are probably so bitter about this they will use last money to fight anyway. If you have spend 300k whats another 50k
They will have to think very carefully about taking this to the Court of Appeal. This High Court Judge has examined the evidence and concluded it was without merit in any way whatsoever. No wriggle room. He has turned down the prospect of advancing an appeal through his Court so Archway's QC will have to find fault with this High Court Judge's deliberations to apply to the Court of Appeal. If they try it they will face paying all costs which will ruin them.
The SSN report referred to the possibility that the club may increase the planned capacity of the stadium to 61K. Just hope we don't have to wait another three weeks to get the full lowdown on the reworked plans.
Just found this in the MailonLine article:

As well as challenging the legality of the CPO itself, Archway argued that proposed new changes to Tottenham project are so substantial that they 'alter the viability case made at the inquiry' and further undermine the order.

Christopher Lockhart-Mummery QC, for Archway, said in written submissions that the Premier League Club dismissed these as matters of 'minutiae' within 'a sea of detail' which was 'irrelevant'.

However, the Tottenham documents did reveal discussions had taken place involving an updated design of Tottenham's stadium and increasing its capacity by 5,000.

So, confirmation that the rumours of an uplift in capacity to 61,000 do indeed have substance. The original figure was I believe something like 56,250. :)