Saw something on TV the other day where a scientist said exactly the same thing. Its never happening everThis is good
Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars | Defector
Mars does not have a magnetosphere. Any discussion of humans ever settling the red planet can stop right there, but of course it never does. Do you have a low-cost plan for, uh, creating a gigantic active dynamo at Mars’s dead core? No? Well. It’s fine. I’m sure you have some other
Saw something on TV the other day where a scientist said exactly the same thing. Its never happening ever
If you want to understand why Musk, Thiel and other techbro billionaires are pursing such nonsense you need to understand longtermism. They are zealots.Saw something on TV the other day where a scientist said exactly the same thing. Its never happening ever
If you want to understand why Musk, Thiel and other techbro billionaires are pursing such nonsense you need to understand longtermism. They are zealots.
Why longtermism is the world’s most dangerous secular credo | Aeon Essays
It started as a fringe philosophical theory about humanity’s future. It’s now richly funded and increasingly