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Tim Sherwood…gone \o/

Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

We maybe didn't look like scoring any more, but not any less. But we used to control games and dictate play, you could say how we were set up. I think if AVB played Ade we would have done much better!

Roll on the summer to start all over again; and in the mean time hope our excellent squad can drag is up to 4th. Highly unlikely.

am glad you think our squad is excellent, it emphasises more the mockery and perfumed **** that AVB put out there.....with an excellent squad you have to be drastically and unforgivably bad to make a players look like that

disagree on the ade thing though..as we are playing more as an offensive unit now....not a cement boulder with ade waiting for service outside it
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

just wondering with the earlier posts......why do we keep starting games as if our players are just off an all night bender????

I dont enjoy Dawson as captain, i dont think he inspires as I have menioned before...but it cant be all layed at his front door......

so why do our players look lost when that whistle goes??????

poor prep??not understanding roles???? unmotivated?????

I think alot of people have mentioned it now (not to be ungrateful after a great win) but why cant we ever start a game these days and grab it by the balls??? I do appeciate timmy's honesty regarding this and our peformances but can he address it????? I would love it just LOVE IT if we could start a game like a house on fire rather than look like a collecton of lost souls...
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

am glad you think our squad is excellent, it emphasises more the mockery and perfumed **** that AVB put out there.....with an excellent squad you have to be drastically and unforgivably bad to make a players look like that

disagree on the ade thing though..as we are playing more as an offensive unit now....not a cement boulder with ade waiting for service outside it

I don't understand this comment, Affy.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

just wondering with the earlier posts......why do we keep starting games as if our players are just off an all night bender????

I dont enjoy Dawson as captain, i dont think he inspires as I have menioned before...but it cant be all layed at his front door......

so why do our players look lost when that whistle goes??????

poor prep??not understanding roles???? unmotivated?????

I think alot of people have mentioned it now (not to be ungrateful after a great win) but why cant we ever start a game these days and grab it by the balls??? I do appeciate timmy's honesty regarding this and our peformances but can he address it????? I would love it just LOVE IT if we could start a game like a house on fire rather than look like a collecton of lost souls...

I think it might be related to outrageous and unnecessary use of multiple question marks, but I could be wrong ;)
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I thought Dembele was excellent today. Would be very harsh to drop him.

Will be interesting to see what Sherwood does when Sandro is back. Could see him wishing to play Eriksen or Lamela in the role Dembele had today or play two strikers against some of the lesser teams. That only leaves two central positions for Sandro, Dembele, Paulinho and Bentaleb to fight for. So far those players have played more or less whenever fit under Sherwood.

Well, for the praise I did give him, I had to rush out before adding that I was really disappointed with his distribution once again, and it is for that reason that Sandro walks into the side when fully fit and Bentaleb keeps his spot.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Interesting to see in Stobart's Goal article that he believes Sherwood may well be ok with staying at Spurs and learning from Van Gaal.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Interesting to see in Stobart's Goal article that he believes Sherwood may well be ok with staying at Spurs and learning from Van Gaal.

I said this a while ago and I think that would be great. So there is short term success involved as well as long term with the succession planning. There is a problem though, if TS does do well he will be sought after, make no mistake about that.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

We were atrocious in the first half. Didn't move the ball well at all, it barely looked like we bothered turning up, very poor passing, our defensive work was just horrible, another 5-1 drubbing waiting to happen. Thankfully we understood the seriousness of the situation at half time. I don't get why we've started so slow these last few games, it's like we're not turned on. Second half was a lot better defensively, and if we had wingers or wing backs who could actually put a decent cross in, I think we'd create some more chances as well. Generally we seem to lack an urgency about our game at the moment, which I don't get. I don't believe for a second that we will snatch that 4th place from Liverpool, but our players damn well should believe it! Oh, well, the win was all that mattered today, Everton are a good side, have not lost many games this season, so bottom line - good win, although the performance wasn't convincing.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I said this a while ago and I think that would be great. So there is short term success involved as well as long term with the succession planning. There is a problem though, if TS does do well he will be sought after, make no mistake about that.

I suppose it comes down then to what Sherwood wants for himself. If he sees value in working alongside a man like Van Gaal who clearly will not be around for years and years but has a wealth of experience and knowledge that could be part of a very valuable learning process.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

A lot of articles flying around the interweb today saying LVG and TS next season. Honestly think this would be the best thing for everyone, certainly think Sherwood could do with it (which is no bad thing) and at the end of it we will be left with a better coach than we have now.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

A lot of articles flying around the interweb today saying LVG and TS next season. Honestly think this would be the best thing for everyone, certainly think Sherwood could do with it (which is no bad thing) and at the end of it we will be left with a better coach than we have now.

Didn't see that coming. Interesting.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I'm glad he's not happy

Sherwood -"The game plan was to put pressure on them higher up the field and for some reason we stood off them and just admired them."

Don't get me wrong, I quite like Tim, but this quote is spookily reminiscent of George Graham.

Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

just wondering with the earlier posts......why do we keep starting games as if our players are just off an all night bender????

I dont enjoy Dawson as captain, i dont think he inspires as I have menioned before...but it cant be all layed at his front door......

so why do our players look lost when that whistle goes??????

poor prep??not understanding roles???? unmotivated?????

I think alot of people have mentioned it now (not to be ungrateful after a great win) but why cant we ever start a game these days and grab it by the balls??? I do appeciate timmy's honesty regarding this and our peformances but can he address it????? I would love it just LOVE IT if we could start a game like a house on fire rather than look like a collecton of lost souls...

Possibly because we don't play one system. Each game the team has to find their feet. We've lacked consistency of setup and players this season. Sherwood needs to stick with one starting system and get the team confident playing that setup.

Now Defoe is off, it should remain one up front. Hopefully we can start much much better with the team used to playing one way. It has been a consistent issue, get it sorted Sherwood!
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I liked this bit best:

It is easy to be snobbish and sarcastic about Sherwood's back to basics approach to management, but it is worth appreciating that there is more than one way to skin a footballing cat. If his record over his first nine league games was spread across a whole season it would return a haul of 84 points. That's been enough to guarantee a top four place in every Premier League season, and indeed would have won the title just three years ago.

Mentioning no names......
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

If we play 433, the make up of the front 3 will make or break our season. Ade-Eriksen have to start. But we need Rose to hit some form and stretch play down the left wing (with a midfield player able to drop into left back).

Lennon has to do more. He has driven games in the past. He can terrorize defenses, cutting in or getting to the goal line and crossing. But he's too easily tackled and can give up too easily. You want him to be more of a terrier, and more tenacious, never giving up lost causes and constantly testing defenses. Instead he'll take on clear opportunities rather than whip up something from nothing.

There is Townsend, Lamela and even Dembele who could play on the right. So the onus is on Lennon to pull out some performances, take HIS game to the opposition. Get one on one and have them guess whether he's going to cut inside and shot or nip around them and cross/ pass.